Savage and it's not even close.
Mach and it's not even remotely close
some will disagree i'm sure.
is the gap between the two in the ring big?
Michaels run was pretty damn impressive, even though I was never the biggest fan of his matches, dude could always have an entertaining match. Savage didn't have much in wCw (ring-wise) besides his Flair and DDP feud, dude was beyond hit or miss during that run.
But even though Shawn was more consistent during his career, he never reached the levels of Savage when he was ON, Randy was almost untouchable during his peak and that thing lasted pretty much a decade. What is available of him from ICW and CWA is already impressive and then dude goes to the WWF and keeps having

performances. He gave Warrior and Hogan (and maybe Ronnie Garvin) the best matches of their careers, I don't think Michaels carried dudes that had that kinda level to the heights Mach did.
HBK did have some standout performances and he does have legit classics, but to me he's not close to peak Savage. fukk, point me to a match were Shawn can do what Randy (and Sherri) did in the Tenryu match from the All Japan/WWF Tokyo Dome show. The only thing I see Michaels having a legit advantage is being a better tag team wrestler.
is the difference between them on the mic that signifigant?
To me it is. Savage smokes Michaels.
is the peak of Macho Madness as high or higher than the peak of DX and the longevity of HBK?
In what way? Drawing wise is not even a discussion. shyt, Savage was main eventing house shows on 85', almost three years before his main event push. Dude had enough of a name that the company had the trust in him to headline house shows while Vince was taking over every territory (something a very select few did at that time). And his Macho Madness run shyt's on Michael's "ace" run.
In the ring I already pointed it out that to me, Savage's strengths are at a level that overcome Shawn's consistency.
Does Mania III and IV eclipse Mania XIX, XXV and XXVI?
there are questions to be answered
I don't understand that question regarding a Michaels vs Savage discussion

Are you talking about performance from each guy at those shows?