This is false. Has nothing to do with anyone being forced on anyone In addition to being better workers and having better matches, those two are directly responsible for the buggest boom period in history. Warrior had huge, moments when he beat honky at SS 88/Hogan at WM 6, but his overall impact in the business pales in comparison to hart/Michaels. That last sentence is ridiculous on all levels. Exposed? How so?

the only thing hbk & bret are responsible for is nearly putting the wwf out-of-business.
wcw/nwo/hulk hogan sparked that entire boom period long befoe the little survivor series stunt.
stop rewriting history.
There's the unpalatable truth that, compared to HBK in his 40's, Macho was a lumbering roided out stiff by his 40's. That's kind of his fault. HBK retained like 80% of his prime athleticism, Macho Man lost like 90% of his.
HBK in WCW at Macho's age (same age bracket he was still putting on classics in WWE) would at least have had awesome matches. The talent he could have worked with there
Savage's prime was short like leprechauns.You guys who were young marks in the late 80's just view him through a lens of nostalgia

from icw to wcw, savage was poppin for close to 2 decades. how was his reign short like leprechauns?
wwf matches are held to lower standards than wcw and other promotions. a wwf clasic is often times equivalent to just another match in wcw.
Warrior is more like Vanilla Ice than Biggie. Blew up briefly on some hype/gimmick shyt, didn't have the actual talent to back it up so it didn't last. I say that as someone who liked Warrior.
Putting him above HBK is like putting Vanilla Ice above Nas because he had a bigger "mainstream moment".
lol @ "it didnt last".
in order to make a statement like that, warrior would have had to fall off at some point.