"All BAD Things Must Come to an End" - Breaking Bad Season 5: Part 2 Official Thread (SPOILERS)


May 26, 2013
While I think some of yall are putting way too much thought and analysis into the whole Jesse revelation I can definitely agree that the ricin storyline as a whole has been one of the show's weak links during its run. The thing with Jesse and the ricin in this past EP is kind of a reach but only because the ricin situation back in Season 4 was an even huger reach at the time. There's way too many unspoken details and variables regarding it for all of the viewers to understand it completely; shyt, now that I think about it, did they ever even mention how Brock actually got poisoned? :what: I kinda feel as if they're just bringing it back in these last 8 because they made such a huge deal about it earlier in the show and never tied up its loose end.

Back when I was listening to the podcast for Blood Money even Vince made it sound like they'd forgot about it and decided to spontaneously bring it back to advance the plot. He was saying something about how he and the writers were stumped on why Walt would be going back to his ravaged home in the flash-forward at the beginning of the EP and someone randomly came out with something like "uhh.....he's going back to get the ricin :ohhh:" I dont think the ricin has even been mentioned or seen this season before Blood Money, it just kinda seems like they're just bringing it back as another device to advance the plot, that's just me though :manny:

The ricin things kinda ehhhhhhh but they've more than made up for it with everything else that's gone down these past few episodes so I'm not really tripping about it


I'm The Cook that killed Gus Fring
May 29, 2012
Liberty City
And for the record I don't expect people to remember every little detail of every ep like I do. So nah @amaury136 asking about something from season 4 ain't a big deal.

But when people come in here like "who's Lydia?"....shyt is :what:

I know the show has blown the fukk up but this ain't something you can casually watch, then come into a thread like this and expect to make sense of it. Cats are in here talking about the color of a tie Walt wore in season 2, and whether or not it's relevant to him surviving the series...and you're in here like "who is Lydia?" :heh:

Take the training wheels off first, breh.



Digital Dre

All Star
May 6, 2012
Walt would make mincemeat outta Meth Damon......

This nicca said Meth Damon




Empire strikes back
Apr 30, 2012
The Yay
excuses people try and use here they continue to gloss over the fact that Jesse "found" the ricin. That "epiphany" was just self serving for the plot and a huge reach. Having Walt keep the Lily of the Valley plant around and Jesse finding it that way would circumvent all of this. It would be stupid for Walt to leave it around but he also leaves the only connection between him and Gale right next to the shytter so at least there's precedence.
thats exactly what Im sayin breh.
altho lol at jesse finding the plant, this wigga cant tell a tobacco leaf from a clover I bet :heh:

There's no reason for Saul to not atleast try to deny it in that scenario. All Jesse is working on in the first place is a hunch at best that goes against the logic of previous events, fabricated or not. Jesse stays getting manipulated yet a manipulator like Saul doesn't think to manipulate him?
its like youre reading my mind breh,

like seriously, saul had mike run up on him askin where jesse at, in the end of season 3, and saul straight up LIED to him knowing he'll murk him in second if he finds out.
this time saul spits it out in a second even though jesse askin bout some crazy shyt that happened like half a year ago ?


Empire strikes back
Apr 30, 2012
The Yay
sick around the time Walt needed Jesse's help. Walt had nothing to do with it....no way! Huge coincidence.erg-esque story arcs that come crashing down in :whoo: moments. And 9 times out of 10, like in this ep, the :whoo: moments far outweigh any incredulity along the way to them.

at least other moments in the series which were obvious plot advance devices, were organic. like hank finding the book all of a sudden was logical and consistent with the theme


May 25, 2012
I think we can all agree on this. How Walt poisoned Brock was on some Scooby-doo type mess. That scenario was out there. And takes a huge stretch of the imagination. Probably why they tried to gloss over how Walt was able to poison Brock.


Empire strikes back
Apr 30, 2012
The Yay
I think we can all agree on this. How Walt poisoned Brock was on some Scooby-doo type mess. That scenario was out there. And takes a huge stretch of the imagination. Probably why they tried to gloss over how Walt was able to poison Brock.
yeah but with all said and done its prolly the biggest reach in the whole series, and that aint bad at all. when you start dissecting other shows under an intense light, there usually is far worse shyt. like I like the wire more, its the GOAT, but the fukkery mcnulty was pulling off in season 5 was straight out of a badger stoner scenarios


