You guys have these in America too?
These are basically white people with blackish skin.
Leftover White people from older times, sure they may look black but........nahhhhhhh!
The patriarch of the family had a white slave owning grand father? Did I read that right?
We have them even here in Nigeria. You will find some rich high up families with last names like ''Rhodes Vivour'' and ''Caston Black'' and ''Brown'' and other weird white sounding names, a lot of them look high high yella to light brown. It is what it is.
The thing is, they are probably better positioned to receive reparations than any of us. They all got detailed pedigrees and records that traces back to each and every one of their African ancestors. More than what most of us have.
John Rogers and his Stradford family has even traced their slave ancestors back to their Nigerian family. The Stradfords are descendants of Scipio Vaughan, a slave, who is of the same family of Lady Kofo Ademola, who was the first Nigerian woman to graduate from Oxford. And she’s from a royal family. Stradfords are essentially black American royalty with the African royal bloodline to back it up.
Kofo was born to the family of the Lagos lawyer Omoba Eric Olawolu Moore, a member of an Egba royal family, and his wife Aida Arabella (née Vaughan), who descended from Scipio Vaughan (through whom she also had Cherokeeancestry).[6][7] She was a first cousin of Oyinkan, Lady Abayomi and a niece of Oloori Charlotte Obasa.[8] She spent half of her young life in Lagos and the other half in U.K.[9] Ademola was educated at C.M.S. Girls School, Lagos; Vassar College, New York;[10] Portway College, Reading and, from 1931 to 1935, St Hugh's College, Oxford. She earned a degree in education and English from Oxford, while at Oxford she wrote a 21-page autobiography at the insistence of Margery Perham to challenge British stereotypes about Africans, she wrote of her childhood as a mixture of western cultural orientation and African orientation.[9]
Kofoworola Ademola - Wikipedia
I never saw this threadI'll have to look thru sometime... These posts are pretty dense.
Very serious question though: Would their skin color matter if they were poor?
You’re welcome, OP.
I think it’s an interesting question to contemplate: is talent and success genetic?
And knowing this, how do you improve your families potential for success?
No, we don't. It's roughly 35% of AA men who have European y-dna. Still substantial, but a definite minority.The average black male has a R subclad Y-chromosomes which originates in Europe.
"I am a descedaaaaant!!!!"
*Dr.Umar Johnson voice*
No, we don't. It's roughly 35% of AA men who have European y-dna. Still substantial, but a definite minority.
Y Chromosome Lineages in Men of West African Descent
Not even his and Booker T’s family was immune from colorism.
Which is probably why they dispute him.
The actual 3rd Great Grandson of Frederick Douglas and Booker T. Washington.
This study (the latest with AA y-dna data AFAIK) has data on men from the Caribbean as well, but the AA data is broken down separately. I can recall seeing older studies on AA men years ago and it was always about the same (definitely never saw a majority with Euro y-dna).Is this study including men from the West Indies, Caribbean, and South America?
Studies I’ve seen specifically for African Americans have shown the average to be European Y and African X.
This has been years ago though and since DNA has become really popular the last few years and more people have been testing, this may have changed and so you may be right.
This study (the latest with AA y-dna data AFAIK) has data on men from the Caribbean as well, but the AA data is broken down separately. I can recall seeing older studies on AA men years ago and it was always about the same (definitely never saw a majority with Euro y-dna).
So this thread was inspired by a thread made about a year ago which I found interesting about rapper Prodigy's family tree and how he is a descendant of one of the founders of Morehouse College:
Prodigy's family tree is CRAZY
Wanted to make a similar but different thread trying to find the most powerful black American families (outside of the Obamas), how their fortunes were made, the current members of their families, and their contributions to the black community (if any). It would be great if posters can post families from their own cities. This is not restricted to old money black families but can include black sports and entertainment dynasties as well.
A few points though-
1) Want to keep this thread positive.
2) Yes, many of these families are members of the Boule.
3) Let's refrain from opinions about skin tone and whether one would consider these families "black". History books have already recognized them as such and your opinion is not changing that neither how they self-dentified.
I'll go first and start with a family from my own city.
It was always said by my people that the most powerful black woman in America was from Chicago. In fact, her family may be the most powerful black family in all of America.
Cool fact: Her name isn't Oprah.
