Sounds to me like shes admitting that shes got some black ancestry (unlike a lot of "latinos" who are clearly mixed but refuse to admit it ) but also is cognizant that she cant claim to be black as she obviously doesn't look black.
This is honestly applicable to damn near the 40 million Latinx people from the Caribbean Islands, and some outlying groups like Coastal Colombians and Panamanians who are also heavily mixed and have large Black/Mulatto communities. All other Latin countries are mainly Native descendants, people whose ancestors were Aztecs Maya and Inca. Spanish Carib People got Taino but its like barely there compared to the amount of African blood they got yet the Mi No Black papi gang strong af going into 2019 still. Its getting better cuz now more than ever at least in music and Latin pop culture its Black/Mulattos running the culture instead of having it swiped and whitewashed like its been since fukking forever