"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


May 18, 2012
Jesse is the true villian of this show....There is no logic or justification behind any of his moves...Even him cooking and selling meth doesn't come from a righteous position.. He never had a family to support or leave money too..He calls Walt greedy but he was the one that begged Walt to get into the dope game season 1 for his own selfish reasons...He's always been a scumbag, halfwitted, b1tchmade, wigger, junkie criminal.. They try to write in these little plots with Brock and his mom being Jesse's "family" but realistically the time line doesnt allow such a bond to form..If Jane was the love of his life the way it was presented, no way he could have fallen so deep for Andrea so quickly...

And like someone pointed out earlier its obvious Andrea isn't pressed about him...

He's not really in love with her or anyone else he's just a sucker....He's more mad that Walt played him then he is concerned about Brock's well being.. Because like Walt pointed out the kid is perfectly healthy and financially secure now..Why all this rage and vitriol because of something that "coulda happened"?

He's just a dumb over emotional kid who's own mom and dad want nothing to do with him.. Walt really is the only person who has ever looked out for him...I'm glad the writers had Walt explain to him on that phone call that he was too stupid to realize what is going on....

Because thats true.. He is stupid and he is a coward....But in the criminal world people like that often are the last ones standing when everyone else dies or go to prison.. Rats and roaches survive everything...So I wont be suprised if he ends up being the last one standing when it all comes to an end...

Also according to IMBD Kristen Ritter will be making another appearance on the Ozymandias episode as Jane...That lets us know that Jesse doesn't die in the desert.. If he did there would be no reason to bring her back as a flashback...Since her father is dead the only connection she would have to the show would be to the subconscious of Jesse....

I swear this shyt is so on point. Jesses character doesnt even make fukking sense. A loser ass meth dealer trying to get paid who ends up getting paid millions! and starts to act righteous after he can bow out the game for good without getting caught!?!?:dahell: I get it, he has been through some bullshyt along the road. But to me that seems all the more reason to say fukk it and start a new life with your cash. This fool could be anywhere right now with a new identity and a fresh start on life and he chooses to be a butt hurt snitch


Made me feel bad for ever even having sympathy for that chump. Jesse is likely to survive the series but I find myself hoping he doesn't. I hate it when characters have an out to all their problems but refuse to act on it over stupid shyt.

It's some crazy shyt when you have a problem with many of the characters except the Nazis. Does anybody feel this way? I've been annoyed with almost all the characters at some point for each seasons in the show but never for Todd and the Nazis :mindblown:


Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
The thing I don't like about the shootout was that there were about 10 Nazis pointing guns at Hank and Gomez who were just standing there in the open and not 1 of them hit when they started shooting. Also, the car Walt was in was shot up all over the car, logically he would get hit with a stray bullet, but that obviously won't happen.

Look Back About 2 Pages Bruh Both Of These Things Were Addressed

Earlier in the thread people were :wtf: at Walt not getting hit during the shoot out. But I just rewatched the scene, they made it a point to not shoot at the back half of Hank's truck. Didn't notice that the first time I watched it:



Yeah I'm sure from strays, bullets would be all over the place. But they purposely didn't aim at the back half of the car. I didn't notice that the first time so I was :wtf: at them just lighting up the truck with Walt inside. I was also :what: at Hank and Gomez not dying instantly, but if you watch the ep they are angled behind the truck the whole fire fight. If you aren't paying attention (which I wasn't the first time) it looks like they're out in the open, getting shot at, then run to the truck. They were behind it because the nazis were parked diagonally from them, not straight across:



May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
that shootout was asscheeks. took me right out of the show. it was like watching a scene from a cheesey action flick from 1982 where the bad guys fire a thousand rounds and hit nothing and the hero hits everyone dead on except in this case nobody hit nothing :russ::russ:

seriously though they fired hundreds of rounds at a fairly close distance and nobody even got grazed, shyt was comedy.:lolbron:

Oh they hit somebody. People will be dead.

jaguar paw

Music Junkie
May 23, 2012
Optimistic But I Got Hands Tho
The thing I don't like about the shootout was that there were about 10 Nazis pointing guns at Hank and Gomez who were just standing there in the open and not 1 of them hit when they started shooting. Also, the car Walt was in was shot up all over the car, logically he would get hit with a stray bullet, but that obviously won't happen.

