ADVANCED Lucid Dreaming - Oneirology Expirement


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I'm going to post a new thread with the Journal Entries, etc... let me know if you want a tag...

I believe everyone has intuitive dreams here & there & some never notice them. For instance, recently I had 2 dreams of my car overheating. I took it in & found out the Oil Gauge wasn't functioning correctly & it had extremely low oil. Overheating may not have anything to do with the oil but taking it in helped me avoid what would've been a disaster in the immediate future (mechanic said I could've damaged my engine had I driven it with that amount of oil for a while)...

these are two very vivid dreams I had, one very recently the other day.

the last one "worth mentioning" was me seeing a mentor of mine eating breakfast. (this is reality I'm describing) We were about to get off work. The very moment I saw him I felt like something was wrong with him...but I brushed it off. We laughed and joke it up like usual, clocked out and went home. Later that night I saw him in my dream laughing but almost crying one in the same. :wtf: The next day at work I found out he died in his sleep. :to: this just happened breh like a few weeks ago.

The other one 'worth mentioning' was during the first Obama campaign for the presidency. I remember watching him walk through the crowd after the Jefferson Dinner in the VA I believe. That night I had this dream of him in the crosshairs of a very large cannon following him everywhere he went, but it didn't feel like to me he was about to get killed ya know. Just like he was a target. The following week. The Rev. Wright fiasco happened & the media went crazy on Obama. :what:

another less important one was me continuously either thinking or dreaming about Tenn. St. and my school Alcorn St. being similar or having a relationship with them through extracurricular activities. I just found out this am that they are having a function together later this month. :dahell: this has never happened before between the two schools to my knowledge.

I also saw my baby daughter in a vision before she was born. She would be light-brown skinned, with reddish/brown curly hair and be very affectionate with me. All this has come to fruition breh :mindblown:

what is going on breh? I'm scared to speak about my son & what he sees & goes through. :merchant:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
these are two very vivid dreams I had, one very recently the other day.

the last one "worth mentioning" was me seeing a mentor of mine eating breakfast. (this is reality I'm describing) We were about to get off work. The very moment I saw him I felt like something was wrong with him...but I brushed it off. We laughed and joke it up like usual, clocked out and went home. Later that night I saw him in my dream laughing but almost crying one in the same. :wtf: The next day at work I found out he died in his sleep. :to: this just happened breh like a few weeks ago.

The other one 'worth mentioning' was during the first Obama campaign for the presidency. I remember watching him walk through the crowd after the Jefferson Dinner in the VA I believe. That night I had this dream of him in the crosshairs of a very large cannon following him everywhere he went, but it didn't feel like to me he was about to get killed ya know. Just like he was a target. The following week. The Rev. Wright fiasco happened & the media went crazy on Obama. :what:

another less important one was me continuously either thinking or dreaming about Tenn. St. and my school Alcorn St. being similar or having a relationship with them through extracurricular activities. I just found out this am that they are having a function together later this month. :dahell: this has never happened before between the two schools to my knowledge.

I also saw my baby daughter in a vision before she was born. She would be light-brown skinned, with reddish/brown curly hair and be very affectionate with me. All this has come to fruition breh :mindblown:

what is going on breh? I'm scared to speak about my son & what he sees & goes through. :merchant:

At one of my old jobs a lady who worked there had a dream everyone was dressed in black & sad at a restaurant. Less then a week later another employee was killed in a motorcycle accident. Of course you had the ignorant people sort of blaming her to an extent...


Jan 13, 2015
The Kybalion altered my current existence. :wow:
Salvia huh? :patrice:
All the people I know who took it didn't have the intention of ascending at all, merely rec

To further discuss DMT I will say this. As a student of Hermetics & Quantum Physics, I've noticed a LOT of similarities between the "symptoms" of Astral Projecting & descriptions of what happens when people take DMT that has me EXTREMELY curious if in fact they are somehow related. A lot of people treat Salvia Divinorum like a Hallucinogen when in fact it is a Oneirogen which is why you hear about so many bad trips. The fact that the brain reacts to REM Sleep the same as it does to Salvia has me *VERY* interested in experimenting further with it...

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
shyt looks like some OE that sat out overnight..

only thing i want from the spiritual realm at this point is a trill past life regression and a death where i don't come back to earth..

Astral Projection... your "memories" are spread across an endless field like a city of scenes it's absolutely beautiful... :wow:
The Kybalion altered my current existence. :wow:
Salvia huh? :patrice:
All the people I know who took it didn't have the intention of ascending at all, merely rec

I couldn't look at the world the same after reading The Kybalion...
@nikkaz In Paris :salute: to a fellow Psychonaut.

Tell my high self I said wassup
S/o to Anubis, Thoth, Hermes

Da GAWDS... :ohlawd:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Also, this isn't for Self-Aggrandizement reasons but just to let some of you know that this is NOT a game to me or that I come to you for amusement as some amateur looking for daps, reps, etc I'm here to help spread knowledge & let others come to their own conclusions. This is maybe 1/5th of the books I've ever read ***COVER TO COVER*** concerning things of the Spiritual Nature. And even that 1/5th is just the PHYSICAL BOOKS I've purchased. It's a total of maybe 1/15th if I included every Bible, Religious Book, History Book, Spiritual Book, etc that isn't pictured or was in PDF format so PLEASE spare me any "you don't know what you're doing" talk because a lot of people who try to talk down on me don't have enough shelves in their library to hold HALF the knowledge I've gained in THIS life.


I just want to share knowledge & experience without unnecessary distortion...