After being briefed today US congressman said the public not ready for Aliens (Update: NASA hearing Sept 14)


May 24, 2022

Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer has introduced legislation that could lead to a swarth of U.S. government-held documents relating to unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, being declassified.

The Democrat from New York tacked an amendment onto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which would create a commission with the power to declassify information, with Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Mike Rounds also giving their support.

The government is under pressure to reveal exactly what it knows about UFOs, in response to an active conspiracy movement existing around the subject. House Republican Tim Burchett said Thursday the government has "been covering this [UFOs] up since the 40s" during an appearance on NewsNation, adding: "I think the American people can handle it."

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Finally a correct point you've made.. good job, thank you for admitting that you're biased on this subject. I'm pointing out to you that you MORE biased than others.

I would think the person who just picks a side without deeply looking into the available evidence is more biased than me, because at least I looked before I chose. And there are people in this thread who clearly aren't interested in looking deep.

Uhhh the ones who said we have crafts in our possession? Come on now dude, slow down remember what you actually typed

Yet another false claim on your part. I have not accused a single government official of lying. Someone can have a mistaken opinion without lying, if they don't know what they're talking about.

Name ONE government official who actually knows what they're talking about who has said we have crafts in our possession. Name a single person who has actually seen such a craft, or has direct evidence of it, with proof that it was alien in nature. They're not lying if they just don't know any better.

you apparently are stupid enough to pretend you do. And yes I'm gonna say stupid, because that's exactly what it should be called

I only took out a small portion of the rant because it was a waste of space and tiring. I'm just wondering when you're going to realize that Ad Hominem is a logical fallacy and doesn't help your argument at all.

You know why I haven't presented evidence? Because we aren't privy to it.

So at least you admit that nothing any of us have seen publicly constitutes evidence of aliens. And nothing the AARO have constitutes evidence of aliens, despite them have far greater security clearance than we do. And apparently nothing Moultrie or Bray have seen constitutes evidence of aliens, despite both of them having all the security clearance in the world.

It's downright amazing that across the last hundred years of history and billions of people on Earth, we still can't put forth a single solid piece of evidence for alien contact except for that which the US government has magically managed to keep classified at the highest levels....except that, apparently, neither the head of Intelligence at the Pentagon or the head of Intelligence in the Navy have seen it, either.

If you refuse to believe the obvious answer, the direction all the evidence points to, just because there "might" be secret evidence hidden away in the deepest vaults of the US government, then why should you ever believe anything? Why not believe that the answer to every mystery is hidden away in the secrets of the US government? Literally any claim you can make about reality, I can counter with, "But what if the US government is hiding evidence to the contrary?" And since you don't have proof they're not, does that mean you can never form an opinion about anything?

How much longer are you willing to go without disclosure of aliens before you'll start to believe that maybe I was right?


Apr 30, 2012
Northern California
but yall still mock Christians
It should be obvious that a big chunk of hardcore ufo believers have an axe to grind with religion. Can’t go a single discussion about the topic without somebody hoping, predicting that religion will be dismantled if there is disclosure and people will lose their minds :russ: shyts weird


Apr 30, 2012
It should be obvious that a big chunk of hardcore ufo believers have an axe to grind with religion. Can’t go a single discussion about the topic without somebody hoping, predicting that religion will be dismantled if there is disclosure and people will lose their minds :russ: shyts weird

That’s not the UFO people that’s the people who are keeping the information from being disclosed. They are the ones concerned about that.


Apr 30, 2012
I'm 100% fine with that, the revelation would be way more fascinating than the worries about being negged. :skip:

But sad that no one here has enough integrity to make it go both ways. When a year goes by and aliens still haven't been revealed, will I be repped for being right? Two years? Five years? When are they ever going to admit it?

They're not. Unless there is a brand-new visit from some star-tripping brehs that have never been here before, 2040 is going to roll by and we still won't have jack shyt of proof.

[The AI-created deep fake videos and Chat-GP39 created false narratives are gonna be annoying as fukk by that stage though. :scusthov: ]

Seems to me they have been revealed and you will still deny it. You mean until an alien directly enters your home and answers all of your questions and provides answers that you agree with. Then you’ll acknowledge them. But that’s not going to happen. So you will just never believe. And it’s nothing wrong with that.


