Alex Jones in divorce court, embarrassing pics of old bodybuilding career surface


Aug 14, 2012
no coincidence that you see the new york times shilling.. same publication that went hard against pizzagate

fun fact, the nyt ceo used to be head of the bbc, where he helped cover up jimmy saville's pedophilia

bbc reporter/journalist jill dando was actually going to expose a uk ring and said she was working on it... before she was murdered

if you don't know, jimmy saville was a pedophile and necrophiliac who was in the inner circles of the royal family and procured children from children's hospitals and orphanages iirc to be raped and killed by elites

good friends with prince charles, who descends from vlad the impaler (count dracula, that's where the story comes from, they drink the adrenaline pumped blood of the children after they have been tortured) and has even moved back to one of his castles in transylvania

I want you all to examine this mental gymnastics conspiracy theorist use. Their psychological damage makes them create unrelated exaggerated connections to issues and sources to reinforce their cognitive dissonance.

I've argued with one for 6 years now. Their tactics are LITERALLY all the same:

Post long ass YouTube videos no one will watch that lack any real credibility

This includes articles and other sources as well

Use long drawn out connections to base an argument that's circumstantial at best.

And discredit any facts or contradicting information as propaganda.

Literally...they are all the same


All Star
Jul 16, 2014
I want you all to examine this mental gymnastics conspiracy theorist use. Their psychological damage makes them create unrelated exaggerated connections to issues and sources to reinforce their cognitive dissonance.

I've argued with one for 6 years now. Their tactics are LITERALLY all the same:

Post long ass YouTube videos no one will watch that lack any real credibility

This includes articles and other sources as well

Use long drawn out connections to base an argument that's circumstantial at best.

And discredit any facts or contradicting information as propaganda.

Literally...they are all the same

circumstantial at best? circumstantial evidence can be used to convict in a court of law, so i'll stand behind circumstantial evidence every single time. :heh:

secondly, this is not circumstantial evidence.

literally everything i say in what you quoted is 100% fact. :dead: no circumstantial evidence present, genius. i'd be happy to add some though.

you're the one doing mental gymnastics. your tactics are all the same: "durr hurr you're crazy comspiracy theerist!! i dint see dis on da newz today!! i won't present an argument to counter data and facts because i don't know what i'm talking about and don't look into anything myself, er wait, i mean – i'm smart and intelexual :flabbynsick: you're not worth my time dum comspiracy theerist!!"

you're so invested in your fairytale that you cannot bear to let go. you said it yourself, you've been arguing with conspiracy theorists for six years.

quite sad and pathetic.

any neutral brehs reading this, go look for the truth for yourself so you don't end up like this brain dead idiot.

edit: i just noticed this nikka got a super bowl ring as his avi :mjlol: all the way lost


Aug 14, 2012
circumstantial at best? circumstantial evidence can be used to convict in a court of law, so i'll stand behind circumstantial evidence every single time. :heh:

secondly, this is not circumstantial evidence.

literally everything i say in what you quoted is 100% fact. :dead: no circumstantial evidence present, genius. i'd be happy to add some though.

you're the one doing mental gymnastics. your tactics are all the same: "durr hurr you're crazy comspiracy theerist!! i dint see dis on da newz today!! i won't present an argument to counter data and facts because i don't know what i'm talking about and don't look into anything myself, er wait, i mean – i'm smart and intelexual :flabbynsick: you're not worth my time dum comspiracy theerist!!"

you're so invested in your fairytale that you cannot bear to let go. you said it yourself, you've been arguing with conspiracy theorists for six years.

quite sad and pathetic.

any neutral brehs reading this, go look for the truth for yourself so you don't end up like this brain dead idiot.

edit: i just noticed this nikka got a super bowl ring as his avi :mjlol: all the way lost

You can't think pizzagate is real and argue about you using facts in your arguments. Try again numb nuts.

Yeah I have my favorite teams SB ring in my get your news from RT (Russian state controlled media) and Infowars (Alex "it's all an act" Jones). You are forbidden from calling someone...ANYONE..."lost".

