To the guy who says it's not a plothole. You are wrong. My nikka, I couldn't have a TV show, where I wanted to murder someone who is in Protective custody, and know my life depends on killing this guy in PC. And then skip to the guy dead in PC with 24 hour security and never show how I killed the guy. You people kill me. That is a plothole. You have to show how it was possible Walt poisoned this kid. Jesus. Man.
One of the reasons I bet they didn't show how he poisoned the kid, is because they really didn't know how they could pull off that feat. So they glossed over it, and hoped the audience would just go with it. Which most of you did.
It's not a plot hole by the definition of the term plot hole. If you have a problem with it fine, but you can't assign your own personal definition to it and expect people to
And the shyt you're describing isn't the same as what happened. If Gus wound up dead and it was never explained how, that would be comparable to what you're saying. Because that was actually the point of the story arc.
That would be a plot hole because Walt and Jesse's entire existence was hinged on Gus's fate.
The kid being poisoned in and of itself wasn't some kind of major on-going story arc. Ergo, how he was poisoned is irrelevant. He could've came down with food poisoning, if Walt stole the ricin at the same time the result would be exactly the same, which is Jesse suspecting foul play, either from Walt or Gus. A plot hole would be if Jesse randomly

and turned against Gus, for no apparent reason. You were given a reason why he turned against Gus.
Like I said before, I hope to God you never watch "The Sopranos". They have more open ended, unexplained shyt in 1 season than "BB" does in it's entire run, and nobody ever called them "plot holes".