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Walt would make mincemeat outta Meth Damon......
Y'all nikkas gon learn to respect the king. What does the talented Mr. Alquist have to do for you to get y'all minds right? Keep tryna deny da gawds legacy and he's gonna find out your identity and give you a supreme ultimatum, brehs. If he puts you on his list it's a wrap. Todd doesn't show any good will when he's hunting your ass:wow: If he brings that war to your door there'll be no saving private Ziggiy. Todd doesn't operate under the same moral dogma as y'all nikkas. You think you got that true grit talking grimey online, but you'll soon be departed to those Elysian Fields and there's no bureau to adjust that:ufdup: Somebody answer a question for me, doe: does Walt Jr post on the coli? I ask because Marie apparently thinks that nikka has his IT certs since she was asking him to come through and work on her Compaq Presario. What dude making six figures is pushing a PT Cruiser on these ABQ streets in 2013? What kind of boss is that, Flynn? Plus I've seen Jr's struggle websites, on some Geocities shyt. He ain't getting those computers putin:stopitslime: @hexagram23 you better holla at your boy Trent at Garduño's, breh. He dropped off those waters but never came back to elaborate on that guacamole. I know dude didn't get a tip that night. Marie was grimey during that little exchange though. Told Walt to go play hop scotch in rush hour traffic while wearing Flynn's crutches. Straight asked Walt where do your lies end when does the truth begin. Explains why she was tryna steal Holly's babyseat last week:scusthov: Walt dropped those confessions like Usher in his prime. You mean to tell me Hank's been behind this the whole time, brehs?:dwillhuh: Hank is the one who knocks? This dude is running the meth game in the southwest United States and brewing some of the finest craft beer at the same damn time? Schraderbräu is sweeping the nation:damn: You're telling me Hank is enlisting elderly Mexican men to commit suicide bombings? And yet it's still dudes out here rooting against my man Walter Hartwell White? Walt is like those Manhattan project dudes. Victims of circumstance. Powerful men took advantage of their scientific minds to do horrily demonic things.
Only a truly compassionate, sincerely good man like Mr. White would pay the hospital bills of a monster like Hank. If not for Walt, Hank would be pushing that Stephen Hawking whip without the Siri support. That iPhone 4.0 wheelchair. Do them shyts even got leathers?
And how does Hank repay him? Death threats. For shame. I knew Hank was nothing but bad news when he took a shyt in Walt's toilet and didn't flush. Straight villain shyt. But seriously, how y'all Walt haters feeling right now?
Da gawds treating Hank like Jigga's man treated him after he stabbed Un. Hank thought his injuries were covered by ObamaCare or something. Marie had to break that news. Checkmate, nikkas
This dude Jesse's tryna get froggy now over some Newports? Walt keeps Coca Cola guns ready for just this type of circumstance. He opened that vending machine and took out a piece looking like it came straight out of Mr. Freeze's arsenal. Jesse better hope Walt gets to him before Huell does though. This is the second time he dissed my man Lavell and didn't pass the spliff his way. Then he had the audacity to point a gun at da gawd just cause he stole his green?:why: Huell had 5 on it. You guys are over here expecting some epic showdown between Walt and Jesse, but just when jesse's about to light that match and set the roof on fire like a house party from Art Barr's younger days, he's gonna look up and see Huell standing at the front door looking at him like


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I dont think the ricin has even been mentioned or seen this season before Blood Money, it just kinda seems like they're just bringing it back as another device to advance the plot, that's just me though :manny:

It was shown in season 5, ep 1, ep 2, ep 8. The 1st time, when Walt got it from Saul, the second time when he hid it in the outlet, and the 3rd time when he took it out to poison Lydia.

Then again in ep 9, when you're talking about.

And the podcast you're talking about, they were mentioning "breaking" the episode. In other words, they toss around ideas and see what they like. After that, they narrow down the details. Lastly, they hand the outline to a writer, who scripts it. So the :ohhh: "he went to get the ricin" was just the very first part of that process, months before ep 9 had been written.



R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Brock could've been poisoned with expired Flintstones Chewable Vitamins....that's irrelevant really. The accusation was Walt had something to do with it. Walt denies it, they kill Gus, then it's miraculously revealed this kid just happened to get sick around the time Walt needed Jesse's help. Walt had nothing to do with it....no way! Huge coincidence.

Yes he accepted he wrongly accused Walt...and then season 5 happened. You're acting like several things didn't occur in season 5 to seriously erode their relationship, to the point that he's openly accusing Walt of killing Mike and/or plotting to kill him.

Hell, it's literally the very next scene. He accuses Walt of constantly manipulating him directly before he pieces all this together. People are acting like Walt and Jesse were out go-karting and Jesse randomly :ohhh:

Their relationship is in shambles and Jesse no longer trusts Walt about anything. So to pick this one thing, "why would he question this, in light of the fact that he found the fake ricin?"....doesn't make much sense to me. He's been questioning everything about Walt lately. I don't think we needed a scene with Jesse specifically :mindblown: "omg I bet he lied about the ricin too!" to sell this.

