about to reach the age where it looks like I'll never have my own family

Air Nikes N Hats

Poor mans Johnny Football Lifestyle!
May 28, 2012
I'm 34 going on 35 at the end of the year. I've spent the last say 15 years in serious relationships for a year or two at a time, with 3-4 year single periods in-between. Personally if it happens it happens, but in the meantime I'm trying to travel and do things on the bucket list. Im in the middle of making a career change as well (it looks promising that make me very optimistic)

Its better to find some career direction, and/or enjoy yourself while you still have the freedom and finances to do so. I try to travel several times a year, hit music festivals, just doing things I enjoy or may enjoy. Luckily we don't have the "biological clock" problem that women have....no rush on us. No need attempting to map out a timeline of where you feel you should be in life at a certain age.

The last thing you want is to settle down and trying to start a family just for the sake of. It will eventually lead to heartache, divorce, financial ruin from possibly having to make child support payments, etc. I have a few friends guilty of this......and at the moment many of them digging in for ugly, long term legal battles (divorce/family court/etc)......you don't realize how lucky you truly are.


Nov 26, 2014
I don't think it's unusual, it's actually becoming more common. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. But it's funny seeing this thread, because last night this episode of "Everyone Loves Raymond" addressed this exact same thing. It made me sad.

i hate that if you dont give in to societal standards of marrying early, having more kids than you should, and living the next 30 years climbing out of debt, you're automatically a homo

its like :what: i've bedded more bytches in the past 10 years of being single than my brother has cause he decided to lock in at 23 :mjlol: but im the homo :mjlol: :camby:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Anyone Can settle it takes nothing to do that.

Men all over the place in horrible relationships. I akesyd say count all your blessings

I'm 34 going on 35 at the end of the year. I've spent the last say 15 years in serious relationships for a year or two at a time, with 3-4 year single periods in-between. Personally if it happens it happens, but in the meantime I'm trying to travel and do things on the bucket list. Im in the middle of making a career change as well (it looks promising that make me very optimistic)

Its better to find some career direction, and/or enjoy yourself while you still have the freedom and finances to do so. I try to travel several times a year, hit music festivals, just doing things I enjoy or may enjoy. Luckily we don't have the "biological clock" problem that women have....no rush on us. No need attempting to map out a timeline of where you feel you should be in life at a certain age.

The last thing you want is to settle down and trying to start a family just for the sake of. It will eventually lead to heartache, divorce, financial ruin from possibly having to make child support payments, etc. I have a few friends guilty of this......and at the moment many of them digging in for ugly, long term legal battles (divorce/family court/etc)......you don't realize how lucky you truly are.


All Star
Jul 6, 2013
30 yrs breh. but I appreciate the message. truth is Im done here and I know that even though I wake up every morning trying again and again anyway :smugdraper:

By choice? Regardless, if you're too sensitive to rejection you gotta slowly expose yourself to that possibility to get what you want. The most handsome brotha gets shot down too, getting shot down is not an indictment. Hell I've been shot down do to circumstance just to have the chick call me months later, one time 18 months later.

You never know how things are gonna play out before you speak up but you do know how they'll play out if you never do.

You gotta approach females like the second poster said, compliment her hair, clothing, smile. Smile at a woman and if she gives a genuine smile, speak up. You don't have to be Hitch, keep the convo simple.

On not being married by 30, who cares. I'm 34 and not married. I started dating my fiancé when I was 28 and before her had no serious relationships. 4 months was my longest. And at the time I gave zero fukks about not doing what society expects of me.

Truth be told you're probably better off not having been married yet because you change so much between 18-28 that your marriage probably wouldn't last like most don't in that age group. Marriage after 30 is the way to go. Keep your head up and open your mouth and you'll get what you want.


All Star
Feb 15, 2015
:mjcry:i'll spare you the cliches ... you're looking at a lady needing citizenship.:whoa: arranged marriages are common around the world, i guess you just learn to deal with the partnership.


Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
29 and 30 year old nikkas talking about they aint gonna meet the one. Ya'll pathetic. nikka 30's is your most p*ssy getting potential. You can fukk 5 years up to 10 years back. Meaning... you can bust 20 year olds, or 35 year olds. It's the prime age for meeting women. Young enough and Old Enough... shyt is a gold mine.

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
i hate that if you dont give in to societal standards of marrying early, having more kids than you should, and living the next 30 years climbing out of debt, you're automatically a homo

its like :what: i've bedded more bytches in the past 10 years of being single than my brother has cause he decided to lock in at 23 :mjlol: but im the homo :mjlol: :camby:

Marrying early is not a societal standard; it's a biological necessity.


