wow, i'm sorry you feel that way.
in any case you can't deny he was a bigger star than both bret and shawn combined.
He was 2nd tier too, maybe 3rd Tier...Stop it. No way in hell.
wow, i'm sorry you feel that way.
in any case you can't deny he was a bigger star than both bret and shawn combined.
And my point remains, WHAT TOPS THE NWO. NOTHING, not even Austin or The Rock. and I NEVER said Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels or DX. how you gonna compare a stable to a single wrestler.
He was 2nd tier too, maybe 3rd Tier...Stop it. No way in hell.
so whatmach was the heel there though.
that matters a great deal.
when we say prime, we mean PRIME.
as in the absolute peak of their powers, all things considered, preferably as a face with the fans behind them.
heels don't have the heart.
i think that at the very least, that would be up for debate.
one could certainly make the argument that stone cold steve austin was bigger than the nwo. same with rock.
ultimate warrior????
wtf are you talkin about.![]()
so what
He went from main eventing with Hogan, to a nothing match within a year. Wacked Out Warrior beat him in the most embarrassing way possible. I still don't know why people praise that match so much, it made Randy look like a total jabronie.
Macho was never the #1 pushed face in the company in his life
so what
He went from main eventing with Hogan, to a nothing match within a year. Wacked Out Warrior beat him in the most embarrassing way possible. I still don't know why people praise that match so much, it made Randy look like a total jabronie.
Macho was never the #1 pushed face in the company in his life
kayfabe wise warrior is the greatest wrestler to ever lace them up.
there's no shame in losing to the GOAT.
Bret made Austin. That feud put him over the top and launched his character into stardom. Obviously Mike Tyson was the reason WWF beat WCW but without Bret Austin isn't over enough to do an angle with Tyson.No..him getting screwed over and creating the McMahon character is what set the Attitude Era gimmick in motion with them being smart about following up on Austin's push..then Mike Tyson was hired and that got national news and everything else was history.
Warrior was mega over for a period but he failed to draw on top like HBK and to a lesser extent Bret. Vince gave Warrior a MASSIVE rub by putting him over Hogan and he failed to carry that momentum. Ultimately, because of his lack of longevity he doesn't get put in the same tier as Bret and, i'm sorry you feel that way.
in any case you can't deny he was a bigger star than both bret and shawn combined.
Bret made Austin. That feud put him over the top and launched his character into stardom. Obviously Mike Tyson was the reason WWF beat WCW but without Bret Austin isn't over enough to do an angle with Tyson.
Warrior was mega over for a period but he failed to draw on top like HBK and to a lesser extent Bret. Vince gave Warrior a MASSIVE rub by putting him over Hogan and he failed to carry that momentum. Ultimately, because of his lack of longevity he doesn't get put in the same tier as Bret and Shawn.
Warrior was mega over for a period but he failed to draw on top like HBK and to a lesser extent Bret. Vince gave Warrior a MASSIVE rub by putting him over Hogan and he failed to carry that momentum. Ultimately, because of his lack of longevity he doesn't get put in the same tier as Bret and Shawn.
He fukked Whisper before she got with Shawn, thoughMach was out there in WCW on some Bruce Willis shyt
On some lemme chill in the corner and watch you pipe my woman down, Lex
He shoulda made a shytty ass rap beef song about that thenHe fukked Whisper before she got with Shawn, though