A TORN COLI MILITANT: What do I do if white girls are feeling me, but im trying to be problack?

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Jan 17, 2013
Are you fat? Cause you looking a lil hefty in your pic.

Also, do you wear that du rag with the hat to the side...

The picture is telling me so so much.,.
it's a 10 year old picture of me practically in disguese. You can't even tell what I look like, by design


Jan 17, 2013
Would you be down if a black women came on here, spouting pro-black ish, but was getting dikked down and cupcaking a white boy?

As far as this "black Women don't give me no play" shyt, I don't buy it. :yeshrug:

I used to say and think that same dumb shyt then come to find out that I was too busy only focused on certain types of black women that I was completely ignoring the ones that were into me.
only ones giving me any play are single mothers and ratchets, and I got a pretty clean sex and relationship history. I do like ratchets, but them wanting to use me is written all on their face, and these single mothers...well you know:francis:


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
You look like a fool.

The fukk is wrong with some of you? Hating a group is so important to you that you perform Olympic level mental gymnastics to cover up your life being a contradiction for the reasons you hate. If you want to sleep with white women, go ahead and do that but don't act as though you're anything other than a hypocrite.

Theres no Olympic level mental gymnastics I'm using unless you can prove so, which you haven't in your post because I used no logical stretch to make my point. In my post I acknowledged that black men with white woman is a net bad for blacks, but that bedwenching, black women with white men is worse as science, culture and history shows.

My above assertions don't justify IR with white women; they simply invalidate the analogy with bedwenching as the latter far worse. The fool is you and posters who read my nuanced take will conclude so .

What you're saying looks perverse under the light by the way. Black men can go out and engage with whomever, but black women must keep themselves for black men? Such practises would result in black spinsters.

People like you need to shut the fukk up.

The above isn't exactly what I said. You're making your own argument, pretending it's mine and arguing it is a strawman, nor anything I said.

What I am saying is that black women are genetically weaker than men, including but not limited to black men, same as nature makes black women physiologically weaker than men, including but not limited to black men. What's more, black men carry the black cultural dominance mores by way of gender, whike black women are subserviant and slaves to whatever white supremacist or racist man they encounter. This is not a opinion; it is a fact. Source:

Everything considered, black men should seek black women as it's pro blackness, but black men BY NATURE,BIOLOGY and CULTURE can moreso "engage whomever" than black women can without threatening the black race. Hence to a certain extent black men can engage more ( they should not but technically they can), whereas black women--whom are weaker gene'd breeders whose bedwenching has destroyed the black race several times already--must keep themselves for black men.

This pattern where men can fukk outside women and maintain and grow power, while conversely wnite and Arab women must constrain themselves to the white and Arab men, happened en masse for hundreds of years. And today the white man rules the world, the Arab rules Egypt and holds sway over North/East Africa. Black men like you, meanwhile, who cant accept that black women should reserve themselves for black men like white women did for 100s of years with white women, are slaves to white and Arab male masters.

In sum, history says black women will reserve tgemselve for black men--whatever black men do--or be slaves to white and Arab women who reserce themselves to Arab and white man who fukk anything. Like I told the Coli before, feminists have never ruled anything. Nature is patriarchy and the greatest patriarchs rule. Your stupidity in thinking black men and black women are equal in things is why you are a fukking slave still.

@Draje @dede79


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
You get off your high horse.

People's expectations are all kinds of fukked up when it comes. If you live in a predominately white country and roll in predominantly white people, most of the people who hit on you will be white. Laws of probability means that you are less likely to encounter a black woman who is attracted to you and a black woman you click with.

Personally, I don't have a problem with people who decide to settle. However understand that if you view yourself as a militant and you feel that dating a white woman is wrong, you're bowing out at the first sign of difficulty.

Any black man can find a black woman with millions of black women to every man. Statistically there are compatible enough black women for black men even within a 1000 N black female sample, let alone the leagues of black women in Atlanta. This is without even saying that before 1960s, black men and women found each other all the time for the highest marriage rate in tbe USA.

