Amber rose says she no longer believes in God… there’s just too many questions


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
You believe hammer and chisel can do this? My point? I’m poking at the “follow the science as god” ass nikkas when science is CLEARLY hiding something about our historical past. It don’t hurt me if you stay sleep tho

And by the way, regarding the sculpture, yes, I definitely do think you can do that with a hammer and chisel. :mjlol: Do you understand how sculpting works? A skill, of course, but the object you start with is much larger than the finished object, therefore you simply sculpt down to what you want, and that is where the talent comes into play.

Given the nature of sculpting, you could take a work like what you posted above, and simply 3d print it, because as it said, it's all about dimensions. So I don't understand why one would ever attribute any from of supernatural to it, unless of course, they wanted it to be present.

edit: I actually found a printing of the work you were referencing as evidence for your claims

And before you go "they had to use technology :gladbron:", my point is, it's showing you the dimensions, thus how it is definitely possible to be crafted by a human without any supernatural qualities. If you take up sculpting and come back, the only distinction you will draw from the original work is the difference in talent. This brings it back around to my initial posting, odds are you view these things as nearing supernatural because you lack an understanding of it, but if you bring it to people who study it, people who are capable of producing similar works, they will think nothing of it beyond the recognition of the skill.
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Nov 1, 2015
I want you or anyone to explain how with horse and buggy and hammer and chisel as their technology could build castles on mountain tops:



Even today with machinery it would be extremely difficult to do this yet they were doing it without it? And it’s not like it’s just one or two. There are elaborate and unique castles/cathedrals/temples all around the world. Here’s something built into a mountain


That’s hammer and chisel technology too?So either the past consisted of master craftsmen whose skill has been lost over time OR “science” is hiding something about our past. Which one you going with?

yes, master craftsmen sculpted that. knowledge of various methods of how humans did things have been lost for countless years. concrete was reinvented 1,000 years after the romans fell.

just because we don't know their exact methods of achieving things doesn't mean we should ascribe them to some mystical bullshyt. it's insulting to downplay human ingenuity.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
Essentially you placed authority outside yourself.

I don't follow G-d because of the consequences by not following.
but it's actually there

government law all the resources at their command to enforce it are not just words on a page to be argued over

why do you believe then¿



Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
yes, master craftsmen sculpted that. knowledge of various methods of how humans did things have been lost for countless years. concrete was reinvented 1,000 years after the romans fell.

Bro, I would advise just moving on. I took a step back and realized I was arguing with someone about some of most inconsequential shyt, I honestly put in on par with flat-earth rhetoric. Like who in their right mind would argue those things had to be done by some supernatural force, as opposed to just picking up a fukking book and getting a reasonable idea of how it could have been made? Occam's razor would do wonders for some of these people.

And that was a solid video, I'm going to save that for future arguments bordering on the "aliens built the pyramids" nonsense. :mjlol: Ironically, those type of comments are all throughout the comment section. :dead:


Nov 29, 2019
but it's actually there

government law all the resources at their command to enforce it are not just words on a page to be argued over

why do you believe then¿


I seek to be greater, to be whole.

My faith/belief in G-d has led me to doing things I never thought I could do or never thought of doing. And I am still pretty young in my faith, and as I acquire more knowledge/understanding through my career in physics, as I grow in my wisdom of the word, and as I learn about different cultures and belief systems, I feel a greater connection to G-d but also a grounding and humbleness in self. It is hard to put into words but that is the best I can describe it.

That is essentially why I believe though. Nothing to do with fear of punishment.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
I seek to be greater, to be whole.

My faith/belief in G-d has led me to doing things I never thought I could do or never thought of doing. And I am still pretty young in my faith, and as I acquire more knowledge/understanding through my career in physics, as I grow in my wisdom of the word, and as I learn about different cultures and belief systems, I feel a greater connection to G-d but also a grounding and humbleness in self. It is hard to put into words but that is the best I can describe it.

That is essentially why I believe though. Nothing to do with fear of punishment.
i respect that*


May 2, 2012
Ya'll in here arguing about what that slut bucket had to say. She didn't need to say that she don't believe in God for me to know that.

her actions the last 13 yrs to me are enough. :manny:
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Nov 21, 2013
These aren't adhoms, adhom is "x is wrong because x is y", but it's rarely used properly in the first case, because something to consider is relevance, and that is perfectly fine to call upon in argumentation. And I have not once made the argument "x is wrong because x is y", I'm trying to get an understanding of your educational background.

Because simply put, would you say you are better to speculate of the designs of middle-age structures or would someone who is educated in it be a better reference? And with that, do you see the logical leap, in the event of a lack of education, to suggest something beyond human understanding as being the cause of those structures as opposed to actually working with the blueprints and figuring the numbers and logistics?
Ad hominem definition:
of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

You still haven’t addressed my position so why are we talking? Again today it would be extremely difficult to build on a mountain TODAY with all the “increased” tech. So how were they doing it? And not just one or two like I said but around the world there are state of the art structures that we are not replicating today with more manpower and tech. Why?

If you don’t want to address that’s fine. Keep it stepping.
And by the way, regarding the sculpture, yes, I definitely do think you can do that with a hammer and chisel. :mjlol: Do you understand how sculpting works? A skill, of course, but the object you start with is much larger than the finished object, therefore you simply sculpt down to what you want, and that is where the talent comes into play.

Given the nature of sculpting, you could take a work like what you posted above, and simply 3d print it, because as it said, it's all about dimensions. So I don't understand why one would ever attribute any from of supernatural to it, unless of course, they wanted it to be present.

edit: I actually found a printing of the work you were referencing as evidence for your claims

And before you go "they had to use technology :gladbron:", my point is, it's showing you the dimensions, thus how it is definitely possible to be crafted by a human without any supernatural qualities. If you take up sculpting and come back, the only distinction you will draw from the original work is the difference in talent. This brings it back around to my initial posting, odds are you view these things as nearing supernatural because you lack an understanding of it, but if you bring it to people who study it, people who are capable of producing similar works, they will think nothing of it beyond the recognition of the skill.

