"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


Jun 3, 2012
That makes no sense, You think Gus or Mike handle problems with their fist only? Uncle Jack and his crew tool up at every chance they get, The stakes are way too high to be fighting hand to hand, and yes Jesse wins only because Walt had chemo and is almost double his age.
Walt can't fight period. That comment stated he would BEAT Jesse's ass and I don't buy that at all. Cancer or no cancer, every time Walt has been in a one on one altercation he taken the L decisively too. He was only able to kill that one dealer in that basement because dude was tied up already.

Walt strengths has always his brains and his evil ruthlessness. Him getting physical has always been an automatic L unless he has a weapon and even then he needs to sneak up on the person like he did with Mike to guarantee success.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Jesse is a coward and Walt spit the truth to him right there.

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
The thing about Huell is he has done absolutely nothing to make us think he's tough under pressure. Y'all see how cats break down on the 1st 48 when they facing years. As far as Huell knows he got a hit out on him so he's gonna do what he can to save his ass. nikka used to winning off size alone but he did jack shyt to Jesse when he sparked that L in Saul lobby. He ain't tough, he just big.
Yeah I don't think we know enough about Huell to say that he's a stand up guy that wouldn't snitch...Before this season he has only had a handful of speaking lines and they were never of any relevance...His character was never developed enough for me to have a problem with him folding like that...

If it would have been Gus that fell for the okey doke and ratted I would have thought it was inconsistent.. But with Huell what do we really know about his character or upbringing? At one point I thought that him and the Bill Burr character could actually be undercover DEA...


Mar 18, 2013
Jesse is the true villian of this show....There is no logic or justification behind any of his moves...Even him cooking and selling meth doesn't come from a righteous position.. He never had a family to support or leave money too..He calls Walt greedy but he was the one that begged Walt to get into the dope game season 1 for his own selfish reasons...He's always been a scumbag, halfwitted, b1tchmade, wigger, junkie criminal.. They try to write in these little plots with Brock and his mom being Jesse's "family" but realistically the time line doesnt allow such a bond to form..If Jane was the love of his life the way it was presented, no way he could have fallen so deep for Andrea so quickly...

And like someone pointed out earlier its obvious Andrea isn't pressed about him...

He's not really in love with her or anyone else he's just a sucker....He's more mad that Walt played him then he is concerned about Brock's well being.. Because like Walt pointed out the kid is perfectly healthy and financially secure now..Why all this rage and vitriol because of something that "coulda happened"?

He's just a dumb over emotional kid who's own mom and dad want nothing to do with him.. Walt really is the only person who has ever looked out for him...I'm glad the writers had Walt explain to him on that phone call that he was too stupid to realize what is going on....

Because thats true.. He is stupid and he is a coward....But in the criminal world people like that often are the last ones standing when everyone else dies or go to prison.. Rats and roaches survive everything...So I wont be suprised if he ends up being the last one standing when it all comes to an end...

Also according to IMBD Kristen Ritter will be making another appearance on the Ozymandias episode as Jane...That lets us know that Jesse doesn't die in the desert.. If he did there would be no reason to bring her back as a flashback...Since her father is dead the only connection she would have to the show would be to the subconscious of Jesse....

really though Jesse just doesn't belong so high up in the criminal world..

Jesse's essentially a junkie with a good heart.. He got into the game with Walt because he is naive & a terrible decision maker

but theres millions of people like that... just as theres millions of people like Hank, Marie & Skylar. Jesse was wayyy out of his element & thats on walt.

Walts a genius, but also a really, really fukked up person... which is a deadly combination. Thats the whole point of the show - Walt is this crazy motherfukker who drags everyone down with him

Its not about Walt tha Gawd makin' moves to get to the top & other people fukking it up for him.. I mean it can be if you want to look at it like that :manny:. But at this point in the show.. theres so much depth in the story & characters that you can look at it through a number of different lenses.
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May 18, 2012
Because the Nazis and Todd really live by the g-code...So in the criminal world most of their moves should be viewed as righteous..Walt and Jesse are both halfway crooks...Infact after recent events the show should be renamed "Breaking Kinda Bad and Then Turning Back To Good When You Realize You 'Aint Bout Dat Life'"

If Walt was really turning from Mr. Chips to Scarface he wouldn't have told the Nazi's not to come when he found out the convoy was Hank and Jesse...He would gladly watch them get bodied...He really isn't an evil guy.. So for Jesse, Hank and Marie to keep describing him as "the devil" is totally offbased..He's done evil things out of necessity once he got in too deep, but at his core he still cares...

The Nazis are just arch criminals that are 100% about the bottomline and protecting their own freedom...You cheer for them because they aren't hypocrites and arent conflicted.. They are just stone cold gangsters...I think Lydia is the same way without the blood lust...

Someone already said the show should be called "Half Measures". I think I agree.