In sum, your poor grasp of numbers, history amount to excuses for c00nery, nothing more. Africans like you are benighted, slavish and lack any pride or conviction; thats why your countries are blighted, disunified and progress only when a white man sets foot there.

@Wenzel Dashington


Dec 29, 2016
Theres no Olympic level mental gymnastics I'm using unless you can prove so, which you haven't in your post because I used no logical stretch to make my point. In my post I acknowledged that black men with white woman is a net bad for blacks, but that bedwenching, black women with white men is worse as science, culture and history shows.

My above assertions don't justify IR with white women; they simply invalidate the analogy with bedwenching as the latter far worse. The fool is you and posters who read my nuanced take will conclude so .

The above isn't exactly what I said. You're making your own argument, pretending it's mine and arguing it is a strawman, nor anything I said.

What I am saying is that black women are genetically weaker than men, including but not limited to black men, same as nature makes black women physiologically weaker than men, including but not limited to black men. What's more, black men carry the black cultural dominance mores by way of gender, whike black women are subserviant and slaves to whatever white supremacist or racist man they encounter. This is not a opinion; it is a fact. Source:

Everything considered, black men should seek black women as it's pro blackness, but black men BY NATURE,BIOLOGY and CULTURE can moreso "engage whomever" than black women can without threatening the black race. Hence to a certain extent black men can engage more ( they should not but technically they can), whereas black women--whom are weaker gene'd breeders whose bedwenching has destroyed the black race several times already--must keep themselves for black men.

This pattern where men can fukk outside women and maintain and grow power, while conversely wnite and Arab women must constrain themselves to the white and Arab men, happened en masse for hundreds of years. And today the white man rules the world, the Arab rules Egypt and holds sway over North/East Africa. Black men like you, meanwhile, who cant accept that black women should reserve themselves for black men like white women did for 100s of years with white women, are slaves to white and Arab male masters.

In sum, history says black women will reserve tgemselve for black men--whatever black men do--or be slaves to white and Arab women who reserce themselves to Arab and white man who fukk anything. Like I told the Coli before, feminists have never ruled anything. Nature is patriarchy and the greatest patriarchs rule. Your stupidity in thinking black men and black women are equal in things is why you are a fukking slave still.

@Draje @dede79

You could have just posted a picture of garbage and saved yourself a lot of time.

If you want your belief that black women dating white men is worse than black men dating white women, you're going to have to bring more to the table. So far you've got a subjective viewpoint and claim, that at its best, points towards a difference that is too negligible to be a factor.

Any black man can find a black woman with millions of black women to every man. Statistically there are compatible enough black women for black men even within a 1000 N black female sample, let alone the leagues of black women in Atlanta. This is without even saying that before 1960s, black men and women found each other all the time for the highest marriage rate in tbe USA.

In sum, your poor grasp of numbers, history amount to excuses for c00nery, nothing more. Africans like you are benighted, slavish and lack any pride or conviction; thats why your countries are blighted, disunified and progress only when a white man sets foot there.

@Wenzel Dashington

You are an idiot.

Point towards one sentence where I said a black man could not find a black woman. Wenzel was lamenting over the fact that he gets more consideration from white women. That state of affairs isn't down to black women having no love for him and shouldn't be considered abnormal. The bottom line is if you are surrounded by more white women, chances are more white women will holler at you. Doesn't mean black women aren't interested, it just means the opportunities present themselves less.

You're desperately trying to save face at this point, but it is not going to work. At the end of the day, you're a fool who can only reach so high.


Aug 6, 2015
This pattern where men can fukk outside women and maintain and grow power, while conversely wnite and Arab women must constrain themselves to the white and Arab men, happened en masse for hundreds of years. And today the white man rules the world, the Arab rules Egypt and holds sway over North/East Africa. Black men like you, meanwhile, who cant accept that black women should reserve themselves for black men like white women did for 100s of years with white women, are slaves to white and Arab male masters.

