We have been people with first hand accounts within the retrieval program that have come forward to back up Grusch's claims.. multiple respected journalists have reported it, and multiple government officials have stated this as well. Evidence has been presented in multiple forms through legal means that it needed to be.
Your bias is blinding you to what has really been said and how little exposure/evidence regarding the program those people actually have. But it useless to argue with true believers. Just remember this comment.
This is no "disclosure" coming. The US government does not have a single alien craft or alien body.
This is the problem that I have with yourself with this discussion. You're coming across as bad as Mick West, who is basically as bad as those UFO obsessed people when you take snippets of the story that try to debunk certain aspects while literally leaving whole parts of the story out because it fits a narrative
And this is the problem I have with you. Rather than countering my actual evidence, data, or facts, you're forced to resort to character attacks and ad hominems. "You're as bad as Mick West!" is a meaningless statement. The evidence and logic are both on my side. If you believe that's wrong, then rebut my statements with concrete counterevidence. Don't just default to logical fallacies like Ad Hominem, Argument from Authority and False Authority, Appeal to Motive, Argument from Anecdote, Argument from Incredulity, etc. They're called "logical fallacies" for a reason.
You honestly believe that so many officials in high places from our government are so incompetent at their jobs that rather a fukn MEDIOCRE VIDEO GAME PROGRAMMER is somehow the only guy who has the correct answers? lol
Let me count the ways in which this statement is misguided, beyond the obvious Ad Hominem and False Authority fallacies.
1. The "officials at high places in our government" who have spoken up don't have any real experience analyzing these videos or evidence, and have made little effort to. Calling them "incompetent" isn't fair, they're hardly even trying. Which high-up government person has done enough investigation firsthand to even be relevant to the discussion? The congressman in the OP is most famous for Bigfoot advocacy and legalizing the eating of roadkill. These aren't serious investigators.
2. Most of the people in government who are looking at the evidence DO have the correct answers. Let's count:
- Sean Kirkpatrick is the director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) He testified under oath to the Senate armed forces committee that they have found "no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics”.
- Ronald Moultrie, the head of Intelligence at the Pentagon, testified under oath before Congress that most UAPs can be explained with enough work.
- Scott Bray, Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence, testified under oath before Congress that they have not detected anything that suggested non-terrestrial origin.
Those are the actual government officials who have looked into this shyt. They all appear to generally be on Mick's side of the debate, not yours.
3. Attacking West's credentials is silly and feels desperate. Mick West has a STEM degree from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, won programming competitions as a student, was a successful programmer (
Tony Hawk,
Guitar Hero) who was able to retire at the age of 35, has extensive experience in real-life modeling via writing numerous simulations to model various aspects of natural and manmade phenomena, has published highly regarded peer-reviewed research in a scientific journal, has a pilot's license, and has been studying most of these issues for over a decade. He has more than enough background to do this shyt.
But, more importantly, the line of attack is ridiculous because he's not doing this alone. The broader Metabunk community involves hundreds of people, many of whom are experts in a variety of different fields including engineers, technicians, and PhD scientists of various sorts. Much of the shyt that Mick West puts before them and they break down together is likely getting more attention from more experienced people than it ever did from government. How do you explain the Chilean Navy incident, which you completely ignored, where they proved that Iberia Airlines flight IB6830 was in the exact part of the sky that the helicopter was filming for the entire duration of the interaction and would have looked exactly that size from that distance?
Y'all keep tossing out these broad generalized insults, without even realizing that the insults apply to yourselves far more than me. If my comment is too difficult to respond to, then just answer ONE question. How can Sean Kirkpatrick, who has seen far more evidence than you have, state under oath that AARO has seen "no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics”?
I don't care about secret murmurings. You suggest that YOU already have enough evidence. What have you seen that he hasn't?