All Star
Jul 6, 2013
ive got a sister who is 32. Shes a doctor, has her shyt together and isnt married. I kinda feel bad for her. She gets depressed sometime because she thought she would have had a family by now. :to:

:comeon: Tell her to turn off the rom-com. She's a Dr in her early 30s... She's winning. She took care of business and can now provide for her fam when the time comes just off her own strength.

...start a family at 18 and struggle during your youth and probably not be mature enough to take care of kids in the first place... Be a dr and start a family with earning potential and maturity ..

People so use to the struggle they don't even know how to handle winning anymore.


Like a C4.
Apr 30, 2012
Los Angeles
Keep your head up man, you're not the only one. It's better to wait and find the right one, than to rush into something that you don't want. My recommendation is to start being yourself if you haven't already, that way you will find someone who accepts you for who you are and love can grow from there. The last thing you want is someone to fall in love with a front/image you're putting up, and you've wasted more years. I was with someone who I wasn't comfortable being around for 10 years because she didn't accept the real me. After separating I realized how much time I wasted and was relieved I didn't wife her up. I'm with someone now who I definitely feel is the one and I didn't meet her until I was 30, by this time next year when finances are set I'm going to propose.

As a side note, remember this may be the only life you got. So do what you want with it. These "standards" society sets and rules we go by may not necessarily be what you really want either. I got depressed when I was around some of my friends whose lives were taking off, then I realized "that's them" and I don't necessarily want what they do at the moment. That's why it's vital for you not to compare yourself to anyone else and be the unique person you are. Things will work out, but you have to decide who you want to be then you actually have to be the person you want to. Take baby steps, nothing has to be a grand move, because those steps all add up to something grand after awhile.
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Air Nikes N Hats

Poor mans Johnny Football Lifestyle!
May 28, 2012
Keep your head up man, you're not the only one. It's better to wait and find the right one, than to rush into something that you don't want. My recommendation is to start being yourself if you haven't already, that way you will find someone who accepts you for who you are and love can grow from there. The last thing you want is someone to fall in love with a front/image you're putting up, and you've wasted more years. I was with someone who I wasn't comfortable being around for 10 years because she didn't accept the real me. After separating I realized how much time I wasted and was relieved I didn't wife her up. I'm with someone now who I definitely feel is the one and I didn't meet her until I was 30, by this time next year when finances are set I'm most likely going to propose.

As a side note, remember this may the only life you got. So do what you want with it. These "standards" society sets and rules we go by may not necessarily be what you really want either. I got depressed when I was around some of my friends whose lives were taking off, then I realized "that's them" and I don't necessarily want what they do at the moment. That's why it's vital for you not to compare yourself to anyone else and be the unique person you are. Things will work out, but you have to decide who you want to be then you actually have to be the person you want to. Take baby steps, nothing has to be a grand move, because those steps all up to something grand after awhile.

Well said, and its true.....you don't need to conform. Some people aren't cut out for marriage, or raising children. Maybe that comes later, maybe it doesn't come at all. Maybe its something you don't want but feel pressure from your peers to have. Live the life you want to live. Making comparisons to your peers in your age group is probably the worse thing a person can do. It can cause depression, feeling less valuable as a person and thats a very dangerous proposition to be in.

One day at a time, yes its a cliche but in regards to your own personal growth it can do wonders.

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
marriage is nothing biological...having offspring is
signing papers? tell that to the cavemen of early humanity :mjlol:

Marriage was created because kids need their two parents and a stable living environment.

If you don't want kids, there is no need for marriage.

If you want kids, biology comes into the dance, so does marriage, unless you want to have kids out of wedlock.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
There is a right time and season for everyone.

Just because all your friends may be married with kids and your single doesn't mean you should feel down and out if that's what you desire.

Russell Wilson won a Superbowl in his second season. It took john elway almost 20 years.

Keep your head up man, you're not the only one. It's better to wait and find the right one, than to rush into something that you don't want. My recommendation is to start being yourself if you haven't already, that way you will find someone who accepts you for who you are and love can grow from there. The last thing you want is someone to fall in love with a front/image you're putting up, and you've wasted more years. I was with someone who I wasn't comfortable being around for 10 years because she didn't accept the real me. After separating I realized how much time I wasted and was relieved I didn't wife her up. I'm with someone now who I definitely feel is the one and I didn't meet her until I was 30, by this time next year when finances are set I'm going to propose.

As a side note, remember this may the only life you got. So do what you want with it. These "standards" society sets and rules we go by may not necessarily be what you really want either. I got depressed when I was around some of my friends whose lives were taking off, then I realized "that's them" and I don't necessarily want what they do at the moment. That's why it's vital for you not to compare yourself to anyone else and be the unique person you are. Things will work out, but you have to decide who you want to be then you actually have to be the person you want to. Take baby steps, nothing has to be a grand move, because those steps all up to something grand after awhile.