You are a special kind of stupid and Iknow your kind. Nothing in your approach is new :mjlol:


All Star
Jul 16, 2014
You can't think pizzagate is real and argue about you using facts in your arguments. Try again numb nuts.

Yeah I have my favorite teams SB ring in my get your news from RT (Russian state controlled media) and Infowars (Alex "it's all an act" Jones). You are forbidden from calling someone...ANYONE..."lost".

You are a special kind of stupid and Iknow your kind. Nothing in your approach is new :mjlol:

:dead::dead::dead: you and your hollow brain can catch this block

utterly worthless person and worthless posts


All Star
Jul 16, 2014
Well, then there's no point in telling your :duck:

:troll:Stick to the topic of the thread: Alex Jones admitting he's a fraud.

you're a few planes below us "conspiracy theorists" when it comes to this.. as usual

i've been looking into him since the first time i saw his show, i know his career and life through and through

we've literally dissected everything there is to know about alex jones, this is honestly like talking to kindergarteners about nuclear fusion

And Infowars is owned by Time Warner as is CNN.

One of Alex Jones' producers stopped by a cop and exposed as a Time Warner employee

Proof Alex Jones is Bill Hicks:
- No evidence of Alex jones existence prior to 1994, after Hicks death
- Alex Jones main producer was also Bill Hicks producer and best friend
- Alex Jones was accidentally called "Bill" live on air

- They have the same Dental profile

shyt is spooky brehs. That controlled opposition is real. & I wonder what group of elite chosen people he never mentions on his programme are behind all this?:mjpls:

About CIA/WaPo connection

What every American should know about the CIA analyst who quit and blamed Trump
Trump Leak Now Points To Bezos’ Hidden $600M Deal With Obama CIA To Feed Washington Post

As far alex jones CIA history.

On air he confirmed/admitted that half his family are retired CIA! Ima find the clip where he admits that his family his riddled with spies. He says about 50% of his family reunions are ex-CIA! And of course even Alex admits that once you are CIA you are always CIA. You never really retire!

Why tf do we continue to take news (Ya know that thing that shapes your view on politics) from companies with CLEAR financial/blood ties to DISINFORMATION agencies?? :hhh:

yeah i've done my research into austin,tx and stratfor too

his forefathers were high level freemasons as well.. he has a history that's for sure

but you have to remember that there are good guys among them - and also ones who have hearts.. jones for example has alluded to being approached to be an agent, politician, mainstream pundit, etc. and talks about the meetings frequently... but some people have self control and can resist - they see years into the future of humanity and actually care

i don't trust alex jones 100%, i even was 80% sure he was an agent at one time.. but i'm 30/70 at the moment

as for wapo, the 600m was not for washington post breh, it's for a cloud environment so all the agencies can work together.. a component of their next gen iot/surveillance plans

if you wanted to know the real down low without having to wait for watered down msm to sensationalize court statements, you could have just asked us tin foils who are soooo crazy

don't be afraid to ask for any information you desire, drones


Hamza B.

Nov 8, 2015
This Dunya...and Beyond
It was confirmed to me that Alex Jones was a fraud when he jumped on the Trump train, cosigning authoritarianism and militarism. Before the last year or so, AJ wasn't on the Islamophobic tip. Now Infowars is right up there with Breitbart and the Blaze in their fear mongering/scapegoating. Jones used to warn against believing in the Muslim boogeyman. After he started sucking Trump off, he went full "boogeyman under your bed!" mode. As recently as the Boston Bombing he was saying that the two brothers were patsies, and implicating some security/mercenary firm as being the real bombers. If that same thing happened today, he would be in full "fear the muzzies" form.

With some of his claims and angles, I wasn't quite sure if he was telling the truth or just being alarmist. But with the anti-Muslim thing, I know for a fact that he's full of shyt. Being a Muslim in America, having mostly Muslim family and friends, as well as knowing a lot about my religion, I know just how baseless and ignorant AJ and Trumpfowars is. This made me realize that maybe he's been full of shyt on a lot of other stuff before he got on the Trump train.

I think he's controlled opposition and dangerous.