May 24, 2022
I would think the person who just picks a side without deeply looking into the available evidence is more biased than me, because at least I looked before I chose. And there are people in this thread who clearly aren't interested in looking deep.
I would say someone stating "facts" without having available information is exactly what you are, and as bad as those you just mentioned

Yet another false claim on your part. I have not accused a single government official of lying. Someone can have a mistaken opinion without lying, if they don't know what they're talking about.

Name ONE government official who actually knows what they're talking about who has said we have crafts in our possession. Name a single person who has actually seen such a craft, or has direct evidence of it, with proof that it was alien in nature. They're not lying if they just don't know any better.
David Grusch. His claims and apparent evidence were backed up by others with apparent first hand accounts after an ICIG investigation and those individuals spoke within closed door meetings. So once again, yes you did call him a liar by stating that we do not have these crafts/etc. Come on now dude.. Once again this isn't hard.

So at least you admit that nothing any of us have seen publicly constitutes evidence of aliens. And nothing the AARO have constitutes evidence of aliens, despite them have far greater security clearance than we do. And apparently nothing Moultrie or Bray have seen constitutes evidence of aliens, despite both of them having all the security clearance in the world.

It's downright amazing that across the last hundred years of history and billions of people on Earth, we still can't put forth a single solid piece of evidence for alien contact except for that which the US government has magically managed to keep classified at the highest levels....except that, apparently, neither the head of Intelligence at the Pentagon or the head of Intelligence in the Navy have seen it, either.

If you refuse to believe the obvious answer, the direction all the evidence points to, just because there "might" be secret evidence hidden away in the deepest vaults of the US government, then why should you ever believe anything? Why not believe that the answer to every mystery is hidden away in the secrets of the US government? Literally any claim you can make about reality, I can counter with, "But what if the US government is hiding evidence to the contrary?" And since you don't have proof they're not, does that mean you can never form an opinion about anything?

How much longer are you willing to go without disclosure of aliens before you'll start to believe that maybe I was right?
Once again.... AARO does not have full access to be read into everything that they are investigating and that was literally... LITERALLY stated by Kirkpatrick. Once again you decided to not mention that again. So with that knowledge you can jump to the logical conclusion that AARO thus does not possess all the information that they should with this subject and their investigation.

What do you know!! That's exactly what Grusch has stated in his complaint!! Crazy how that works

Let me reemphasize because apparently this is like the 5th post I've had to do this with you.. Not sure if reading comprehension is an issue or you are glossing over these facts so let me put them in bold so you have no mistakes in your reading and everyone else on this subject can be knowledgeable

David Grusch and others submitted their evidence to the ICIG

David Grusch and others submitted their evidence to the ICIG

David Grusch and others submitted their evidence to the ICIG

David Grusch and others submitted their evidence to the ICIG

David Grusch and others submitted their evidence to the ICIG

So just to emphasize for those out there, multiple government officials WITH ACCESS have submitted their evidence. I don't wanna read any further about how no one has presented evidence, because that's false and makes you come across uninformed

Whether that evidence is accurate to their claims... we won't know as the general public until the government releases it or the investigation is over and they declassify it. However the fact that they are holding hearings, both closed and open door, should lend credence that their complaints should be taken seriously.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I would say someone stating "facts" without having available information is exactly what you are, and as bad as those you just mentioned

I have an enormous amount of information, more than enough to come to a conclusion.

You will never have "all" the information on any subject. Every single conclusion you've ever made, you did so without "all" the information.

At which point did you decide that Trump didn't win the 2020 election? The challenges haven't stopped, and many of the claims of fraud were dismissed without being tried in court. There is plenty that hasn't been made public. So is it okay to come to conclusion yet, or nah?

David Grusch. His claims and apparent evidence were backed up by others with apparent first hand accounts after an ICIG investigation and those individuals spoke within closed door meetings. So once again, yes you did call him a liar by stating that we do not have these crafts/etc. Come on now dude.. Once again this isn't hard.

I have never once called Grusch a liar, though it's possible he's projecting more confidence than he really has. He has never claimed to have first-hand knowledge of aliens or alien crafts. He's just overly gullible.

