Pan Africanism is only a "joke" on a macro level. On a micro level, those who are in concert with each other will continue to do so and those who aren't will continue not to. I understand Yvette when she says AA's need to look out for self interest and not get overly excited to seek African affirmation. But at the same time, there are AA's and black Foreigners who marry, date, and procreate with each other every single day in this nation. There are AA's and black foreigners who are in business together and live in the same closed quarters. This very website is "Pan Africanism" on a micro level. Many supporters aren't even AA gang, but brooklyznown is AA(to my knowledge). I don't see the point in Black foreigners and AA's sshaming members of their tribe into embracing pan africanism, but to the same token, I don't see the point in anti pan african AA's or black foreigners trying to desuade members of their tribe embracing Pan African interest for a common and mutual goal. Whether that goal be business, love/marriage, freedom, legislation, etc. In other words, ride with those who ride with you, no matter their tribe. It's that simple. As a member of West Indian heritage gang I fully support AA gang in their self interest. I was raised in America.....The South is really all I know.