All Out War: Official Walking Dead Season 8 Thread

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
They better not turn on rick. Only thing I can see is that they’re going to plot on icing Negan and thats going to start a “beef” with Rick and probably make both of the community's stop fukkin with each other, but FOH with them going to war and shyt.

They done been through too much and I know Negan did kill Glen/Abe (retaliation) but Killa Karl was the only reason Rick let Negan live.

Maggie lost her entire family.

The last thing she had in this world was her husband and soon to be father of her child in Glenn.

Now the time prior when her and Glenn were separated that fukked her up and when they got back together they had vowed to never leave each other again.

She strongly believed her and Glenn were gonna have a future together.

But when he died and violently the way he died that was traumatic to her and all this time the only thing that was fuel to her and drove her was to see Neegan dead.

That was DEEPLY personal to her. So I can see how when they right there at what she wanted for so bad, so long to happen and the devastation/disappointment of it not.

Why would she rock with Rick anymore? Their agendas are no longer aligned.

And now that she’s bossed up and has her own settlement not to mention she’s seen Rick has been weaker and lost so much she probably feels superior.

She’s done with all that. She ain’t Jesus, Darryl, or Rick.

So I think the writing is fine



May 26, 2012
This is the part that really blew me. Dude gets his throat slit in the middle of a field in a post apocalyptic world and is casually bandaged up and good to go :gucci:

the reason for this is because the showrunner couldn't decide if the show should follow the books or be its own thing. so he's trying to do both, while also justifying a strung-out story arc that should have been wrapped up in the first half of this season, at the latest.

(still can't believe 90% of this season's first half was tied to one fight :gucci:)

the rick/negan scene was much more effective in the books because you genuinely don't see it coming. rick actually gives negan a compelling reason to listen, one that spoke to the survival of both their communities. and because negan really, truly considers himself a savior of humanity, he listens. i have no idea why they abandoned that in favor of the nonsense with carl. of all the shyt to leave out of that scene, they really dropped the ball on negan's "seeing the light" moment.

it also worked better because in hindsight it's obvious rick wasn't trying to kill negan in the book, based on how he cuts him (it's not a direct throat slit).

thank god gimple has been "promoted" off day-to-day duties on the show. the last two seasons were flat-out awful.


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
This shyt needs to wrap up by season 10 or introduce some new shyt. They half ass it by trying to be original and semi follow the comics.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Maggie lost her entire family.

The last thing she had in this world was her husband and soon to be father of her child in Glenn.

Now the time prior when her and Glenn were separated that fukked her up and when they got back together they had vowed to never leave each other again.

She strongly believed her and Glenn were gonna have a future together.

But when he died and violently the way he died that was traumatic to her and all this time the only thing that was fuel to her and drove her was to see Neegan dead.

That was DEEPLY personal to her. So I can see how when they right there at what she wanted for so bad, so long to happen and the devastation/disappointment of it not.

Why would she rock with Rick anymore? Their agendas are no longer aligned.

And now that she’s bossed up and has her own settlement not to mention she’s seen Rick has been weaker and lost so much she probably feels superior.

She’s done with all that. She ain’t Jesus, Darryl, or Rick.

So I think the writing is fine

Isn’t she still pregnant?

She didn’t lose THAT much.

Rick lost his son and was honoring what he wrote. Rick rather torture and play the long game while maggie just wants him gone period.

But if it wasnt for Carl, Rick probably would’ve slit his throat then piss in the wound.

She don’t got to rock with Ricks decision, everyone lost someone and Rick does realize deep down this was kinda his fault but it was kinda everyones fault.

But going full blown war with Rick over this is fukking RETARDED and unrealistic. Rick done saved everyones life at least once, so FOH. Theyll beef as long as Negan is alive and probably try to kill him eventually but unbelievable to think they going all out like that


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
I disagree, Sasha killed her self and accomplished nothing. That attack on Negan with Rosita caused no damage. Her listening to that iPod was disgusting. Killing herself for Abe was beyond stupid.
You said there hasn't been a major character death since Abe & Glenn, Sasha was always more important than Abe in terms or rank and storylines.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Isn’t she still pregnant?

She didn’t lose THAT much.

Rick lost his son and was honoring what he wrote. Rick rather torture and play the long game while maggie just wants him gone period.

But if it wasnt for Carl, Rick probably would’ve slit his throat then piss in the wound.

She don’t got to rock with Ricks decision, everyone lost someone and Rick does realize deep down this was kinda his fault but it was kinda everyones fault.

But going full blown war with Rick over this is fukking RETARDED and unrealistic. Rick done saved everyones life at least once, so FOH. Theyll beef as long as Negan is alive and probably try to kill him eventually but unbelievable to think they going all out like that

Yes, she still pregnant..... but one thing we the fans forget due to our timeclock is yea.... even though to us Glenn been gone 3-4 years/seasons ago..... to her and them the lost Glenn like a week or 2. It really hasn’t been that long for them.

Also she’s a woman and facts women are more emotional and ain’t gonna react the same as a man. She’s reacting no different than a typical emotional woman in an extreme situation (sorry ladies, FACTS)

Rick has a different code to him, do to I guess prior to this not only was a good loving family man..... he was a lawman that was supposed to have a sense of law and order

Women in theirselves are fukking RETARDED and unrealistic at times..... especially in their demands. That’s just how they are, I bet you could claim that with quite a few of your ex’s..... I know I can

And I don’t think we on the outside can properly gauge or quantify the value of others loses. Maybe to us it’s not a lot but to her it could be everything.

