there is no amount of logical arguments or evidence that will dissuade the people who believe this. I know some of these people personally and they are so far gone that its terrifying. These people really believe that the true downfall of America will be due to a Police State run by Jewish Communist Fakks who will swiftly send shock troops in to disarm and pacify the general public.
Many of them see the gun violence as either A. a perfectly acceptable cost to protect themselves from the existential threat of government,
B. illegitimate and inorganic. Fake News. False flags planned or exaggerated by the Govt to enact Martial Law. Or the govt is lying about the cause of the shootings (see SSRIs cause mass shootings).
or C. Part of the plan. Many of these psychos want the US to collapse as thatd mean the Federal Govt cant "enforce tyranny" and they can live out their Idiotic Libertarian/Christo-fascist fantasies of living off the land, forming compounds/ethnostates, and being able to kill minorities with no legal consequences.
Part C is the part people are starting to say out loud. J6 and "Anti-woke" are a perfect example of this.