May 8, 2012
Jesse is the true villian of this show....There is no logic or justification behind any of his moves...Even him cooking and selling meth doesn't come from a righteous position.. He never had a family to support or leave money too..He calls Walt greedy but he was the one that begged Walt to get into the dope game season 1 for his own selfish reasons...He's always been a scumbag, halfwitted, b1tchmade, wigger, junkie criminal.. They try to write in these little plots with Brock and his mom being Jesse's "family" but realistically the time line doesnt allow such a bond to form..If Jane was the love of his life the way it was presented, no way he could have fallen so deep for Andrea so quickly...

And like someone pointed out earlier its obvious Andrea isn't pressed about him...

He's not really in love with her or anyone else he's just a sucker....He's more mad that Walt played him then he is concerned about Brock's well being.. Because like Walt pointed out the kid is perfectly healthy and financially secure now..Why all this rage and vitriol because of something that "coulda happened"?

He's just a dumb over emotional kid who's own mom and dad want nothing to do with him.. Walt really is the only person who has ever looked out for him...I'm glad the writers had Walt explain to him on that phone call that he was too stupid to realize what is going on....

Because thats true.. He is stupid and he is a coward....But in the criminal world people like that often are the last ones standing when everyone else dies or go to prison.. Rats and roaches survive everything...So I wont be suprised if he ends up being the last one standing when it all comes to an end...

Also according to IMBD Kristen Ritter will be making another appearance on the Ozymandias episode as Jane...That lets us know that Jesse doesn't die in the desert.. If he did there would be no reason to bring her back as a flashback...Since her father is dead the only connection she would have to the show would be to the subconscious of Jesse....

....and he out chea making em mad like a true villain should :win:

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
really though Jesse just doesn't belong so high up in the criminal world..

Jesse's essentially a junkie with a good heart.. He got into the game with Walt because he is naive & a terrible decision maker

but theres millions of people like that... just as theres millions of people like Hank, Marie & Skylar. Jesse was wayyy out of his element & thats on walt.

Walts a genius, but also a really fukked up person. Thats the whole point of the show - Walt is this crazy motherfukker who drags everyone down with him
Yeah he's been a liability since season 2..

My main issue with him is even if you want to overlook the 5 million dollars he dropped on your door step... Once a man saves your live.. You can NEVER rat him out..That goes against every code known to man.. Not even on some military or gangster sh1t.. But in regular civilian life...You don't snitch on someone you owe the air you're breathing too...Walt and Jesse should have been thick as thieves and gone down on the Titanic together..

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
watch the 1st part of this video, look at the references Jesse makes about Walt and vice versa, Walt was dead on. Listen to what his mom says about him also, all he had to do was walk away, Walt says don't cook my formula, Jesse says it is theirs like he did anything other than buy the chemicals from the list. Victor sons him by giving him half the money and he does nothing, he has a baseball bat out on Jane's dad and yet still runs away when he gets at him. Jesse is a low life that is weak, he stays in a field where there is a price and no matter what he is afraid to pay it.


The Power to MELT!
Apr 30, 2012
Hank/Gomez have to die because there's no scenario that allows Walt to get out of the handcuffs with either of them alive.
Nazis were asking to see the badges, they'll see them after the two offices were dead. Realize who Hank/Gomez are and expect "payment" from Walt.
Walt is fukked cause he's cuffed and in debt to the Nazis they'll have the key.
Walt will probably worsen the situation begging them to not kill Jessie cause he can cook.
Should have cut the episode off right when they started pulling the trigger.

This. Walt was ADAMANT to the Nazi's that Jesse was not a rat. After this shoot out the Nazi's are about to be :usure:


Mar 18, 2013
Yeah he's been a liability since season 2..

My main issue with him is even if you want to overlook the 5 million dollars he dropped on your door step... Once a man saves your live.. You can NEVER rat him out..That goes against every code known to man.. Not even on some military or gangster sh1t.. But in regular civilian life...You don't snitch on someone you owe the air you're breathing too...Walt and Jesse should have been thick as thieves and gone down on the Titanic together..
I mean I see what you're saying. Walt is fukking insane though.. & at the end of the day everything is his fault.

He should have just stopped fukking with Jesse in season 2. It became clear that Jesse wasn't cut out for the shyt sooooo early on.

Id even go so far as to say that, if Walt killed Jesse in season 4 or 5, Id have more respect for him

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
This episode was just directed poorly. That shoot out was on some old A-Team shyt with people shooting automatic weapons and missing dudes who are standing right out in the open. There was no good reason to end the episode with the shoot out still raging when it would have been far more satisfying for it to end with Hank, Chico the DEA agent and Jesse dead.
Plus the acting direction they are giving Dean Norris just irks me. There is no subtext of conflicted emotions to his performance. It was just smug hateful glee which makes Hank come off as being less likable than Walt and that isn't how this should be gong down. As viewers we should be on Hank's side but he is being too much of an a$$hole for that to happen.