Bilderberg... ??? Tuskegee Study??? Chicago Jarrett family- Regardless of pedigree and credentials seems like familiy ties and pedigree had some nefarious/shady dealings and connections.
The Tuskegee Study lasted 40 yrs- 40 years of lies, misinformation and racism for the medical treatment (lack of) black men. Intentionally withholding medical necessities for experimentation. That is part of this family’s legacy. Noted as the “most unethical, infamous, biomedical research study in medical history” .
And that’s just one public example of how this family became “prominent”. No telling what else could have taken place behind closed doors.
Then the comment about the only black man being invited to an all white attendee secret society conference known for promoting their capitalist and elitist agenda is nothing to brag about. That’s like bragging about a black man being invited to a kkk rally or neo-nazi party. Hmmm... wonder why they picked him as the “chosen one”.
@Wild self - these so called “examples of black excellence”
Racism and capitalism is one in the same in America, my dear. Bad enough these "black" people look more white than Bob Barr, but also had a hand in undevelopment of non white societies around the world. If that is required to make generational wealth in America, then I want no parts of it

And almost all them are proud of having white blood to