In sum, history says black women will reserve tgemselve for black men--whatever black men do--or be slaves to white and Arab women who reserce themselves to Arab and white man who fukk anything. Like I told the Coli before, feminists have never ruled anything. Nature is patriarchy and the greatest patriarchs rule. Your stupidity in thinking black men and black women are equal in things is why you are a fukking slave still.

@Draje @dede79

I'm sorry - we have to agree to disagree. Your logic is on some Hotep ish and comes across/reads as backwards.

Black men like you, meanwhile, who cant accept that black women should reserve themselves for black men like white women did for 100s of years with white women, are slaves to white and Arab male masters.

How does this even make sense? By Black men being "genetically" stronger doesn't that mean that he shouldn't date out and preserve themselves to BW as well. All in all, it's not about genetics - cause only the BW can make a BM. So, in order to make a BM and not a Biracial one - that means a BM needs to procreate and be with a BW and raise that child together.

In sum, history says black women will reserve tgemselve for black men--whatever black men do--or be slaves to white and Arab women who reserce themselves to Arab and white man who fukk anything.

I can't believe I am going to try to explain using your examples but here it goes....

So, by your logic -- that would make BM who date IR slaves to the "arab and white" men and women. Cause that means BM who date out are allowing their strong "genetics" to be spread out to those same people ("arab" and "white") who not only have and can enslave you and your offspring with them -- and in your example that means -- mentally and physically. Making those BM potential slaves to both arab and white men --- and their women who BM engage in relationships and sex with. Right?

In the Arab Slave Trade - BM/Africans were not common in the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade - the men were not wanted by them - they would rather kill and castrate BM/Africans and enslave the women and children. The Arab men used BW as concubines and sex slaves and procreated with them but their offspring could claim Arab and become enslavers - doing the same thing -- enslaving or helping to enslave BW -- the same thing that was done to their mother. Though having African DNA -- having no issue with enslaving other Africans who they share DNA with. So, using your example, you don't think that wouldn't happen with IR dating with BM or BW that choose to date out. Meaning their biracial offspring - not connecting with their Black side and not caring about what happens to their race of people? Cause they don't see themselves as apart of them.

Like I told the Coli before, feminists have never ruled anything. Nature is patriarchy and the greatest patriarchs rule. Your stupidity in thinking black men and black women are equal in things is why you are a fukking slave still.

Most people, including many feminist know and understand that men and women are not equal. It's not even about that in that sense. It's about getting paid equally for the same ish/job and being respected. Most women want a man to lead - especially those raised with a Father. But, not lead by someone who doesn't know how to, even try to or deserve to lead anyone -- and just want to be on some controlling ish. No.
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Amor fati

Dec 2, 2016
Great Britain
As I have explained ad nauseum, black men and black women can't be compared when it comes to white women and white men.

To explain again, Black men have stronger and more dominany genes than black women. This is not an opinion;it is a fact borne out by scientific study. In other words, it is racially more safe for a black man to fukk a white woman than a black woman to fukk a white men.

Bedwenching--black women and white men--has led to the destruction of black people in Argentina and Brazil.

Moreover, men lead relationships and women follow. Black women become white supremacists with white men; white women become less racist with black men. So while IR on either side is not comparable, all of history, biology and culture connotes that black men with white women is not as invidious or harmful to black people as bedwenching, black women with white men.

Again my assertion is supported by facts and science. Your continuous attempts to equivocate the two matters, @Draje , is anathema to the facts. Nature is patriarchy, if the fact men have larger brains, are biologically dominant, are physically dominant, etc is not evidence enough.

It is not good for black men to date white women as it can lead to ill effects, but it cannot be compared to bedwenching in severity, type or destructive potential. So stop with the ahistorical and misinformed posts otherwise.

@Will Ross

Spot on my dude.:salute: People need to stop with these mental gymnastics comparing Black men and Black women. People are so ignorant they will deem you sexist for coming up with such facts.
Dec 2, 2016
Any black man can find a black woman with millions of black women to every man. Statistically there are compatible enough black women for black men even within a 1000 N black female sample, let alone the leagues of black women in Atlanta. This is without even saying that before 1960s, black men and women found each other all the time for the highest marriage rate in tbe USA.

