Anyone else find it weird that Skyler was wearing all white at the car wash? On some angel/saint shyt.

The main characters in general were wearing colors that they've never really worn before.
The bags under Lydia's eyes. You can tell she has had her life threatened recently. See how quickly she backed down to Skyler? That's not Lydia's MO.
Then her telling Walt "you're putting me in a box here" after he refused to help her. Box could be jail. Or a coffin.

The main characters in general were wearing colors that they've never really worn before.
The bags under Lydia's eyes. You can tell she has had her life threatened recently. See how quickly she backed down to Skyler? That's not Lydia's MO.
Then her telling Walt "you're putting me in a box here" after he refused to help her. Box could be jail. Or a coffin.

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