Word around town is that Valerie Bowman Jarrett, leveraging both her personal and family's network got Barack Obama into the White House. Which is why Obama, knowing her value, appointed her Senior Advisor to the President. She was the longest serving advisor to Obama. Many Washingtonians were jealous of her access and power. She was essentially the "power behind the throne."
A few comments taken from articles written about her -
“She is the single most influential person in the Obama White House,” said one former senior White House official, who like many would speak candidly only on condition of anonymity.
Those whom she deems to have failed Mr. Obama tell of scolding late-night calls and her trademark accusation of betrayal: “You are hurting the president.”
“He’s got a real mess in the West Wing,” said one close presidential adviser. “Valerie is effectively the chief of staff, and he knows, but he doesn’t know. She’s almost like Nancy Reagan was with President Reagan, but more powerful.”
She was known as the "Night Walker" for being the only staff person having access to the Obamas after hours.
Valerie is a member of the extended Taylor/Bowman/Jarrett/Dibble/Cook/Dugas Clan of Chicago, Tuskeegee, and Washington DC.
The family patriarch was Robert Robinson Taylor b.1868 (Valerie's Great Grandfather), who was the first black man to graduate from MIT. He was the son of a former slave that was freed by his slave-owning white father.
Robert Taylor became the first accredited black US architect and was responsible for designing Tuskeegee University.
Robert Taylor's son - Robert Rochon Taylor (Valerie's Grandfather), also an architect, became the Chairman of the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA). He attended Howard University and the University of Illinois.
It is Robert Rochon Taylor for whom the infamous Chicago housing projects were named after:
The Robert Taylor Homes
Valerie's Parents -
Robert Rochon's daughter, Barbara Taylor Bowman attended the University of Chicago Lab Schools and Sarah Lawrence College. She is acknowledged as being a pioneer in the area of early childhood development and is the co-founder of the Erickson Institute.
Valerie's father, Dr. James E. Bowman, attended Howard University and Howard Medical School whose father, James Sr., was a well known black Washingtonian dentist. Dr. James Bowman was an internationally recognized expert on pathology, inherited blood diseases and population genetics. He became one of the first tenured professors at the University of Chicago and was also a powerful advocated for black students trying to enter into the field of medicine. He also did work in Iran where he founded the first hospital in the city of Shiraz.
Valerie married William Robert Jarrett who was the son of another powerful black Chicago family. He was the Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Jackson Park Hospital.
His father was Vernon Jarrett, one of Chicago's most influential journalist and commentator on race, politics, and African American History. Jarrett was the founder of the National Association of Black Jounalist (NABJ).
Valerie and Rob Jarrett had one daughter - Laura Jarrett. Laura went to UofC Lab School, Amherst, and Harvard Law. She worked for White Shoe law firm Mayer Brown. But she's currently a reporter for CNN.
Laura Jarrett (@LauraAJarrett) | Twitter
Laura and I are around the same age. Had an uncle that lived in her same nabe as her family and I would see her riding around in a drop top benz, hair blowing in the wind. Had me like.
Laura married her Harvard Law schoolmate - Tony Balkisoon, who worked for White Shoe Law firm Sidley Austin.
He is the son of a Canadian MPP Cabinet member - Bas Balkisoon.
This is just Valerie's immediate family. The extended Dibble/Cook/Taylor/Jarrett/Dugas Clan get's even more interesting and powerful and their ties to Washington DC Politics and Wall Street more extensive.
This study (the latest with AA y-dna data AFAIK) has data on men from the Caribbean as well, but the AA data is broken down separately. I can recall seeing older studies on AA men years ago and it was always about the same (definitely never saw a majority with Euro y-dna).
Oh ok. I've read this study. They didn't look at y chromosomes in this one. They looked at ancestry percentages on our x chromosomes and compared them to those across our entire genomes to measure the sex bias in our Euro and African ancestry. Looking at our y-dna and mtdna, or looking at our x chromsomes, basically tell the same story of sex-biased admixture, but they are two very different methods.Here’s a study I read a few years ago.
A sex bias in African American ancestry, with greater male European and female African contributions, has been suggested through mtDNA, Y chromosome, and autosomal studies.6 On average, across African Americans, we estimate that the X chromosome has a 5% increase in African ancestry and 18% reduction in European ancestry relative to genome-wide estimates (see Table 1).
The Genetic Ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States