Piggybacking off this graph with a table of my own.
Seasons 1-6 didn't have a single episode with an average IMDB rating of 7 or below. Not one.
Season 7 had four such episodes.
The average rating for all of S7 is lower than all but 2 total episodes in the first 6 seasons. The Tara episode, which drew a 5.7, was 0.6 worse than the previous lowest rated episode, which was the BS cliffhanger with Negan waiting to baseball bat murder Glenn and the ginger whose name I forgot.
7 of the 8 episodes in Season 8 are below a 7.
Currently, with an average rating of 6.8, that rating would be equal to or lower than all but four episodes prior to this season and lower than all but one episode in the first 6 seasons.