
Aug 9, 2014

Man some you are delusional, AOC herself has called herself a socialist

Probably the only thing she's been honest about


May 7, 2012
you're upset over someone who has milquetoast center-left policies, all under the guises of your fear of further government intrusion on the rights of the individual not the collective

shyt that is literally happening now, but you side step and yap about how it's all just an example that we need less government that's putting a stranglehold on the free market and the mobility of the everyday people.

and not like said Free Market infringes on the rights of individuals on a damn daily basis to the point it has disrupted entire communities for profit and jailed generations of people.

So lobbyists lobby for the prison industry. The prisons are built, politicians get paid. Those prisons need to be filled so once again the lobbyists lobby and draconian laws are made, from Raegan's war on drugs to Clinton's 3 strikes to Guiliani's stop and frisk. Politicians get paid, the prisons stay filled.

And somehow you're convincing yourself that what we have is an actual free market?

The first cars were built to run on bio diesel. Lobbyists for the newspaper and gas industry lobby and hemp, which you can't even get high off, is made a schedule 1 drug (higher than cocaine).

But that's free tho.

Nikola Tesla is said to have been experimenting with wireless and renewable energy as far back as the 20s. The legend goes, as soon as his backers realized they couldn't meter this energy, his funding was shut down. Now I agree that was a failure of the free market to citizens. But what happens next? Tesla dies, the government seized all of his works and notes, and refuses to release them to the public so his work could be studied or replicated. And the man in charge of collecting his work is a part of a family who is known as billionaire real estate developers and 1 who is the actual president.

I could literally do this all day. But in the face of all this damning evidence of the market being rigged by brought and paid for politicians, the answer to you is to give them even more power and what, pray to god your people stay in office and don't get corrupted?

And these are the same people that screamed bloody murder when Trump took office, we were all gonna die. But in the event that an even worse person than trump takes office, we'll be handing him a government with a full surveillance program, the power to force people to make changes to their private property whether they want to or can afford it, and complete control of healthcare and education

I'm just not seeing how that ends up good.

School me, why should I trust the government with more power when they have a well documented history of abusing their power.

It's like ya'll cats read 1984 and thought "yea that's a good idea"

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
I'm not here to school people who have already made up their mind

especially people who think 1984 is a critique against socialism (despite being written by a socialist) and not specifically Stalin's brand of authoritarianism

So lobbyists lobby for the prison industry. The prisons are built, politicians get paid. Those prisons need to be filled so once again the lobbyists lobby and draconian laws are made, from Raegan's war on drugs to Clinton's 3 strikes to Guiliani's stop and frisk. Politicians get paid, the prisons stay filled.

And somehow you're convincing yourself that what we have is an actual free market?

The first cars were built to run on bio diesel. Lobbyists for the newspaper and gas industry lobby and hemp, which you can't even get high off, is made a schedule 1 drug (higher than cocaine).

But that's free tho.

Nikola Tesla is said to have been experimenting with wireless and renewable energy as far back as the 20s. The legend goes, as soon as his backers realized they couldn't meter this energy, his funding was shut down. Now I agree that was a failure of the free market to citizens. But what happens next? Tesla dies, the government seized all of his works and notes, and refuses to release them to the public so his work could be studied or replicated. And the man in charge of collecting his work is a part of a family who is known as billionaire real estate developers and 1 who is the actual president.

I could literally do this all day. But in the face of all this damning evidence of the market being rigged by brought and paid for politicians, the answer to you is to give them even more power and what, pray to god your people stay in office and don't get corrupted?

And these are the same people that screamed bloody murder when Trump took office, we were all gonna die. But in the event that an even worse person than trump takes office, we'll be handing him a government with a full surveillance program, the power to force people to make changes to their private property whether they want to or can afford it, and complete control of healthcare and education

I'm just not seeing how that ends up good.

School me, why should I trust the government with more power when they have a well documented history of abusing their power.

It's like ya'll cats read 1984 and thought "yea that's a good idea"


May 7, 2012
I'm not here to school people who have already made up their mind

especially people who think 1984 is a critique against socialism (despite being written by a socialist) and not specifically Stalin's brand of authoritarianism

You're telling on yourself. 1984 was about the dangers of big government authoritarianism. Animal farm was the critique of socialism.

And you didn't even touch the politicians getting paid.

Your boy Bernie was a couch surfing writer of erotic fiction before politics, now he's a multimillionaire with multiple homes.

