A TORN COLI MILITANT: What do I do if white girls are feeling me, but im trying to be problack?

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Sep 24, 2015
I never said that black men being genetically means that black men shouldn't preserve themselves for black women. I have made the argument BM should preserve themselves for BW. The only thing we disagree with here is that bedwenching is worse when BW do it than the opposite for BM. Both, however, are STILL BAD.

No, because black men can rise while doing some amounts of IR, same as white and Arab men. Black women cannot. Hence black women are automatically made slaves whereas black men can moderate the IR and remain rules. That asidem yes black men lose out for spreading our genes to other races, but the danger is less than the other way around. I don't know any black people on Earth destroyed by black men fukking other races of women, but then there is no place on Earth where this has happened en masse.

The fact Arabs chose to enslave black women--not black men-- and it did nothing to their power is further proof that bedwenching is the greatest threat to black people's existence in history. I'll also add that the children of enslaved black women weren't considered Arabs. You can go to any Arab country today and see that the people with obvious black ancestry live like serfs or slaves. Moving on to your question, I don't think Black Men would lose power for dating out occasionally, inasmuch as black men control the culture and society. This is not the case in the USA as white men control the culture and society, but in the Carribean black men have occasionally bred out and the offspring are just light skin people. Conversely, your very own examples show that BW destroy the black race by bedwenching. Black women did it in Argentina, Arabia, Brazil, etc. There is no comparison to black men, sadly. So while we advocate BM and BW be together, we must be AWARE that BEDWENCHING is the greatest threat to black people and has been for THOUSANDS OF YEARS ACROSS TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AND A PLETHORA OF SOCIETIES.


I don't think any black man disagrees with the notion black women should be paid equally. We disagree that black women have the same powers to act as black men do in every way. Black women cannot and when they have tried, they have destroyed black men, women and children in the process. Black women are not equal to balck men in all ways, like black women will never be as great physical warriors or fighters as black men, no matter what black women ever think.
Bullshyt! IR is IR no matter how you try to cover it up so don't even try it. You can cuss and scream and knash your teeth till the cows come home but it's still the same.
Dec 2, 2016
Anyone who has read my posts knows what you say isn't true. I have first used physical harm as a way to connote the power black men hold over black women---and the irrational black-hating disdain, disrespect, hatred and the like from black women which has come about from the white man interfering with the black man's natural control over black women. Second I have used physical harm as proof that you are just a cowardly bedwench troll hiding behind white supremacist skirts.

Third, there is no proof whatsoever in this thread that I "honestly hate or truly disdain black women". The only proof provided for hatred and disdain for black people here, particularly of black men, comes from you when I posted that you attack black men, defend white men, and bedwench on this forum.

Anyone reading this thread can see that you are the only one who hates any black people here, and that you are attempting to portray me as such in order to deflect your own guilt. Clever, but it won't work.
You have stated that the men in your country beat black women to keep them in their place over and over and you agree with that.
For the last time I'm not bedwench, I actually love black men.
Just date nonblack women and leave us alone because you honestly sound irrational.
Apr 3, 2014

A white girl tried to push up on me a few times but when she found out what my name was, she fell back

My name is pro black. No way you could confuse me with a bedbuck :mjgrin:


Nov 26, 2016
He said she tried to push up on him and I asked why not give her chance lol. How is that being messy?
Because he clearly stated he does NOT like white women. You went at @Roddy Right THREE pages strong how black men like white women but then you turn around and INSIST one who said he does NOT like them to get with one.

That's fukkin messy and no wonder you're bushed. Enjoy your stay.


Staff member
May 14, 2012
Because he clearly stated he does NOT like white women. You went at @Roddy Right THREE pages strong how black men like white women but then you turn around and INSIST one who said he does NOT like them to get with one.

That's fukkin messy and no wonder you're bushed. Enjoy your stay.

It is a troll, don't try to reason with it
Dec 2, 2016
Because he clearly stated he does NOT like white women. You went at @Roddy Right THREE pages strong how black men like white women but then you turn around and INSIST one who said he does NOT like them to get with one.

That's fukkin messy and no wonder you're bushed. Enjoy your stay.
That's not messy, I'm just surprise that a brotha turned down a white women lol, I'm sorry. And @Roddy Right stated multiple times that black women should be physically harmed if they don't "obey" to powerless beta men and y'all didn't say anything so STFU. Y'all don't really care about us, leave us alone.
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