My point is Bret and Hart were bigger stars when you account all the key factors and the totality of their careers. Do you deny that? Or do you sill want to cling unto one short year of Warrior?
i know exactly what you are saying but yes i am sorry, i would still rather "cling" to warrior's short albeit godly untouchable run than shawn's longer and more plentiful one.
shawn got time on his side and more memorable moments, but to me warrior has the greater and more significant ones. and had warrior never injured his relationship with the mcmahons, i'm sure those moments would have been more celebrated over the years instead of being largely ignored and forgotten. his intercontinental run after beating honky tonk, his feud with rick rude, him beating hulk hogan, his feud and match with randy savage... these were some of the most watched and most legendary moments in the history of wrestling.
millions of people remember ultimate warrior beating hulk hogan for the title, the greatest the sport had ever seen up until that point. that first image of him eating a clean 3 count is iconic and unforgettable, as is that lasting image of warrior hoisting both titles in celebration amidst the fireworks.
shawn doesn't have THIS.
millions of people remember THIS.
i cannot tell you what most people believe shawn's single defining moments is, but i can tell you there is a solid chance that not a lot of people remember seeing it live.