Dudes got all types of theories/hypotheses:
'They're underwater!!'
'They're from another dimension!'
'They're time-travellers!'
'They created humans and just come by to monitor our progress!'
'They taught humans to cook food!'
'They're undetectable except to certain individuals/areas!'
Sound like Flat Earthers with a different model for each observable phenomena from seasons to eclipses, but each one contradicts the others! When you question these hypotheses, you get 'Well, you don't know enough/need to do more research.', and when you ask for evidence, they start Juelzing: 'Here's evidence (blurry photos/hoaxes/made-up stories/Middle Ages artwork/cave drawings/hearsay/known atmospheric phenomena/etc.), if you don't believe based on that, you're a poopy-face!! All these people can't be lying!!'. They ALL have different stories, therefore, there's a BUNCH of these 'beings' all coming here for different reasons, from different places, at different times, in different crafts/conveyances......and not one shred of objectively verifiable evidence to support ANY of them.
'Bu-bu-but they're having hearings so they MUST be trying to hide aliens!!'
There's multiple Nations on this planet with their own Gov't/agenda/level of tech, so it's infinitely more plausible (Occam's Razor) that the unknown phenomena are just tech that one Nation (or several) has that we aren't aware of as opposed to some beings from another planet/dimension/time/below the seas coming by to see a Beyoncé concert while drunk and crashing in some cow pasture or a Mexican family's back yard.
'Bu-bu-but they defy the Laws of physics!!'
Which Laws?
Mirages/clouds/birds/reflections/radar images/camera flares/shadows/etc. ALL act differently and are subject to different Laws so, exactly which Laws are they defying?
'Bu-bu-but there are multiple eyewitnesses!!'
None of them had a camera capable of taking a non-blurry photo/video of the craft/being they encountered? None of them grabbed something off the craft they were kidnapped by? Why are their stories ALL different from one another? Why do the beings all look different depending on which person is telling the story?
'Bu-bu-but dude said where the evidence is being stored!'
Now, it'll get moved somewhere else due to 'Security Reasons' so there goes your 'evidence'........if it even existed in the first place.
'I'll believe the experts rather than some anonymous poster on a message board!!'
In conclusion, Afrobeats SUCKS!
I'm out.