Savage. But there is NO SHAME in coming second place to Savage.
Savage. But there is NO SHAME in coming second place to Savage.
He lost to one good wrestler Hoeganwho did he lose to?
was mach in his prime?
was he a heel or did he have the people behind him going in.
all questions you need to consider.
Tell that to HHH.![]()
Bret Hart was NEVER the star Macho Man was. nikka you must be high.
but this is what i'm sayin though. it's all relative. taker never lost to hbk cause he never had to. that's not a knock on shawn but it DOES kinda give us an idea what his ceiling was.
but you can't say he didn't beat anyone of note. like i said, he did beat a prime bret hart for the championship.
Nygga...Brett never drew anywhere near Macho's level and Macho was 10x bigger than Bret was back in 1989. The Mega Powers facing off at WM 5 is bigger than Bret's entire career catalog.
Nygga...Brett never drew anywhere near Macho's level and Macho was 10x bigger than Bret was back in 1989. The Mega Powers facing off at WM 5 is bigger than Bret's entire career catalog.
nikka you crazy. Bret wasn't a draw. 1989. nikka he was the fukking #1 draw in the entire WWF from like 92-96 what are you talking about.
well yea... because the other guy in the match was hulk hogan.
what kind of numbers did macho draw WITHOUT hogan. WITHOUT warrior. compare THOSE to bret's numbers.
not tryna shyt on macho, just tryna put things in perspective. cause macho was the CLEAR 2nd banana in the mega powers despite being the one with the strap.
#1 draw in 1992? Have you lost your fukking mind, man? Warrior was still around...Flair was still around..Bret was a IC title goofball who didn't even do legit promos and won the title at a houseshowGot booed out against Davey Boy at Summerslam in England and he looked shook
Yoko's push in 1993 and 1994...Bret wasn't exactly running the ship. And they made sure they kept him from the Undertaker because the fans would NEVER choose him over Taker. 95 was a despicable year with him and Diesel on top with Michaels going over the more fan desired Razor. 96...Bret and Michaels got OWNED and fukking shytted on by the NwO angle. LOL@#1 draw. Yikes. MORE REVISIONIST HISTORY at the Coli for these Bret and Micahels' runs. What else is new? When does it end, children? When does it end?
i wasn't watching in 96. my dikk started to grow and i was "too cool" for fake kiddy wrestling.
was razor really that hot?![]()
Fame he got the World Title in 92 OVER Ric Flair What is you saying. Who DIDNT get shytted on by the NWO angle, shyt was the biggest thing since Hulk beat The Giant. And guess what HE BEAT THE TAKER FOR THE fukkING WC BELT.