Your girl AOC was a bartender before politics, now she lives in a luxury apartment condo in DC that has no affordable housing of any kind, wearing 3000 dollar suits as she flies around the country for endless media appearances, and when the establishment Democrats run her out of town she'll probably settle in to a lucrative job as a television personality.

If I were a scumbag I'd ride this socialism wave, seems like a very easy way to take advantage of the insecurity of people beat down by corporatism

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
:gucci:why are you repeating what I just informed you. congrats. you read books every 8th grader has.

and I've been critical of Sanders and AOC for the Democratic Socialism label because It's essentially welfare capitalism at the end of the day, on top of Sanders for his horrid foreign policy and tone deaf on racial and power dynamics and AOC for her general flakiness in regards to illhan omar

:russ:and that $3000 suit she wore was literally for a photoshoot, you don't keep clothes that they give you for those

but you're more than likely a scumbag, since the bare minimum idea of people having healthcare, affordable college and living wage clearly triggers you more than the continued gross neglect and income inequality

which aren't even that extreme or liberal of ideas

You're telling on yourself. 1984 was about the dangers of big government authoritarianism. Animal farm was the critique of socialism.

And you didn't even touch the politicians getting paid.

Your boy Bernie was a couch surfing writer of erotic fiction before politics, now he's a multimillionaire with multiple homes.

Your girl AOC was a bartender before politics, now she lives in a luxury apartment condo in DC that has no affordable housing of any kind, wearing 3000 dollar suits as she flies around the country for endless media appearances, and when the establishment Democrats run her out of town she'll probably settle in to a lucrative job as a television personality.

If I were a scumbag I'd ride this socialism wave, seems like a very easy way to take advantage of the insecurity of people beat down by corporatism


May 7, 2012
:gucci:why are you repeating what I just informed you. congrats. you read books every 8th grader has.

and I've been critical of Sanders and AOC for the Democratic Socialism label because It's essentially welfare capitalism at the end of the day, on top of Sanders for his horrid foreign policy and tone deaf on racial and power dynamics and AOC for her general flakiness in regards to illhan omar

:russ:and that $3000 suit she wore was literally for a photoshoot, you don't keep clothes that they give you for those

but you're more than likely a scumbag, since the bare minimum idea of people having healthcare, affordable college and living wage clearly triggers you more than the continued gross neglect and income inequality

which aren't even that extreme or liberal of ideas

I want everyone in America to have access to those things. But I want the system to be fair so that those things cost what they should and people can afford them.

What I don't want is people who pay politicians to keep getting away with overcharging for their services and unhonest accounting practices so that they can live like kings amongst men and hoard wealth shamelessly as they use the government as an attack dog to stomp out all competition.

But I guess you're cool with hospitals charging 2000 bucks for a tetanus shot, 400 bucks to stabilize a diabetics blood sugar, and 3000 bucks for a ride to the hospital.

You're cool with tuition going up every year as the actual value of a degree plummets. With bloated administrations full of people trying to create controversy to justify their jobs while the actual quality of education suffers. With for profit schools like Trump university and ecpi fleecing people who try to make a better life and giving them worthless degrees.

And it's not even free, that tax hike that's coming means we all pay for the privilege of being raped.

as long as we all chip in and pay the ransom together I guess.

Meanwhile politicians are eating steak and lobster paid for by anthem

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
nah you're just a bullshytter

@Kenny West @Rhakim

this square ass nikka not only moves goal posts, he also tries to flip people's ideologies and motivations

shyt is comical

I want everyone in America to have access to those things. But I want the system to be fair so that those things cost what they should and people can afford them.

What I don't want is people who pay politicians to keep getting away with overcharging for their services and unhonest accounting practices so that they can live like kings amongst men and hoard wealth shamelessly as they use the government as an attack dog to stomp out all competition.

But I guess you're cool with hospitals charging 2000 bucks for a tetanus shot, 400 bucks to stabilize a diabetics blood sugar, and 3000 bucks for a ride to the hospital.

You're cool with tuition going up every year as the actual value of a degree plummets. With bloated administrations full of people trying to create controversy to justify their jobs. With for profit schools like Trump university and ecpi fleecing people who try to make a better life and giving them worthless degrees.

And it's not even free, that tax hike that's coming means we all pay for the privilege of being raped.

as long as we all chip in and pay the ransom together I guess.

Meanwhile politicians are eating steak and lobster paid for by anthem


May 7, 2012
nah you're just a bullshytter

@Kenny West @Rhakim

this square ass nikka not only moves goal posts, he also tries to flip people's ideologies and motivations

shyt is comical

Nothing in this life is free, as a man you should know this but I kinda forgot who I was talking to.

