Kill Dat Noize
I didn't say Vince could make just any old random dude into a mainstream star. Warrior was the right guy at the right place at the right time. Just like Vanilla Ice was the right guy, right place, right time to sell 7 million albums. Does the fact that the music industry can't repeat the trick to create another Vanilla Ice in a different era mean that we should re-evaluate his legacy and conclude that, actually, he must just have been greater than any rapper who hasn't achieve that level of mainstream success?
warrior is not a vanilla ice situation.
vanilla ice stopped selling records cause there was no longer a demand for his music. like you said he was the right guy at the right time and got real lucky, but didn't have the talent to keep the audience he had built.
that didn't happen to warrior. he went out on top. the business didn't spit him out, he left on his own. when he split after summerslam 91 he was still at worst the 2nd biggest wrestling superstar in the world, and when he came back the next year at wrestlemania 8 he was STILL at worst the 2nd biggest wrestling superstar in the world. nothing changed.
i can't speak on warrior's return in 96 cause i didn't witness it live, but at the very least it looks like he was met by the fans with open arms. as for his return again 2 years later on nitro which i DID see live, the fans roared and chanted his name. once again he was met with open arms. and lastly you saw how well he was received when he came back for the HOF. the guy was widely loved and celebrated. a true legend.
don't think a flash in the pan here one day gone the next vanilla ice type fakester woulda got that kind of reaction. and mind you this has been WITHOUT the wwe hype machine on his side the last 25 years to remind everyone of his accomplishments.