How could these people not have been burned alive yet?
Imagine blacks traveling to China, setting up shop, and implementing a rule like this.
You can't's unfathomable.
But blacks will endure this horseshyt and not even take revenge?
Why does our race lack the self-preservation gene that everyone else has and uses to their advantage?
So many reasons. You could write a book on the subject.
1) Low racial self esteem.
We're like that kid no one likes or respects that's always c00ning and making a fool of himself to try and fit in. It's a basic miscomprehension of social dynamics. Take North Korea for example. No one likes North Korea AT ALL. They're a bunch of angry Asian dudes who worship a chubby psychopath who threatens to nuke the world every other week. But they still get a grudging respect from other countries because they don't take any shyt. No matter how ridiculous they might seen to the world, the respect themselves. So everybody else is forced to either respect them, or get a nuke in the ass. They're like that angry emo kid that nobody fukks with because he listens to devil music and brings a knife to school.
"There is a kind of greatness which does not depend upon fortune: it is a certain manner what distinguishes us, and which seems to destine us for great things; it is the value we insensibly set upon ourselves; it is by this quality that we gain the deference of other men, and it is this which commonly raises us more above them, than birth, rank, or even merit itself."
We as a people have set a very low value on ourselves. We've let them convince us we're an uglier, dumber, less evolved version of them. They couldn't take us seriously even if they wanted to.
The #1 thing that needs to change, more than economic empowerment or any of that bullshyt is how we see ourselves. If we believe we are superior we will think superior and act superior. But if we believe we are inferior then our every thought and action will mirror that fact. We will have lost the battle before the first blow is ever struck
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
We are a subdued people. Why do you think the Chinese and Indian are fukking with us.
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
That whole talk of economic empowerment and economic independence completely ignores the fact that we as a people are mental slaves. If you give a physical slave a million dollars and what will he do? He will break free of his chains and slaughter his master right there and then. He will buy the plantation and free his fellow slaves.
But if you give a mental slave a million dollars what will he do? He will apologize for the affront and do everything he can to make sure the money goes into his masters pockets as quickly as possible.
There are too many rich blacks and rich Africans for me to believe that economic empowerment is what we need. What do rich black men do? They marry blonde women, move into fancy white neighborhoods, and then go bankrupt.
This is a topic that deserves further exploration but let's move on.
2) Spiritual weakness
Us Africans are a more spiritual people. But this also means we tend to be more easily brainwashed and hypnotized. We're more likely to accept bullshyt religions and ideologies. You can ask why but they why doesnt matter. Maybe it's the years of colonialism and racism that weeded out anyone strong enough to think independently or fight back. But what is currently a weakness could easily become a strength.
@Slang Dussain Ali is right. We need a new religion and a new ideology that unites us as a people. And I think black people are more primed than anybody to believe in something like that.
"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen." - Muhammad Ali
We are superior but it will never be clear until we accept it. We need to believe first and all else will follow.