You want someone to give you something, I want the bullshyt cut so everyone can afford it and have the option to use it or not.

We just built different I guess. Your great greatgrandfather is probably spinning in his grave, begging for the same government that profited off of his enslavement and the mistreatment of his children, to provide for him like a woman or child smh.


May 7, 2012
2024: Free healthcare! We did it yall

2032: the United states Government is facing allegations that they used experimental vaccines and unapproved treatments while providing healthcare for inner city youths and could be responsible for multiple deaths and birth defects in the black community.

Black socialists:

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
and you defend the market that was built off of the enslavement and continued subjugation of black and other marginalized people

and last time I checked, my great grandfather lived under capitalism

so not only do you not understand history, you fail to understand concepts of time in regards to lineage

you try and pop shyt, then cry about personal attacks and echo chambers when people keep that same energy for you

:mjlol:and that second post just screams triggered.

Nothing in this life is free, as a man you should know this but I kinda forgot who I was talking to.

You want someone to give you something, I want the bullshyt cut so everyone can afford it and have the option to use it or not.

We just built different I guess. Your great greatgrandfather is probably spinning in his grave, begging for the same government that profited off of his enslavement and the mistreatment of his children, to provide for him like a woman or child smh.


May 7, 2012
and you defend the market that was built off of the enslavement and continued subjugation of black and other marginalized people

and last time I checked, my great grandfather lived under capitalism

so not only do you not understand history, you fail to understand concepts of time in regards to lineage

you try and pop shyt, then cry about personal attacks and echo chambers when people keep that same energy for you

:mjlol:and that second post just screams triggered.

Every prosperous society that has ever existed has had trade. Without voluntary trading for resources it devolves into survival of the fittest, or worse an authoritarian government to beat the population into submission. You keep trying to tie slavery to capitalism, but once again laws had to be made which designated us as less than a person for that to be acceptable. That's on legislature, not the market.

But it's funny how you jump to that but convienently ignore the history socialism has of millions of people starving to death because basic needs aren't being fulfilled. Let me guess, its because of US sanctions.

Oh and my favorite, what about Norway, who has a way freer market than we do with privatized education, healthcare, pensions (social security), and post office.

I remember a long time ago I used to install satellite dishes for dish network. An absolute scumbag company. Well dish offered its customers a "free" antenna to pick up local channels. In reality they were giving the antennas away so that they could strengthen their negotiating position with local providers (dish was always blacking out local channels in disputes), to get a cheaper price and maximize profits (the savings did not get passed on to the customer.

Now these were cheap 30 dollar antennas. They would work fine on a clear day, but the first bit of wind would knock out the channels.

Every job I went to with the antennas would either be a single mom, or a wife whose husband didn't answer the phone. Men would straight up be like "why do I need this when I'm already getting local channels, directtv and comcast dont make me use antennas". They were rightfully suspicious and declined.

The women heard "free" and jumped on it immediately. And without fail, in a month or 2 they were paying another $100 technician fee for me to come out, remove the antenna, and restore the local channels on their satellite package because it went out during something important like NFL Sunday or the bachelor.

I kinda knew men were getting feminized, but it's kind of jarring to actually witness young men develop the thought process of women in real time.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
nah you're just a bullshytter

@Kenny West @Rhakim

this square ass nikka not only moves goal posts, he also tries to flip people's ideologies and motivations

shyt is comical
A nikka only has so many chances to say disingenuous shyt to me until his opinion is voided.

Dude is talking in circles because he's arguing from an ultimately fallacious position. nikkas do their chicken little routines on government intervention in the free market when the precedent on that has been set for years back to the new deal. And most telling is that our current establishment has already gone above and beyond what these trolls bytch about but you'll never see them discussing that. They'll be in here acting like they live and breath US economics

Perfect example: the free market killed coal, yet oil employees & coal lobbyists are entrenched in our government and have the ability influence the market and stifle emerging fuel standards RIGHT now.

nikkas talking out they ass about 2034 :laff:

Climate Change Conference Erupts Into Laughter As US Rep Promotes Coal

Whether its deficits, government intervention in free market etc. Its already here

So when you see someone doing their 10 year projection "sky is falling" routines on the people actively pushing against it, you dont have to guess whether they're full of shyt or not. There is powerful fukknikkadry at work
Last edited:

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
I love when buddy goes into personal anecdote mode

that shyt cracks me up

like somebodies grandpops who or lying ass Uncle who tries to come off like he's kicking knowledge and not a cheeseball.

it's always a story that he uses that justifies we he could give a fukk about anybody else, despite all the window dressing and concern trolling

and he keeps bringing up Scandadian countries when I constantly have pointed out the problems with the Scandinavian model.

puffs out his chest about what real men do yadda yadda, but lacks integrity and is the hallmark of intellectual dishonesty.

and again, this breh is THIS triggered by what would be a basic center-liberal outside of the United States

he might fukk around have a seizure if figured out or stumbled upon Third Way Maoism, Anarcho Communism or Libertarian Socialism lol

A nikka only has so many chances to say disingenuous shyt to me until his opinion is voided.