I imagine she is sorry that Rick lost Carl..... but in the end, that’s not her son, she has her own child to look to protect and the father of her child is the big thing she recently lost that’s she’s clearly not over and huge to her



Oct 14, 2012
This can be said about a lot of shows but I’ll use GOT as an example since I’m rewatching It atm, but it’s crazy how much more simpler the structure is of the episodes but yet they’re so much better for it, there are no flash forwards or flashbacks (obv not including Bran) no cold opening alluring to what might or might not happen at some point in the episode, no fake outs, no “artsy” compilations Of people’s faces...the episode starts, it progresses, it ends, the next episode carry’s on, and the telling of the story is so much better for it.

I have read this as well. The audience was so disgusted about what Negan did to Glen and and Abe, the showrunners refused to allow it again. And you would have thought that either Simon or Dwight should have met Lucille at a minimum.

This has got to be the reason that in two whole seasons we haven’t seen Lucille be used on literally anyone else, Negan without a Muzzle would of 100% brought Lucille down on Simons dome for plotting his death behind his back.

This shyt needs to wrap up by season 10 or introduce some new shyt. They half ass it by trying to be original and semi follow the comics.

I agree with this, these writers and ceo’s Keep talking how they already have seasons planned out to 12 etc. How? fukk that..end it on 10 and focus all of you’re attention on at least making the last couple seasons good, ratings and viewers will increase too since they know it actually has an ending.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Yes, she still pregnant..... but one thing we the fans forget due to our timeclock is yea.... even though to us Glenn been gone 3-4 years/seasons ago..... to her and them the lost Glenn like a week or 2. It really hasn’t been that long for them.

Also she’s a woman and facts women are more emotional and ain’t gonna react the same as a man. She’s reacting no different than a typical emotional woman in an extreme situation (sorry ladies, FACTS)

Rick has a different code to him, do to I guess prior to this not only was a good loving family man..... he was a lawman that was supposed to have a sense of law and order

Women in theirselves are fukking RETARDED and unrealistic at times..... especially in their demands. That’s just how they are, I bet you could claim that with quite a few of your ex’s..... I know I can

And I don’t think we on the outside can properly gauge or quantify the value of others loses. Maybe to us it’s not a lot but to her it could be everything.

I imagine she is sorry that Rick lost Carl..... but in the end, that’s not her son, she has her own child to look to protect and the father of her child is the big thing she recently lost that’s she’s clearly not over and huge to her

I think it’s part revenge and part fear. To her, its not over until he’s dead. He may get out and start dumb shyt all over again.

To Rick, this is his sons wish and he’s showing mercy despite ready to seriously kill him if need be. Michionne wanted it that way as well. She’s basically Ricks conscious, bodyguard, and wife. If he did kill Negan it wouldn’t have been what she wanted but would’ve supported it but she was thinking of Carl too

I understand both sides but drag out war for that... nah. There are other ways to handle it


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
Also how many times has a character said "should have listened to Rick"? The lengths this guy has gone through for them.

I think I'm just mad about Darryl. :mjcry: I hope he's playing Maggie. Cause this fukker did take part in that failed mission behind Rick's back where they basically busted Negan and Co. out of the sanctuary.

I'm not about murder on pregnant ladies, so Lil' Glenn can be born first.. and then Rick Da Gawd can put all three of these traitors out of their misery. :win:

bWo ass nikkas

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I think it’s part revenge and part fear. To her, its not over until he’s dead. He may get out and start dumb shyt all over again.

To Rick, this is his sons wish and he’s showing mercy despite ready to seriously kill him if need be. Michionne wanted it that way as well. She’s basically Ricks conscious, bodyguard, and wife. If he did kill Negan it wouldn’t have been what she wanted but would’ve supported it but she was thinking of Carl too

I understand both sides but drag out war for that... nah. There are other ways to handle it

Yes I definitely agree with that and I too understand both sides.

I think “this” war is effectively over though.

We saw everyone working as a community.... even if it was reluctantly.... there was peace.

The next war if there is a war (and yes I get it may be off the foundation of this war) will be its own shyt



Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
And i do think that after Negan brutally killed Glen the entire popularity of the show went down.

Glenn was one of the OG’s... one of the OG Triple OG’s.

shyt, you probably could’ve killed Maggie and ppl wouldn’t have been as upset as Glenn.

Glenn, Rick, Daryl were like the untouchables with Michionne, Carl, Carol, Maggie, Morgan, Sasha, etc., being next.

And Carl DID die afterwards... just not by Negan and not by the bat. They purposely didn’t let that dude use that bat again. Carl was a tough kill though. I did feel a lil onion cutting coming on but still...

They going to have to develop some stronger characters next season if they gonna go back to icing cats. Because thats what made GOT the more popular to me was the fact that they were willing to kill ANYONE. No one was actually safe..

But with magic and shyt some came back. But shiiiitttt... next season of GOT’s you don’t know who’s going down.


All Star
May 14, 2012
I mean, hes only lost 2 fights in the whole series. Negan and The Governor. Hes demolished everyone else

RICK GRIMES is a GOAT contention TV character, dont give a shyt what anyone says :wow:

ARE we preparing for Negan and Rick to join forces next season? VS MAGGIE and Daryl :wow:
The wife beater was kicking his ass too even threw rick out the window if I remember correctly