"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


Coming thru like BLAOW
May 9, 2012
Didn't Saul say that he didn't know what Walt going to do with the cigs though? He even tells Jessie, that Walt said he needed to get the cigs lifted because he was trying to help Jessie out. I might have missed something, but when does Saul say he knew Walt poisoned the kid?

If I remember correctly he sorts of implies it when Jessie asks Saul if Walt poisoned Brock, and Saul then says something along like "If I knew what he would do I wouldn't agree". But what I really wanna know is how did Saul ever know about Walt and the kid being poisoned? Did he figure it out himself? Did he even know who the kid who was poisoned was and his connection to Jessie and Walt? Honestly it's been a while since I last saw the older episodes so I don't remember everything.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
If I remember correctly he sorts of implies it when Jessie asks Saul if Walt poisoned Brock, and Saul then says something along like "If I knew what he would do I wouldn't agree". But what I really wanna know is how did Saul ever know about Walt and the kid being poisoned? Did he figure it out himself? Did he even know who the kid who was poisoned was and his connection to Jessie and Walt? Honestly it's been a while since I last saw the older episodes so I don't remember everything.
Nah, I just rewatched that scene because of this discussion.

Jessie bursts in, and goes apeshyt. He says, "You stole it off me... you and him took it right out of my pocket". Saul then says yeah, he took his weed because he didn't want anything to go wrong at the drop with the guy that makes people disappear. Then Jessie says that he's not talking about the weed, that he was talking about the ricin laced cig... AND he then goes into how Walt used it to poison a kid.

NOW that's when Saul explains that yes, he did it, but he didn't have a clue what it was going to used for. He even says Walt told him he was doing it to help Jessie and that had he known what he was doing with it he wouldn't have. So, nah... Saul prolly didn't know shyt about Brock getting poisoned by Walt until that moment when Jessie told him.


May 2, 2012
If I remember correctly he sorts of implies it when Jessie asks Saul if Walt poisoned Brock, and Saul then says something along like "If I knew what he would do I wouldn't agree". But what I really wanna know is how did Saul ever know about Walt and the kid being poisoned? Did he figure it out himself? Did he even know who the kid who was poisoned was and his connection to Jessie and Walt? Honestly it's been a while since I last saw the older episodes so I don't remember everything.
jesus christ, marie


Coming thru like BLAOW
May 9, 2012
Nah, I just rewatched that scene because of this discussion.

Jessie bursts in, and goes apeshyt. He says, "You stole it off me... you and him took it right out of my pocket". Saul then says yeah, he took his weed because he didn't want anything to go wrong at the drop with the guy that makes people disappear. Then Jessie says that he's not talking about the weed, that he was talking about the ricin laced cig... AND he then goes into how Walt used it to poison a kid.

NOW that's when Saul explains that yes, he did it, but he didn't have a clue what it was going to used for. He even says Walt told him he was doing it to help Jessie and that had he known what he was doing with it he wouldn't have. So, nah... Saul prolly didn't know shyt about Brock getting poisoned by Walt until that moment when Jessie told him.

Ok, gotcha. So all jessie needed to hear was that they took the cigs with ricin last time too confirm his suspicions


Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
If I remember correctly he sorts of implies it when Jessie asks Saul if Walt poisoned Brock, and Saul then says something along like "If I knew what he would do I wouldn't agree". But what I really wanna know is how did Saul ever know about Walt and the kid being poisoned? Did he figure it out himself? Did he even know who the kid who was poisoned was and his connection to Jessie and Walt? Honestly it's been a while since I last saw the older episodes so I don't remember everything.

Saul Has Personally Hand Delivered Money To Andrea And Brock, So Yeah, He KNOWS Who They Are And Their Relation To Jesse lol


Detroit/MSU Spartan Life
May 1, 2012
That diner scene, something is off about that.

It's like comparing him/them to Walt and how he does things. Todd and his crew are just reckless mother fukkers, don't have nothing to live for or lose and openly talk about this shyt/walk around with blood on their clothes.

I think they could end up doing some dispicable shyt like offing Walts family right in front of him or something. Todds cooks might not go well and they need Walt to help. He refuses etc etc

i'm thinking something will happen with Todd's cooks as well, at the table dude asked Todd if he was ready and Todd assured him, but it was never noted that Todd actually improved from his previous fukk ups though :patrice:he is still subpar, and they are going off of his word.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
If he said junkies aren't to be trusted and as a 'businessman' takes into account liabilities/risks, why is he willing to make jess (an impulsive methhead) his lead chemist?

I see what you mean but isnt gus character the hustler type? Walter is worth more to him alive and cooking than dead, right? I was even thinking at one point that perhaps guss just wanted to double production and have walt across the boarder cookin whilst jess stayed cookin at the main distribution front, but no, he outright wants to kill walter on some vindictive sht. I mean, Its true walter can be impulsive but jessie is ten times more impulsive and is a fckin fiend, so why is he keeping Jess alive as oppose to walter? His actions make no sense imo, but perhaps thats what the director wants me to believe.

He WASN'T willing at first. Walt made it clear that he would only work with Jessie. Gus, knowing that Walt's Meth is the truth, acquiesced after it was proven that Jessie had gotten clean (if I'm not mistaken) shyt was cool until Jessie decided to go to war with Gus's street level employees, THIS is when Gus decided to cut his losses and off both of them as they were no longer subservient. That why Gale was brought back, to learn Walt's formula, perfect it, and take over once Gus sent Walt to Belize....

