Alex Jones in divorce court, embarrassing pics of old bodybuilding career surface


Jul 1, 2012
I remember checking infowars back in 2006. Alex had footage of Bohemian grove rituals and talked about what went down there. I wonder if that was all bs. He seemed like an investigator in his early days imo. Haven't checked for him since then so I don't know what he has become.


All Star
Jul 16, 2014
"My research is 100% true and peer-reviewed, but I'd prefer not to say where you can verify this info b/c it's a secret"

has nothing to do with anything

i cited my research papers in response to your comment implying i didn't go to college, and that i can't research as good as you

this isn't some game or contest, you can't base your argument on you being a better researcher

present evidence or you're worthless.. emotions and opinions are irrelevant

you're just mad that you have no rebuttal to truth and facts so you're getting emotional like a female


Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
has nothing to do with anything

i cited my research papers in response to your comment implying i didn't go to college, and that i can't research as good as you

this isn't some game or contest, you can't base your argument on you being a better researcher

present evidence or you're worthless.. emotions and opinions are irrelevant

you're just mad that you have no rebuttal to truth and facts so you're getting emotional like a female




May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
It was confirmed to me that Alex Jones was a fraud when he jumped on the Trump train, cosigning authoritarianism and militarism. Before the last year or so, AJ wasn't on the Islamophobic tip. Now Infowars is right up there with Breitbart and the Blaze in their fear mongering/scapegoating. Jones used to warn against believing in the Muslim boogeyman. After he started sucking Trump off, he went full "boogeyman under your bed!" mode. As recently as the Boston Bombing he was saying that the two brothers were patsies, and implicating some security/mercenary firm as being the real bombers. If that same thing happened today, he would be in full "fear the muzzies" form.

With some of his claims and angles, I wasn't quite sure if he was telling the truth or just being alarmist. But with the anti-Muslim thing, I know for a fact that he's full of shyt. Being a Muslim in America, having mostly Muslim family and friends, as well as knowing a lot about my religion, I know just how baseless and ignorant AJ and Trumpfowars is. This made me realize that maybe he's been full of shyt on a lot of other stuff before he got on the Trump train.

I think he's controlled opposition and dangerous.

First and foremost.......above and beyond anything you just said.........he has been anti-Clinton since the David Koresh/Waco situation in the early 90s. He has talked about how this was the event that led him down the rabbit hole and into expressing his thoughts on public access cable. He mentions this all the time.

During the Bubba era, the Dubya era, and during the BHO era he has explained the decades of corruption and the particular agenda connected to the family. So HillRod being a frontrunner for the Democratic Party was his main impetus for his interest in the 2016 election.

He hopped on the Trump train somewhat reluctantly cause he was originally for Ted Cruz and Rand Paul as his first 2 potential candidates. But then it became clear that Ted Cruz was a joke and establishment, and that Trump was stomping all over the rest of the field with opposition from establishment Republicans and media.

4 things:
He has talked about the warmongering by Dubya and BHO in the ME and North Africa, being against it. In other words, when Fox News and MSNBC were pushing the destruction of stable Muslim majority country....he a white Texan male, libertarian Christian that likes to go hunting was saying how disgusting it was that innocent Muslims were being killed over geo-political shenanigans More so that particular Muslim groups were being "pushed, financed, and trained" to cause chaos and then invoke the warmongering. He was against war in Iraq, Syria, and Libya.......protecting your Muslim brethren.

Also interesting that the countries that have been attacked the most were stable, relatively prosperous secular Muslim countries. Secular in the sense that Shia, Sunni, Christans, Jews, smaller religious groups, non-Arabs lived together peacefully.....but as soon as they are attacked....they become extremists bastions...depending on your POV.

2) With that said, he has talked about Islam as a political bent which runs counter to Western law. Sharia if imposed to the highest degree is a religious lawmaking tool. When Muslims reach a certain population threshold in a non-Muslim country, they typically will try to force Islamic customs on the natives of that country. So he being a libertarian is not favorable to what is happening in parts of Europe.