Gomez was partially out in the open in the beginning of the shoot out. He made his way over to being covered by the truck. It's amazing that 7 shooters couldn't even graze him.

Even with that said, 100s of bullets went flying in both directions and no one even had a drop of blood on them.

Breaking Bad has always had some cartoonish shyt when it comes to the storyline.

Mr. Brown

All Star
Apr 30, 2012
Look Back About 2 Pages Bruh Both Of These Things Were Addressed

Thanks. That's what I figured about the car Walt was in, but I hadn't had a chance to go back and look at it. But the 2nd part, yeah, the guys in the car with Todd's uncle don't have a clear angle, but it looks like the guys from the other car do, might just be the angle the scene was shot at though.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York

this whole episode was intense and the last 10 mins were wild as fukk....I knew those nazis were gonna roll up. Also, I think they may put 2 and 2 together as to why Walt had coordinates to that area.
They did not put anything together, they are not in contact with Saul or anyone who knows where the money is, Walt in handcuffs didn't give up the spot and why would he give it to Uncle Jack also, as i said Hank being a rogue killed them, instead of calling a unit 1st he calls Marie to brag, he didn't tell her where they are, for all intents, they all gone, Marie has the DVD she turns that in but all the evidence still is on Hank, if the other police don't get his phone then there is nothing linking Walt to any crime, he played Jesse and Hank, you forgot he had Andrea call Jesse from her phone? No record of him doing that, the cops show up asking questions, she going to say Walt showed up because he is worried about him using drugs again. She can't go into detail about how her bills paid since they come from drug money from Jesse, Walt has to vanish, this is his out now, instead of Jesse getting killed, he can sell him off to the nazis to cook for free and get Todd up to speed. What i think his that Sky and Walt Jr will say no and not go with him, this could seem like a loose end to Jack and they put a hit on her from Lydia's being paranoid about another rat patrol problem again. she could order Brock, Andrea and Sky to be clapped up when she sees the problem of killing 2 DEA cops would bring, as Mike said she has had plenty of people killed, she sees the numbers only, she could even see Walt as a loose end and have him on the list also.

Ari Gold Bawse

The Bawse of all Bosses
Jul 4, 2013
gomez is dead for sure, i think he already got hit by a bullet. his facial expression makes me think that.

man fukk jesse i cant believe he fully snitched and turned on walt like this.

i was praying that huell would keep his mouth shut.

my prediction for the next eps? i think gomez and maybe hank die, the nazis take jesse to cook for them.

marie is going to do something crazy when hank doesnt come home and maybe walt takes his family into hiding then comes back to rescue jesse. (the m60 in the future)

when hank rolled up with jesse it broke walts heart, i was watching like :sadcam:

then the nazis rolled up :obama:
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OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth

Made me feel bad for ever even having sympathy for that chump. Jesse is likely to survive the series but I find myself hoping he doesn't. I hate it when characters have an out to all their problems but refuse to act on it over stupid shyt.

It's some crazy shyt when you have a problem with many of the characters except the Nazis. Does anybody feel this way? I've been annoyed with almost all the characters at some point for each seasons in the show but never for Todd and the Nazis :mindblown:
Because the Nazis and Todd really live by the g-code...So in the criminal world most of their moves should be viewed as righteous..Walt and Jesse are both halfway crooks...Infact after recent events the show should be renamed "Breaking Kinda Bad and Then Turning Back To Good When You Realize You 'Aint Bout Dat Life'"

If Walt was really turning from Mr. Chips to Scarface he wouldn't have told the Nazi's not to come when he found out the convoy was Hank and Jesse...He would gladly watch them get bodied...He really isn't an evil guy.. So for Jesse, Hank and Marie to keep describing him as "the devil" is totally offbased..He's done evil things out of necessity once he got in too deep, but at his core he still cares...

The Nazis are just arch criminals that are 100% about the bottomline and protecting their own freedom...You cheer for them because they aren't hypocrites and arent conflicted.. They are just stone cold gangsters...I think Lydia is the same way without the blood lust...
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May 1, 2012
The thing about Huell is he has done absolutely nothing to make us think he's tough under pressure. Y'all see how cats break down on the 1st 48 when they facing years. As far as Huell knows he got a hit out on him so he's gonna do what he can to save his ass. nikka used to winning off size alone but he did jack shyt to Jesse when he sparked that L in Saul lobby. He ain't tough, he just big.