Mach was losing to vanilla midgets like Steamboat
At least HBGOAT lost to good wrestlers
there was no wrassler in the clique or even all of wrasslin.
in general terms, you could say is technically better than steamboat as a performer, all time.
real talk,...
workrate wise for the major draw.
let alone to be considered the GOAT.
that road all is derived on whether or not steamboat is on your resume.
the reason why scsa and flair have lone claim to the title of the goat, domestically
is they have that steamboat pedigree classic matches and feuds under their belts.
just as part of the rubrick, and litmus test of what the goat is.
there are distinct points.
where you can say flair or austin were finally better than steamboat.
at no point in history ,..can i say hbk was EVER better than steamboat.
hbk, was never really that good.
it is more clique propaganda as to why hbk is erroneously rated.
it is not really based on applying any metrics.
or timeline to michaels resume or pedigree.
of, which it was hordes of grappler better with similar skills in pedigree/workrate/mic skills/moveset.
or, whom had a higher skillsets/pedigree/moveset/workrate/mic skills.
michaels's legacy is all i am buds with the guy who owns the ocmpany.
it has nuffin to do with him being really a great worker.
macho on the other hand, is the guy who originally took over hulkamania.
plus, has the template GOAT match,...
that created one of the criterias for the modern domestic five star match as a science.
michaels has no claim to that title.
nor, does he have a definitive five star match.
that qualifies or changes the modern five sar match review as a science, like macho had with steamboat.
that predate and created the criteria.
upon, which michaels would be given high marks for a domestic match.
michaels never moved the needle for that template.
whereas, macho and steamboat created.
or in steamboats case,..he wrote and added an addendum in how to create that match in two realms.
one, in the scripted real with macho.
the other in the called on the fly real, with flair on numerous occassions, in two to three instances and runs.
of which includes a run of five satr elongating rubrick matches in a row.,
that included two of the greatest matches top five televised matches of all time.
three, of which steamboat is in the principal in three of the top five televised matches all time.
plus, the number of house shows classics him and flair added onto.
while working in their second incarnation of five star programs domestically.
which came post a previous flair versus steamboat five star match program.
that predated the savage/macho program in i wanna say 81, in a foreign and domestic run.
not sure of hte year this series of matches took place.
yet, i have the footage of this match on vhs.
plus, this is the original match.
where flair gave the prophetic idea that steamboat was a future goat candidate worker and world champion.
art barr