I noticed you said in a previous post that you didn't like TDKR because certain plot points didn't fit within the
source material, so in that case you can't really argue with someone who wants it to be exactly like the comic, when you're supposed to know that it's a different interpretation of batman before even watching it.
Anways here goes, Nolan wanted to make a more "human" batman. So that basically means doing "human" things like being irrational, stubborn, emotional etc. Also, Talia Al Ghul is also Ras' daughter, so she probably knows how to make moves unnoticed. You're talking about batman like he's literally a machine, not once deviating from a set point or parameters. The problem is, he's a human and humans tend to do things that make you go

because we're emotional and illogical creatures.
Also, you need to consider that there has to be a damn catalyst in the movie. There needs to be a backstory or a set of circumstances to initiate the proceedings. If they copy and pasted some shyt from the comics it would have been boring. You're source of contempt with this movie stems from it's deviation from the comics. The problem is people like to bytch period, and if it isn't this, then people would bytch about it beeing too prototypical and unoriginal. So the point is you can't please everyone, and it's better to please people wanting to see an interesting movie with a familiar character, rather than die hard comic nerds.