In sum, your poor grasp of numbers, history amount to excuses for c00nery, nothing more. Africans like you are benighted, slavish and lack any pride or conviction; thats why your countries are blighted, disunified and progress only when a white man sets foot there.

@Wenzel Dashington
Black men have 0 resources and infrastructure to try to control black women or any other women. Stop comparing yourself to other men, they actually build for their women and community. Date nonblack women and create "black" kids with them and leave black women alone.
Dec 2, 2016
If I choose a non black woman how does that stop you from providing and protecting black women?
You dating a white, Hispanic, Asian or Indian women doesn't have anything to do with black women. We shouldn't even be on your mind or part of conversation.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Black men have 0 resources and infrastructure to try to control black women or any other women. Stop comparing yourself to other men, they actually build for their women and community. Date nonblack women and create "black" kids with them and leave black women alone.

Black men can well compare ourselves to other men. The same men compare themselves to black men, so why not the opposite? You make no sense. Black men do in fact have resources or infrastructure (we're not at absolute 0 like you say) to control black women, but if black women don't respect black men it doesn't matter anyway. Read my sig:
"Black (women) who won't help you in war don't deserve any spoils from it"

If all some black women can do is kick black men when we're down, then they are as loyal as the white man who put the black man there, and gloats at the kicking. And deserve whatever fate a man should get when the man he kicks gets up his feet.

To elaborate, it's illogical to expect any love from some black women from "building" alone. There is no standard of build which will ever make some women happy. She'll just move the goalposts and say black men never do enough. Asian women do this with Asian men. Accordingly then, working for such an ingrate bytch is not worth it. Black men run with the women whom are loyal to us when we are poor or rich. The rest, like you, can pound sound.

Black American men have 5 times more wealth than most men on Earth, including the average Middle Eastern man with nary running water in his Afghani village, but no patriarchy or instructure like the Afghani to twist our women (anymore). So our women, unlike the Afghani's, are treacherous as sin. But with some black women, and women in general, there is nothing any race of man can do to please them. Black men should continue building infrastructure and patriarchy for ourselves, like white men do, but not for the likes of you. Black men should build for the loyal. The disloyal are enemies or dead men.

Now that it occurs to me, black men cannot punish black women into submission in the USA, like we do in actual black countries, and without that power we lack the Big Stick men use to force submission. In addition, these white man countries and patriachies have corrupted black women and made them forget their place. Back home the black woman eats when the black man feeds her---or she doesn't and starves to death. Then there are no black women like you because she knows her fate depends on black men, rather than your fate depending on your white boss, welfare, etc.
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Dec 2, 2016
Black men can well compare ourselves to other men. The same men compare themselves to black men, so why not the opposite? You make no sense. Black men do in fact have resources or infrastructure (we're not at absolute 0 like you say) to control black women, but if black women don't respect black men it doesn't matter anyway. Read my sig:
"Black (women) who won't help you in war don't deserve any spoils from it"

If all some black women can do is kick black men when we're down, then they are as loyal as the white man who put the black man there, and gloats at the kicking. And deserve whatever fate a man should get when the man he kicks gets up his feet.

To elaborate, it's illogical to expect any love from some black women from "building" alone. There is no standard of build which will ever make some women happy. She'll just move the goalposts and say black men never do enough. Asian women do this with Asian men. Accordingly then, working for such an ingrate bytch is not worth it. Black men run with the women whom are loyal to us when we are poor or rich. The rest, like you, can pound sound.

Black American men have 5 times more wealth than most men on Earth, including the average Middle Eastern man with nary running water in his Afghani village, but no patriarchy or instructure like the Afghani to twist our women (anymore). So our women, unlike the Afghani's, are treacherous as sin. But with some black women, and women in general, there is nothing any race of man can do to please them. Black men should continue building infrastructure and patriarchy for ourselves, like white men do, but not for the likes of you. Black men should build for the loyal. The disloyal are enemies or dead men.