Dude is talking in circles because he's arguing from an ultimately fallacious position. nikkas do their chicken little routines on government intervention in the free market when the precedent on that has been set for years back to the new deal. And most telling is that our current establishment has already gone above and beyond what these trolls bytch about but you'll never see them discussing that. They'll be in here acting like they live and breath US economics

Perfect example: the free market killed coal, yet oil employees & coal lobbyists are entrenched in our government and have the ability influence the market and stifle emerging fuel standards RIGHT now.

nikkas talking out they ass about 2034 :laff:

Climate Change Conference Erupts Into Laughter As US Rep Promotes Coal

Whether its deficits, government intervention in free market etc. Its already here

So when you see someone doing their 10 year projection "sky is falling" routines on the people actively pushing against it, you dont have to guess whether they're full of shyt or not. There is powerful fukknikkadry at work

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
But it's funny how you jump to that but convienently ignore the history socialism has of millions of people starving to death because basic needs aren't being fulfilled. Let me guess, its because of US sanctions.

Oh and my favorite, what about Norway, who has a way freer market than we do with privatized education, healthcare, pensions (social security), and post office.

Wow, that sounded like total bullshyt so I did a quick google search.

The Nordic model is underpinned by a free market capitalist economic system that features high degrees of private ownership[3] with the exception of Norway, which includes a large number of state-owned enterprises and state ownership in publicly listed firms.

The state of Norway has ownership stakes in many of the country's largest publicly listed companies, owning 37% of the Oslo stockmarket[37] and operating the country's largest non-listed companies including Equinor and Statkraft.

"Private Upper Secondary Education. Norway has a very small private upper secondary education sector compared to most countries. Approximately 7 per cent of upper secondary pupils are enrolled in private schools."

"Healthcare in Norway. The healthcare system in Norway is one of the best in the world. There are both public and private facilities – public services are subsidised by the government and are either free or cost only a small fee, while private healthcare is funded by patient fees and is much more costly."

Despite the common values, the Nordic countries take different approaches to the practical administration of the welfare state. Denmark features a high degree of private sector provision of public services and welfare, alongside an assimilation immigration policy. Iceland's welfare model is based on a "welfare-to-work" (see workfare) model while part of Finland's welfare state includes the voluntary sector playing a significant role in providing care for the elderly. Norway relies most extensively on public provision of welfare.[41]

"The Government Pension Fund of Norway comprises two entirely separate sovereign wealth funds owned by the government of Norway.

The Government Pension Fund Global, also known as the Oil Fund, was established in 1990 to invest the surplus revenues of the Norwegian petroleum sector. It has over US$1 trillion in assets, including 1.3% of global stocks and shares, making it the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund.[1] In May 2018 it was worth about $195,000 per Norwegian citizen.[2] It also holds portfolios of real estate and fixed-income investments. Many companies are excluded by the fund on ethical grounds.

The Government Pension Fund Norway is smaller and was established in 1967 as a type of national insurance fund."

"When you work and pay tax, you are an obligatory member of the national insurance scheme. It is your employer who is responsible for your membership of the national insurance scheme."

"In 2013, labour union density was... 51% in Norway. In comparison, labour union density was...11% in the United States.

Norway’s parliament has approved a radical goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2030, two decades earlier than planned

The government also operates a sovereign wealth fund, the Government Pension Fund of Norway—whose partial objective is to prepare Norway for a post-oil future, but "unusually among oil-producing nations, it is also a big advocate of human rights—and a powerful one, thanks to its control of the Nobel peace prize".[38]

Norway is the only major economy in the West where younger generations are getting richer, with a 13% increase in disposable income for 2018, bucking the trend seen in other Western nations of Millennialsbecoming poorer than the generations which came before.[39]

Breh, Norway is the WORST example an anti-AOC person could vouch for. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

At least your claim about the postal system was correct. Oh, wait!

Posten Norge or Norway Post is the name of the Norwegian postal service. The company, owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications has a monopoly on distribution of letters weighing less than 50g throughout the country.