I didn’t say anything about supernatural (what’s natural anyways?). I posed the question of how they did it with hammer and chisel and you bring back a 3d printer as proof of something lol

But that’s proof in itself. They have to use technology to reproduce art that they said was done with hammer and chisel. Something ain’t adding up. Either they were master craftsmen and that knowledge is being hidden or they knew more than we are currently being led to believe. I go with the latter. “Science” hides knowledge from the masses it doesn’t guide them to it. That’s why you have to pay for electricity while the select few use free energy harvested from the earth. Don’t let that go over your head tho


Nov 21, 2013
yes, master craftsmen sculpted that. knowledge of various methods of how humans did things have been lost for countless years. concrete was reinvented 1,000 years after the romans fell.

just because we don't know their exact methods of achieving things doesn't mean we should ascribe them to some mystical bullshyt. it's insulting to downplay human ingenuity.

I didn’t say anything about mystical. I spoke on the logistics of building a large castle on a mountain without technology. It wouldn’t even happen with the tech we have today without massive man power and machinery but you want to say people with horse and buggy and hammers and chisels did it over and over again? In addition to the temples/cathedrals? Logistically speaking that ain’t happening. But y’all don’t want to talk about that.

Because you’ve been brainwashed by cacs (or are a cac) you think that this time where corrupt leaders rule the earth is the most advanced. But look at what they were building in the past vs what you’re building today with “technology”. Something ain’t adding up. You can run from it, but those who this knowledge is really for will seek the answers


Nov 1, 2015
I didn’t say anything about mystical. I spoke on the logistics of building a large castle on a mountain without technology. It wouldn’t even happen with the tech we have today without massive man power and machinery but you want to say people with horse and buggy and hammers and chisels did it over and over again? In addition to the temples/cathedrals? Logistically speaking that ain’t happening. But y’all don’t want to talk about that.

Because you’ve been brainwashed by cacs (or are a cac) you think that this time where corrupt leaders rule the earth is the most advanced. But look at what they were building in the past vs what you’re building today with “technology”. Something ain’t adding up. You can run from it, but those who this knowledge is really for will seek the answers

came across a paper about inca possible methods of building.
Inca Quarrying and Stonecutting

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. ”​

― Archimedes


Nov 21, 2013
Bro, I would advise just moving on. I took a step back and realized I was arguing with someone about some of most inconsequential shyt, I honestly put in on par with flat-earth rhetoric. Like who in their right mind would argue those things had to be done by some supernatural force, as opposed to just picking up a fukking book and getting a reasonable idea of how it could have been made? Occam's razor would do wonders for some of these people.

And that was a solid video, I'm going to save that for future arguments bordering on the "aliens built the pyramids" nonsense. :mjlol: Ironically, those type of comments are all throughout the comment section. :dead:

Now you’re trying to dissuade the conversation from continuing lol. Typical. Hey let’s see that guy move rocks with pebbles and align them with constellations using no technology. Did the video show how me made the rocks? How he got them transported there?

You don’t know shyt. People today ain’t doing shyt. Y’all are ruled by a bunch of cavemen thinking y’all are advanced when they have y’all slaving away at life when they KNOW there’s an easier way to do things. But it’s more beneficial (for them) to trickle that out to you while keeping what they know to themselves.. For example:



Nothings new under the sun. When cacs gained power they stumbled across things that existed way in the past. But instead of sharing it with the whole populace they kept it to themselves and trickled it out to the rest. And I mean the ruling class not the general cac. It doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, the time for people like you having a voice is almost up so get it in now while you can


Living in fear in the year of the tiger.
Oct 4, 2015
Ad hominem definition:
of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
That is what i said, I said, "x is wrong because x is y", "x" being the individual and "y" being a trait that has nothing to do with the conversation. But like I said, I don't care for the usage of "ad hom" because it is rarely used properly, and on the internet people think an insult is an adhom, it's not. If I say "x is wrong about y because they are an idiot" that is ad hom, if I say "x is wrong about y, therefore they are an idiot" that is not an adhom. Something most fail to understand.

But I actually don't care for ad hom at all because people use it to suggest that there is no relevance to the discussion at hand, barring the nature of rhetoric in general, which is intended to convince, if an "ad hom" has relevance, I don't see why that is a problem in an informal environment, my entire point is to draw attention to that factor to dissuade others from believing you.

Put simply, this opinion covers my opinion on the matter, it's why I don't care for its usage, not that it was even used in my initial reply considering an argument was not provided in my initial reply:

(Hyperlinked article)

5. Summary

If we accept Trudy Govier’s articulation of the traditional conception of a fallacy as “a mistake in reasoning, a mistake which occurs with some frequency in real arguments and which is characteristically deceptive”, there is no argumentum ad hominem fallacy. In its original meaning, an argumentum ad hominem is a perfectly legitimate dialectical argument from the concessions or commitments of an opponent that one need not share. The tu quoque historically emerged from this sense as an appeal to commitments implicit in the behaviour of one’s critic; it legitimately challenges the critic to explain away an apparent inconsistency. The purely abusive ad hominem is either a relevant attack on the opponent’s ethos in a rhetorical context or a diversionary tactic that does not involve reasoning and so is not a mistake in reasoning. The circumstantial ad hominem attributes the position of one’s opponent to self-interest or a dogmatic bias, and thus raises legitimate suspicion about the credibility of the opponent’s statements and arguments.

Although the entire thing is worth reading.