There may or may not be people lying to Grusch, it's difficult to know without even knowing who they are or what they said. They may simply be mistaken.

How many times are you going to make false claims and assumptions about me without actual evidence of your accusations? That seems pretty hypocritical, considering the position you're taking here.

Once again.... AARO does not have full access to be read into everything that they are investigating and that was literally... LITERALLY stated by Kirkpatrick. Once again you decided to not mention that again.

But they have a ton more information than the people in this thread do, and they're directly contradicting the claim in this thread that we have ALREADY seen shyt that defies physics.

And you once again neglected the statements of Moultrie and Bray, who DO have full access. Seems hypocritical to keep making that very specific complaint about Kirkpatrick's lack of access while explicitly ignoring the others who do have it.

I don't wanna read any further about how no one has presented evidence, because that's false and makes you come across uninformed

And you're going to complain about my reading comprehension? Looks like I'm going to have to repeat myself again, because you're falsely claiming I said something I didn't say, yet again.

1. Nothing any of us have seen publicly constitutes evidence of aliens.

2. Nothing the AARO have constitutes evidence of aliens, despite them have far greater security clearance than we do.

3. Nothing Moultrie or Bray have seen constitutes evidence of aliens, despite both of them having all the security clearance in the world.

4. According to this narrative you're trying to run with, across the last hundred years of history and billions of people on Earth, we still can't put forth a single solid piece of evidence for alien contact except for that which the US government has magically managed to keep classified at the highest levels....except that, apparently, neither the head of Intelligence at the Pentagon or the head of Intelligence in the Navy have seen it, either.

Let's say the investigation into Grusch's allegations plays out, and it turns out his sources are weak and there's no real evidence. Will you finally be able to come to a conclusion then? Or will you insist there still might be secret evidence hiding somewhere? If we go 2 years, 5 years, 10 years with nothing, will you finally make up your mind? What point will you change? Or is there something special about aliens, that they're the only subject where no one is allowed to come to a conclusion based on the available evidence, the only subject that must remain in eternal limbo?

If you can't make up your mind on aliens, why make up your mind on anything? Everyone claims the government is hiding the truth on every meaningful subject.

How much longer are you willing to go without disclosure of aliens before you'll start to believe that maybe I was right?


May 24, 2022
Yeah so in case y’all didn’t realize disclosure is happening.



And notice it says disclosure. And even after all my logic and theory I add a motherfukker so y’all ignant nikkas hear me.
According to @Rhakim we will never get disclosure.................... But somehow this act uses the word disclosure apparently 79 times.

Once again, disclosure doesn't mean "we found the aliens!!" it could very well be "we found out it's not"

I'm glad that certain government officials are taking this seriously enough to give specific language


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
@jaydawg08, it is interesting. If you're unbiased and merely don't like my certitude, then why are you only attacking me? Why aren't you saying a word to these guys filling the thread who are certain about UFOs being alien despite zero solid evidence behind it that has ever been shown to any of us?

Cats said forget context clues and bread crumbs they don’t believe anything until it presents its self in full.

You realize you're arguing against @jaydawg08's position, not mine, right?

I'm the one who fully accepts context clues and bread crumbs if there's enough evidence already to come to a conclusion. He's the one saying that we can never decide until we know absolutely everything.

According to @Rhakim we will never get disclosure.................... But somehow this act uses the word disclosure apparently 79 times.

Once again, disclosure doesn't mean "we found the aliens!!" it could very well be "we found out it's not"

:mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

Of course "disclosure" is shorthand for "disclosure of aliens". No one is talking about "disclosure that aliens aren't real" when they use the word disclosure in these conversations.

So about all those previous times you lied on me, I'm still waiting for the admittance of fault. Are you just going to keep ignoring those while you move on to the next thing?


May 24, 2022
Some highlights from the bill that I got from some Reddit comments:

(4) Legislation is necessary because credible evidence and testimony indicates that Federal Government unidentified anomalous phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory declassification review as set forth in Executive Order 13526 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to classified national security information) due in part to exemptions under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), as well as an over-broad interpretation of "transclassified foreign nuclear information", which is also exempt from mandatory declassification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law.
This bill states that there's credible evidence and testimony (note: *not* simply testimony) that the government has been hiding stuff they're mandated to disclose by claiming it's exempt under the "Atomic Energy Act of 1954" or is exempt due to an overly-broad interpretation of "transclassified foreign nuclear information."

