forreal this thread have me
OP please direct me to any emprical/scientific evidence that demonstrates any correlation between what we experience in our dreams and what occurs in the "afterlife?"
There are several books/teachings/tapes about lucid dreaming. I personally experience lucid dreaming about 1 to 2 times a month and at a time in my life was very interested in learning how to have them more often. Most of the methods require too much energy so I said fukk it. Either way of all the clinical research ive seen on lucid dreaming not one of them mentions anything about these magical plants you outhere rapping about
And all you voodoo/channelling nikkas really fufu Point blank any conception or ethereal notion we have of an alleged afterlife is a man made construction. I am not one to say an afterlife doesn't exist, but I can unequivocally say that there has been no evidence that one DOES exist. Any attempts to extrapolate what the "afterlife" is from your dreams is on some ish forreal.
Im still here to see how this fufu experiment goes, bearing in mind that the OP might as well fabricate his findings in attempt to attract followers to whatever voodoo/fufu cult he's a part of.
Your mind is already made up. Here's a dap though.
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