All in all ppl were well fed i dont see how that ending is going to have ppl clamouring for a season 2
The ending definitely opens up the possibility of exploring the world more and telling a different story outside of a murder mystery. The whole concept of sleeves the show introduces, also means the casting could look very different if they pick up on Tak's quest

Overall I enjoyed the series, the fact I binged through the whole thing over the weekend means it kept me engaged. The 2nd half in particular had me looking forward to the next episode. I'm a sci-fi fan, so the show was right up my alley and one of the show's biggest strengths was the visuals which Netflix clearly put money into

. I just enjoyed seeing all the new tech the show introduced from the AI Hotels, VR constructs, double sleeves, etc.
The action was on point too with some intense action in places.
On the Ortega tip - I can see some of the complaints with her, but she grew on me during the course of the season. Seeing her in new ways certainly didn't hurt

. The actress who plays her is really tiny

, especially in scenes with Tak.
Poe was a real one

, definitely one of the best characters on the show. I liked Quell as well

The humor could be hit or miss for me, but I liked the fact they tried to sprinkle it in and the Ortega Grandma episode was
It was good seeing Dichen Lachman get a good role in this

. I remember her in Dollhouse and The 100 and she gets a chance to shine in this in a pivotal way.
The murder mystery regarding Laurens had some

moments, but overall it wasn't anything we haven't seen before.
Are you a believer? Ghost Walker stayed on his
I know there are more books in the series and I believe the show-runner said they only touched on some elements from the 1st book, I would definitely check out a 2nd season.