Gus wasn't being vindictive, he just realized that on a surface level he had underestimated Walt's dedication to Jessie, therefore, as the dominant personality within the partnership, Walt had to go. Jessie could've kept cooking under guidance from Mike and all would've been well. Walt was making too many demands and making too many moves underhanded Gus.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
If I remember correctly he sorts of implies it when Jessie asks Saul if Walt poisoned Brock, and Saul then says something along like "If I knew what he would do I wouldn't agree". But what I really wanna know is how did Saul ever know about Walt and the kid being poisoned? Did he figure it out himself? Did he even know who the kid who was poisoned was and his connection to Jessie and Walt? Honestly it's been a while since I last saw the older episodes so I don't remember everything.

I think Saul's a little more "in the know" than he lets on. Whether from keeping tabs on Walt & Jessie's moves or just guesswork I think Saul knows more than he lets on.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
Rewatched the show again and i think Saul maybe up too something, by giving Jesse the only phone with GPS , i do think he was setting up Jesse to get clapped or get ripped off, out of all the burners he had, he gives Jesse one with a tracker. Since the house does't burn down i am guessing he sent Kuby and Huell over to get Jesse, he called Walt right away to say that Jesse has gone wild and to be ready, i am thinking he has a new Mike working for him trailing and keeping tabs on his clients, Mike was his PI before so it is no stretch to get another cleaner on the team.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I'm still :pachaha: at the carrier not being ok with Jesse having an ounce of weed on him but its ok for him to show up with $150k in dirty drug money in a duffle bag to be picked up in broad day light.


Especially, after he was just picked up a day ago by police throwing away $2.5 million....

There is all kinds of possible scenarios where someone obviously high and/or smelling like weed could draw the attention of the police and/or the TSA. Especially if you're heading to the airport at some point in the near future. Jesse gets busted with a fake ID, birth certificate, all kinds of illegal documents after the drop off....over some weed? You think he'd keep his mouth shut? All that shyt is at the very least 3rd degree felonies.

Having $150,000 isn't a crime. Worst case scenario they confiscate it and at some point in the future you get audited if you can't prove you lawfully earned it.



Wu-Tang Stan
Nov 10, 2012
this show, man


going out with a fukking bang
May 23, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
Y'all nikkas gon learn to respect the king. What does the talented Mr. Alquist have to do for you to get y'all minds right? Keep tryna deny da gawds legacy and he's gonna find out your identity and give you a supreme ultimatum, brehs. If he puts you on his list it's a wrap. Todd doesn't show any good will when he's hunting your ass:wow: If he brings that war to your door there'll be no saving private Ziggiy. Todd doesn't operate under the same moral dogma as y'all nikkas. You think you got that true grit talking grimey online, but you'll soon be departed to those Elysian Fields and there's no bureau to adjust that:ufdup: Somebody answer a question for me, doe: does Walt Jr post on the coli? I ask because Marie apparently thinks that nikka has his IT certs since she was asking him to come through and work on her Compaq Presario. What dude making six figures is pushing a PT Cruiser on these ABQ streets in 2013? What kind of boss is that, Flynn? Plus I've seen Jr's struggle websites, on some Geocities shyt. He ain't getting those computers putin:stopitslime: @hexagram23 you better holla at your boy Trent at Garduño's, breh. He dropped off those waters but never came back to elaborate on that guacamole. I know dude didn't get a tip that night. Marie was grimey during that little exchange though. Told Walt to go play hop scotch in rush hour traffic while wearing Flynn's crutches. Straight asked Walt where do your lies end when does the truth begin. Explains why she was tryna steal Holly's babyseat last week:scusthov: Walt dropped those confessions like Usher in his prime. You mean to tell me Hank's been behind this the whole time, brehs?:dwillhuh: Hank is the one who knocks? This dude is running the meth game in the southwest United States and brewing some of the finest craft beer at the same damn time? Schraderbräu is sweeping the nation:damn: You're telling me Hank is enlisting elderly Mexican men to commit suicide bombings? And yet it's still dudes out here rooting against my man Walter Hartwell White? Walt is like those Manhattan project dudes. Victims of circumstance. Powerful men took advantage of their scientific minds to do horrily demonic things.
Only a truly compassionate, sincerely good man like Mr. White would pay the hospital bills of a monster like Hank. If not for Walt, Hank would be pushing that Stephen Hawking whip without the Siri support. That iPhone 4.0 wheelchair. Do them shyts even got leathers?
And how does Hank repay him? Death threats. For shame. I knew Hank was nothing but bad news when he took a shyt in Walt's toilet and didn't flush. Straight villain shyt. But seriously, how y'all Walt haters feeling right now?
Da gawds treating Hank like Jigga's man treated him after he stabbed Un. Hank thought his injuries were covered by ObamaCare or something. Marie had to break that news. Checkmate, nikkas
This dude Jesse's tryna get froggy now over some Newports? Walt keeps Coca Cola guns ready for just this type of circumstance. He opened that vending machine and took out a piece looking like it came straight out of Mr. Freeze's arsenal. Jesse better hope Walt gets to him before Huell does though. This is the second time he dissed my man Lavell and didn't pass the spliff his way. Then he had the audacity to point a gun at da gawd just cause he stole his green?:why: Huell had 5 on it. You guys are over here expecting some epic showdown between Walt and Jesse, but just when jesse's about to light that match and set the roof on fire like a house party from Art Barr's younger days, he's gonna look up and see Huell standing at the front door looking at him like