3) I've said it before. When it comes to one elephant in the room, he does go into a Sunken Place.....when it comes to Khazreal he overlooks, downplays, gets discombobulated, and lashes out at those who call him out for obvious lack of dialogue on Khazreal. He will literally discuss every influential country in ME but that one. The irony is that he gets called anti-Semitic by Khazreal advocacy groups even though he barely talks about them in first place.

4) Yes he is a little to heavy on Don Cheetos sack, but again he fought for Trump in face of Hillrod, which as I mentioned at the beginning he has not been a fan of for over 2 decades. He has called him out on some things, but even a lot of listeners are disgusted by Don Cheeto seemingly not following through on some of his promises....especally the warmongering........nikkas (humanity) is tired of destroying a new country every 2 years....let me rephrase.....many people that supported Trump, white Americans, are tired of warmongering in Muslim countries. Hillary would have invaded Syria in the first week....a liberal Democrat (establishment).

So my Muslim breh......maybe look a little deeper at the context of what you are saying.
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Hamza B.

Nov 8, 2015
This Dunya...and Beyond

This still doesn't explain or justify AJ embracing an authoritarian idiot and his demonizing of Muslims in general. When he jumped on the Trump train, he stopped focusing on the police state and surveillance state. He made excuses for Trump's more belligerent statements, and his overall militaristic attitude. I get tired of hearing about Clinton as an excuse for supporting Trump. Part of the trick is that we are given two shytty choices. The old AJ said as much back in 2012, 2008, and 2004. The new Alex would have you believe that Trump is our savior, when in fact he's just a different kind of idiot.

And I'm also sick of the repeated lie that "Shariah is being enforced" in parts of Europe. Maybe in issues like marriage and inheritance just like it has been used in courts in the United States for years, but ain't nobody enforcing hudud punishments in Europe. There are soooooo many misconceptions about Shariah here in the West, and even among many Muslims, that it deserves its own thread entirely.

I think Alex Jones is dangerous because he talks out of ass, gets his idiot followers amped up, and mixes truth with falsehood. He's only gotten worse since he converted to Trumpism.



May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

This still doesn't explain or justify AJ embracing an authoritarian idiot and his demonizing of Muslims in general. When he jumped on the Trump train, he stopped focusing on the police state and surveillance state. He made excuses for Trump's more belligerent statements, and his overall militaristic attitude. I get tired of hearing about Clinton as an excuse for supporting Trump. Part of the trick is that we are given two shytty choices. The old AJ said as much back in 2012, 2008, and 2004. The new Alex would have you believe that Trump is our savior, when in fact he's just a different kind of idiot.

And I'm also sick of the repeated lie that "Shariah is being enforced" in parts of Europe. Maybe in issues like marriage and inheritance just like it has been used in courts in the United States for years, but ain't nobody enforcing hudud punishments in Europe. There are soooooo many misconceptions about Shariah here in the West, and even among many Muslims, that it deserves its own thread entirely.

I think Alex Jones is dangerous because he talks out of ass, gets his idiot followers amped up, and mixes truth with falsehood. He's only gotten worse since he converted to Trumpism.


He has never stopped talking talking about the police state. He has guests come on discussing wikileaks, internet censorship, etc. He has said many times during the election that one of the weaker areas of Trumps platform was his talk about torture. I agree, and I've mentioned that I've never heard Don Cheeto even utter the words "Constitution" or "Bill of Rights". However, BHO mentioned it plenty of times, but basically repeated the same Dubya policies with regards to freedoms and rights.

Part of the original appeal of Don Cheeto and original fear by establishment and even general public was on the campaign trail, was that his rhetoric was not frozen in the same talking points you hear every 4 years...he said fuuck the bullshiit and spoke his mind. That was appealing to A. Jones and many other people tired of the same 2 choices that you mentioned because so many establishment Republicans are the same creature as establishment Democrats. That was the appeal.....however the reality the last 90 days has been less than appealing to a lot of folks on a lot of issues.

Sharia like any religious mandate is about interpretation, and it is being interpreted in Europe and now in a place like Libya more intensely than it was previously.

I noticed you fail to acknowledge that A. Jones was against fighting in Muslim countries. I agree he has hopped on Cheetos sack, but you can't deny that he's been more Muslim friendly in rhetoric than so many establishment media pundits and actual lawmakers, etc.
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