To build on to what aaaaaaa is saying, as he just did his best volcano impersonation and spit flaming rock all over the place.
We must do what the other groups have done and a sizable majority of us must find an ideology to unite behind.
At one time I thought it was Islam until I did more studies. Because we are so spiritual, it may have to be religious in nature. Though I despise religion, I now realize it's purpose. It's purpose is to focus and organize.
When Caucasians made their push, they were majority unified behind Christianity with their own interpretations to suite their visions of conquest. There's little can be done to fight an enemy who believe they are fighting a battle for their supreme deity. Short of annihilating them all. Which is what the world faces in its conflict with Islamic foes. Those people will throw rocks and bottles at a tank! You can't beat that....except one way I'll get into if I remember.
When them cacs invaded Africa we didn't stand a chance against a people unified behind white Jesus. They had freed themselves from black Jesus, destroyed any reminders of him and set about destroying our memories of black history.
Understand what they did first was free their minds! They brainwashed themselves and each other into thinking themselves superior to black people. That brainwash is still there as you can witness in our numerous discussions on cacs being cacs.
For all we laugh at them, we have to deprogram then reprogram ourselves like the Hebrew israelites. If they had 2-3 more steps mapped out than just waiting I could rock with them....almost. But they have mostly kicked white Jesus from their minds.
Since we're so splintered and so in love with white Jesus, we need a religion which encompasses everyone's current belief system and just adds the requirement for black love and advancement be held at least equal to God worship.
It's another thing I'm working on and will go hand in hand with C.O.B.E. Yep, I'm starting a "church". Instead of waiting for pie in the sky though, we will progress black people on earth.
Shame that the hardest people to recruit will be such as my mother, devout Christians! They're going to fight so hard for white Jesus and to love other groups more than we love ourselves. Their going to fight so hard to basically be cowards and turn the other cheek! Insisting "God will fight for me".