get these nets
This is the funniest story I've read in years, and everything adds up.3) re: Johnson and Robert Johnson and Oprah. You would think there would have been some beef with Robert Johnson but I’m not really aware of any. In fact, when Johnson died, most of all of the media giants, including Robert Johnson, came out to his funeral and paid tributes.
With one exception. Oprah.
Now here is some juicy chatty patty shyt.
There was beef between the Johnsons and Oprah. I have no idea what started it. Oprah was regularly featured on the cover of Ebony in the early 90s so their relationship must have soured at some point. But there were two things that pointed to some animosity. First, Oprah’s cousin came out years ago and essentially said that after telling Oprah that she was applying for a job at Ebony, Oprah told her that she did not like Linda Johnson Rice, and that she should come work for her. Second thing was from a source I got first hand.
Remember this woman in yellow in the Ebony post?-
I was talking to a niece of hers from Cali a few years ago when she was in town visiting. Her niece attended USC with Linda Johnson Rice and they all ran in the same clique along with the daughter of a wealthy black LA businessman who had a business that was essentially a rival to Soft Sheen and Johnson Products (can’t remember his name or busines at the moment also Johnson Products is unrelated to Johnson Publishing). In fact, they were roommates and she told me that Rice would get chauffeured around campus in a limo.
Anyway, this niece, whom is very close to Linda, told me there was historical beef between the Johnsons and Oprah.
Their fallout was exacerbated when Oprah essentially snubbed John Johnson by not showing up to his funeral or releasing a statement on the man that pretty much paved her way in Chicago.
I remember this because this was the first time I had started to lose some respect for Oprah.
Everybody noticed the snub and Roland Martin, who was over the Chicago Defender at the time, wasn’t scared to call Oprah out on it, which is why, contrary to the Coli and TNs narrative of him, I’ve always fucced with Roland.
Here’s a couple of articles -
NPR Choice page
Oprah's silence on John H. Johnson confounds many
Roland essentially says that he reached out to Winfrey over a period of two weeks to get a comment from her and essentially her team hit him with the
Cause Oprah refused to speak on John Johnson.
So Roland published an article in the Defender calling her out saying that all the black media titans and even President Clinton was at Johnson’s funeral and she purposely snubbed it and immediately Oprah broke her silence and hit theand was like she was in Hawaii but sent flowers and a note, but come to find out, the Johnsons never received them, and that she was going to do a Johnson tribute on her show when she got back to Chicago.
She never did the tribute.
The most interesting thing about all of this though?
Who is one of Linda Johnson Rice’s best girlfriends?
Valerie Jarrett.
Do you remember when Oprah was campaigning hard for Obama?
Who was Obama’s closest advisor?
Valerie Jarrett.
Do you remember that at some point when they were on the campaign trail, the Obama’s started to distance themselves from Oprah even though she uncharacteristicly pulled her weight to help him secure the nomination?
If not, let me refresh your memory.
”Ed Klein’s blockbuster new best-seller about President Barack Obama chronicles Obama’s shocking betrayal of Oprah Winfrey, disclosing how Oprah helped him win the presidency and then was “frozen out” of the White House after the election.
After Obama won the White House, Oprah was “largely frozen out of the White House” by senior adviser Valerie Jarrett and Obama’s wife
Jarrett advised Michelle to “distance herself” from Oprah and cut her out of the White House inner circle, suggesting Oprah “didn’t know her place” or “was a bad influence.”
The night crawler strikes.
Paybacks a bish for snubbing her best girlfriend’s father.
Oprah mentions to Roland that she never got to meet John Johnson but respected him. How tf ya’ll never meet and pretty much lived right next door to each other for YEARS on the same block in the Gold Coast?
This plus this recent stuff Oprah pulled with MJ, I don’t fucc with her at all. I don’t deny her accomplishments, but she is as coarse as they come.
I had to go read the RM article, and the follow up article.
I went and found audio of an old interview of Roland from Ed Gordon about this story
I find it funny that Oprah was featured regularly in Ebony and Jet and never met the man himself. It had to have been a snub from Mr. Johnson which would bother Oprah's huge ego. I also think that Johnson's daughter employed the same "you're not one of us" tactics to Oprah that the established Blacks used on John Johnson........too dark, wrong pedigree and in Oprah's case......wrong school.
People without those "prerequisites" are going to have that drive to reach the JJ did and like Oprah did.
That silver spoon that Rice was born with gave her a big head start in life, and she blew it. Oprah became a bigger star and mogul than anybody would have imagined.
Rice was forced to respect a person she once looked down on, much like how you described Chicago elite having to bow down to JJ.
Just me speculating, because it could have been something as petty as a department store / hair salon / car dealership not reserving a one-of-a-kind item for one woman over the other that set off the feud. Maybe some Bears player was banging both of them.
But, not attending the funeral.......and then the family actually answering journalist's question about whether or not Oprah sent flowers is petty as shyt....and points to one of them being deeply hurt by the other.
THE SECOND PART is even funnier.
Oprah made Obama in some ways. Giving him access to her fanbase and cosigning him was HUGE. People forget that Oprah just mentioning the title of your book on her show would put you on the next NYT best seller's list .Jarrett forcing the Obama's to give her the stiff arm is funniest part. Oprah is not used to hearing the word "no", so Rice via her friend got the last laugh.
Roland is old school traditional Black....Baptist, BGLO member, paid his dues working for historic Black newspaper in city with rich Black history. He understands who John Johnson was and he was right for calling out Oprah. I happen to think that she did send flowers (article said that she produced receipts), but out of respect for Johnson paving the way for ALL Black media that came after, she should have shown her face at the funeral.
Also, anybody reading this already knows that Oprah didn't forget Martin calling her out. He's not doing yt news show on youtube with "rent-a-center" like studio because he wants to. hahahahaha He publicly called Oprah, by himself. Hope he didn't expect other Black journalists (even those in Chicago) to join him. that article came out and this was the reaction in Black media.