I have seen this before YEARS ago. So this tells me that companies are very very good at spinning this in their favor. Which makes sense.
When I got out the Navy I got hired by Sony at a plant they had making rear projecton tv's and flat screens. This plant used to be Volkswagen years ago. When it was VW it was of course unionized. So when Sony took over people in the area naturally assumed they could unionize again.
Sony was dastardly in their approach to this. They bombarded media with their message. They totally drowned out the pro union crowd by running constant commercials. They took out full page newspapers ads. They had guest speakers on local talk radio. They also ran full half hour ads on talk radio. They even infiltrated the pro union group. Had 4 of their own agents causing internal havoc within the pro union group. Basically they were trolling. Putting out misinformation. Pitting people against each other. Straight up lying.
It all worked. This pro union town voted AGAINST a union.