Finn Baller
@Finn Baller They are clearly moving towards Punk vs. MJF or Cole vs. MJF or maybe both so I think it'd be fair to say those are being built but if you asked me what else is being built I have no idea, I don't see a clear direction.
There are definitely some matches that could be made based on what we've seen on TV, the problem is those things haven't been given a lot of shine in the last few weeks in a way that makes them feel inevitable, they'd have to really heat up everything that isn't MJF/Cole/Punk
MJF vs Punk or Cole
Moxley vs OC seems pretty clear after last week
Omega vs Takeashyt seems the choice but they gotta snap back in that more, the BCC stuff kinda took away from it
Andrade vs Malakai looks official soon but thats not really an important part of the card
Darby vs Swerve again? maybe a tag match with their cliques
if you go by the dirt sheets then its Jericho vs Ospreay, if you went by whats been on TV then maybe Jericho vs Garcia or Sammy? Either option sounds awful there
Cesaro vs Eddie Kingston perhaps?
Jungle Boy vs Hook rematch?
Young Bucks & Adam Page vs Dark Order would be

not sure where that leaves Acclaimed, FTR, Bullet Club Gold, Christian/Luchasaurus, Miro, Pac, Lucha Bros, Samoa Joe, Hobbs
but we'll see!