Now you're misrepresenting your argument. I included Great Lakes Africans from the outset and all you've done is argued against it including but not limited to your "Northeast African" assertions. Behold what I said and you have argued against since the beginning:
Stop trying to save face and trying twist the argument. I KNOW you included Great Lake region, if you followed the argument you have known that I attacked you on reading the DNAtribes study on the Amarna mummies incorrectly. You are the Ancient Egyptians were Southern, Central and Western African when they weren't.
And heres one of my earlier posts to you(which you overlooked) refuting what you said.
You keep being hard headed and not getting that the people who carried those STR values were NOT from West, South or Central Africa. But instead during the predynastic period of Egypt they were carried by proto Niger-Congo speakers who lived in the Sahara. During the drying of the desert one group went west towards the Niger River and one group went east towards the Nile Valley.
So how the heck can the Ancient Egyptians have been West, Central or South African when their ancestors weren't even from there? More importantly this is only for the 18th dynasty... But anyways it would be more correct to say that the Ancient Egyptians showed AFFINITY to people from those regions, NOT that they WERE those people... You are clearly a laymen. And yes again the Ancient Egyptians were Northeast African, Great Lake region shows the highest MLI scores for the Amarna mummies. And the Great Lake Region is suppose to represent Nilotic speakers who are FROM Northeast Africa.
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Its hard arguing with you, because you're a laymen who acts like he always knew these type of discussions. You don't even know what genetic affinity is. You try to lie and act like the region of Northeast Africa has never been used or mentioned. But even more insane you are now trying to separate Nilotics and Nubia from Northeast Africa where they originate from.
You should learn genetic nomenclature before you engage in arguments about genetics. In the African Great Lakes nomenclature the Nilotic are included but not Somalia, Ethiopia, etc. These people are not the same as Great Lakes Africans and the Ancient Egyptians weren't primarily them . Moving on, the Great Lakes African people originally straddle the Great African Lakes, which is Central/Southern Africa,
You should read other peoples arguments before you twist them.
The problem is that you think I'm trying to the Ancient Egyptians were Ethiopian or Somali when I'm NOT. Once again stop twisting what I am saying!
Where do Nilotics mostly live now? What country was Nubia from?
precisely some of the places I said the Egyptians hail from, the other being West Africa. So the Ancient Egyptians were:
Prove that Ancient Egyptians hailed from west and southern Africa.
The period when sub-Saharan Africa was most influential in Egypt was a time when neither Egypt, as we understand it culturally, nor the Sahara, as we understand it geographically, existed. Populations and cultures now found south of the desert roamed far to the north. The culture of Upper Egypt, which became dynastic Egyptian civilization,
could fairly be called a Sudanese transplant." (Egypt and Sub-Saharan Africa: Their Interaction. Encyclopedia of Precolonial Africa, by Joseph O. Vogel, AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, California (1997), pp. 465-472 )[119]
Yeah definitely of west and south African origin.
I read your argument and reject it and your map which proves nothing.
Why because YOU said so? Here's another map showing the exact same thing.
Your saying Eb1b1a comes from East Africa is not proof it does!
Except the maps I posted and the many anthropologist that agree that it does.
The same cacs who say eb1b1a originated from East Africa also told me Ancient Egyptians weren't black.
Does this include Zahi Hawass who was the ones who obtained the STR values that DNAtribes used that you misinterpret so much? Stop with the cop out.
I respect evidence and nothing else. If eb1b1a originated from East Africa, there would be populations in East Africa with heavy eb1b1a predominance. There is no such population, so the assumption is that E1b1a did not originate in East Africa. E1b1a is NOT found in heavy predominace in Egypt at all. These are the peoples whom have high E1b1a incidences and these are whom the Ramses' E1b1a is LOGICALLY hypothesized to originate from
I already posted evidence which you dismissed so many times, because you didn't like it. And okay? You posted groups that show high frequencies of E1b1a? And?
Why don't you cite us a source that states E1b1a originated in West Africa. Like I said E-M81 is mostly found in Northwest Africa among Berbers and hardly found in East Africa. But it MIGRATED from East Africa, just like E1b1a/E-M2. That's what happens with haplogroups. The originally place where they arose usually holds the lowest frequency. And why wouldn't E-M2/E1b1a noy be from Africa it(and E1b1b) comes from E-P2 which too originated in East Africa!
And saying King Ramses originates from modern West Africans(who probaby weren't even around during that time) is just retarded, but thats the type of statements we get when we argue with laymen.