All Federal Government records concerning unidentified anomalous phenomena should carry a presumption of immediate disclosure and all records should be eventually disclosed to enable the public to become fully informed about the history of the Federal Government’s knowledge and involvement surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena.



The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good.

“Section 5: Controlling Authority

The term “Controlling Authority” refers to any Federal, State, or Local government department, office, agency, committee, commission, commercial company, academic institution, or private sector entity in physical possession of TECHNOLOGIES OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN OR BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE.”

(1) APPOINTMENT.—Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall appoint 1 citizen of the United States, without regard to political affiliation, to the position of Executive Director of the Review Board. This position counts as 1 of the 9 Review Board members under section ll07(b)(1). (2) QUALIFICATIONS.—The person appointed as Executive Director shall be a private citizen of integrity and impartiality who—(A) is a distinguished professional; and (B) is not a present employee of the Fed eral Government; and (C) has had no previous or current involvement with any legacy program or controlling authority relating to the collection, exploitation, or reverse engineering of technologies of un- known origin or the examination of biological evidence of living or deceased non-human intelligence.


May 24, 2022
@jaydawg08, it is interesting. If you're unbiased and merely don't like my certitude, then why are you only attacking me? Why aren't you saying a word to these guys filling the thread who are certain about UFOs being alien despite zero solid evidence behind it that has ever been shown to any of us?
If I'm being honest... it's because I think you're one of the smartest people on this forum. And with that I don't think you are being fair/honest in your discussions here.

I'm the one who fully accepts context clues and bread crumbs if there's enough evidence already to come to a conclusion. He's the one saying that we can never decide until we know absolutely everything.
Lol I've never stated we can't decide something until we know everything. I have just stated that I can't make definitive determinations on something until we have the facts gathered.... which we don't on this subject.

So I am open to either argument, and find it stupid when someone is willing to close the door on this subject when there are people coming forward with information

Of course "disclosure" is shorthand for "disclosure of aliens". No one is talking about "disclosure that aliens aren't real" when they use the word disclosure in these conversations.

So about all those previous times you lied on me, I'm still waiting for the admittance of fault. Are you just going to keep ignoring those while you move on to the next thing?
Disclosure is literally just letting it be known, one way or the other.. The UFO/UAP discussion is a federal/state secret. Either through "national security" concerns or military concerns or whatever. Disclosing this information to the public, one way or another, is what "Disclosure of Aliens" means.. This is obvious, come on now
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
If I'm being honest... it's because I think you're one of the smartest people on this forum. And with that I don't think you are being fair/honest in your discussions here.

Thank you, that's a kind statement at least.

Lol I've never stated we can't decide something until we know everything. I have just stated that I can't make definitive determinations on something until we have the facts gathered.... which we don't on this

I think we've been gathering the facts on this for a long, long time, and have more than enough information. No matter what happens with this "disclosure", the pro-alien side of the argument will claim there still needs to be more disclosure. At what point will you be willing to come to a conclusion?


May 24, 2022
Thank you, that's a kind statement at least.

I think we've been gathering the facts on this for a long, long time, and have more than enough information. No matter what happens with this "disclosure", the pro-alien side of the argument will claim there still needs to be more disclosure. At what point will you be willing to come to a conclusion?
I agree with this, and I can only speak for myself and say that I never believed that we had crafts/alien bodies etc. and I've been one of those people that just casually believed that the govt simply knew more about these UFO's then they were letting on.

It's only recently that I've become open to the idea of crafts (and still HIGHLY skeptical of the body claims) and I'll be satisfied with a conclusion if this bill is pushed forward and an investigation is presented and certain facts are disclosed to the public.

If they come away with the conclusion that Grusch and others were misinformed and/or lied to, I'll revert my position back to what I originally thought

What would make you willing to admit that there's a chance we do have crafts/items/etc? You need photos? Testimony? Kirkpatrick to come out and admit it?