While I think some of yall are putting way too much thought and analysis into the whole Jesse revelation I can definitely agree that the ricin storyline as a whole has been one of the show's weak links during its run. The thing with Jesse and the ricin in this past EP is kind of a reach but only because the ricin situation back in Season 4 was an even huger reach at the time. There's way too many unspoken details and variables regarding it for all of the viewers to understand it completely; shyt, now that I think about it, did they ever even mention how Brock actually got poisoned?
I kinda feel as if they're just bringing it back in these last 8 because they made such a huge deal about it earlier in the show and never tied up its loose end.
Back when I was listening to the podcast for Blood Money even Vince made it sound like they'd forgot about it and decided to spontaneously bring it back to advance the plot. He was saying something about how he and the writers were stumped on why Walt would be going back to his ravaged home in the flash-forward at the beginning of the EP and someone randomly came out with something like "uhh.....he's going back to get the ricin
" I dont think the ricin has even been mentioned or seen this season before Blood Money, it just kinda seems like they're just bringing it back as another device to advance the plot, that's just me though 
The ricin things kinda ehhhhhhh but they've more than made up for it with everything else that's gone down these past few episodes so I'm not really tripping about it

Back when I was listening to the podcast for Blood Money even Vince made it sound like they'd forgot about it and decided to spontaneously bring it back to advance the plot. He was saying something about how he and the writers were stumped on why Walt would be going back to his ravaged home in the flash-forward at the beginning of the EP and someone randomly came out with something like "uhh.....he's going back to get the ricin

The ricin things kinda ehhhhhhh but they've more than made up for it with everything else that's gone down these past few episodes so I'm not really tripping about it