As far as Saul, he started blurting out names and assuming it was the cartel before Walt and Jesse even spoke. Which makes it worse really, because he's unnecessarily giving out info. All he did was see a pit and a gun and gave out 2 names, Ignacio and Lalo. So nah it's not a stretch to assume he'd give up info on Walt, who he obviously don't even like, after getting his ass kicked and a gun stuck in his face. Especially since he wasn't even on board with the Brock plan to begin with.

Having said that, of course it was self-serving for the plot. A huge reach? Nah. It's the 5th season though, people are acting like this ain't what the show has always been. They construct elaborate, Rube Goldberg-esque story arcs that come crashing down in :whoo: moments. And 9 times out of 10, like in this ep, the :whoo: moments far outweigh any incredulity along the way to them.

Breh, I think we both know we could be here arguing this until next weeks episode airs, so lets just agree to disagree. What I know we both agree on is that this was a good episode regardless. The scene in the desert with Walt and Jesse was one of, if not the most, emotional scenes of the series. I was :wow: when I saw the tarantula, let alone when they hugged. I have genuine concerns about pacing, but this is a great second half of season 5 so far. That said, you're never gonna see me in True Blood or Walking Dead threads debating the quality of plot points because I don't hold them to high standards:manny:


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Y'all nikkas gon learn to respect the king. What does the talented Mr. Alquist have to do for you to get y'all minds right? Keep tryna deny da gawds legacy and he's gonna find out your identity and give you a supreme ultimatum, brehs. If he puts you on his list it's a wrap. Todd doesn't show any good will when he's hunting your ass:wow: If he brings that war to your door there'll be no saving private Ziggiy. Todd doesn't operate under the same moral dogma as y'all nikkas. You think you got that true grit talking grimey online, but you'll soon be departed to those Elysian Fields and there's no bureau to adjust that:ufdup: Somebody answer a question for me, doe: does Walt Jr post on the coli? I ask because Marie apparently thinks that nikka has his IT certs since she was asking him to come through and work on her Compaq Presario. What dude making six figures is pushing a PT Cruiser on these ABQ streets in 2013? What kind of boss is that, Flynn? Plus I've seen Jr's struggle websites, on some Geocities shyt. He ain't getting those computers putin:stopitslime: @hexagram23 you better holla at your boy Trent at Garduño's, breh. He dropped off those waters but never came back to elaborate on that guacamole. I know dude didn't get a tip that night. Marie was grimey during that little exchange though. Told Walt to go play hop scotch in rush hour traffic while wearing Flynn's crutches. Straight asked Walt where do your lies end when does the truth begin. Explains why she was tryna steal Holly's babyseat last week:scusthov: Walt dropped those confessions like Usher in his prime. You mean to tell me Hank's been behind this the whole time, brehs?:dwillhuh: Hank is the one who knocks? This dude is running the meth game in the southwest United States and brewing some of the finest craft beer at the same damn time? Schraderbräu is sweeping the nation:damn: You're telling me Hank is enlisting elderly Mexican men to commit suicide bombings? And yet it's still dudes out here rooting against my man Walter Hartwell White? Walt is like those Manhattan project dudes. Victims of circumstance. Powerful men took advantage of their scientific minds to do horrily demonic things.
Only a truly compassionate, sincerely good man like Mr. White would pay the hospital bills of a monster like Hank. If not for Walt, Hank would be pushing that Stephen Hawking whip without the Siri support. That iPhone 4.0 wheelchair. Do them shyts even got leathers?
And how does Hank repay him? Death threats. For shame. I knew Hank was nothing but bad news when he took a shyt in Walt's toilet and didn't flush. Straight villain shyt. But seriously, how y'all Walt haters feeling right now?
Da gawds treating Hank like Jigga's man treated him after he stabbed Un. Hank thought his injuries were covered by ObamaCare or something. Marie had to break that news. Checkmate, nikkas
This dude Jesse's tryna get froggy now over some Newports? Walt keeps Coca Cola guns ready for just this type of circumstance. He opened that vending machine and took out a piece looking like it came straight out of Mr. Freeze's arsenal. Jesse better hope Walt gets to him before Huell does though. This is the second time he dissed my man Lavell and didn't pass the spliff his way. Then he had the audacity to point a gun at da gawd just cause he stole his green?:why: Huell had 5 on it. You guys are over here expecting some epic showdown between Walt and Jesse, but just when jesse's about to light that match and set the roof on fire like a house party from Art Barr's younger days, he's gonna look up and see Huell standing at the front door looking at him like