Now that it occurs to me, black men cannot punish black women into submission in the USA, like we do in actual black countries, and without that power we lack the Big Stick men use to force submission. In addition, these white man countries and patriachies have corrupted black women and made them forget their place. Back home the black woman eats when the black man feeds her---or she doesn't and starves to death. Then there are no black women like you because she knows her fate depends on black men, rather than your fate depending on your white boss, welfare, etc.
The black community is the only matriarchal community. African American men don't own anything in America. There was never a community of someone can come in and "corrupt" your women. You should definitely watch Sargent on YouTube and stop making excuses black king lol.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I'm sorry - we have to agree to disagree. Your logic is on some Hotep ish and comes across/reads as backwards.

Black men like you, meanwhile, who cant accept that black women should reserve themselves for black men like white women did for 100s of years with white women, are slaves to white and Arab male masters.

How does this even make sense? By Black men being "genetically" stronger doesn't that mean that he shouldn't date out and preserve themselves to BW as well. All in all, it's not about genetics - cause only the BW can make a BM. So, in order to make a BM and not a Biracial one - that means a BM needs to procreate and be with a BW and raise that child together.

I never said that black men being genetically means that black men shouldn't preserve themselves for black women. I have made the argument BM should preserve themselves for BW. The only thing we disagree with here is that bedwenching is worse when BW do it than the opposite for BM. Both, however, are STILL BAD.

In sum, history says black women will reserve tgemselve for black men--whatever black men do--or be slaves to white and Arab women who reserce themselves to Arab and white man who fukk anything.

I can't believe I am going to try to explain using your examples but here it goes....

So, by your logic -- that would make BM who date IR slaves to the "arab and white" men and women. Cause that means BM who date out are allowing their strong "genetics" to be spread out to those same people ("arab" and "white") who not only have and can enslave you and your offspring with them -- and in your example that means -- mentally and physically. Making those BM potential slaves to both arab and white men --- and their women who BM engage in relationships and sex with. Right?

No, because black men can rise while doing some amounts of IR, same as white and Arab men. Black women cannot. Hence black women are automatically made slaves whereas black men can moderate the IR and remain rules. That asidem yes black men lose out for spreading our genes to other races, but the danger is less than the other way around. I don't know any black people on Earth destroyed by black men fukking other races of women, but then there is no place on Earth where this has happened en masse.

In the Arab Slave Trade - BM/Africans were not common in the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade - the men were not wanted by them - they would rather kill and castrate BM/Africans and enslave the women and children. The Arab men used BW as concubines and sex slaves and procreated with them but their offspring could claim Arab and become enslavers - doing the same thing -- enslaving or helping to enslave BW -- the same thing that was done to their mother. Though having African DNA -- having no issue with enslaving other Africans who they share DNA with. So, using your example, you don't think that wouldn't happen with IR dating with BM or BW that choose to date out. Meaning their biracial offspring - not connecting with their Black side and not caring about what happens to their race of people? Cause they don't see themselves as apart of them.

The fact Arabs chose to enslave black women--not black men-- and it did nothing to their power is further proof that bedwenching is the greatest threat to black people's existence in history. I'll also add that the children of enslaved black women weren't considered Arabs. You can go to any Arab country today and see that the people with obvious black ancestry live like serfs or slaves. Moving on to your question, I don't think Black Men would lose power for dating out occasionally, inasmuch as black men control the culture and society. This is not the case in the USA as white men control the culture and society, but in the Carribean black men have occasionally bred out and the offspring are just light skin people. Conversely, your very own examples show that BW destroy the black race by bedwenching. Black women did it in Argentina, Arabia, Brazil, etc. There is no comparison to black men, sadly. So while we advocate BM and BW be together, we must be AWARE that BEDWENCHING is the greatest threat to black people and has been for THOUSANDS OF YEARS ACROSS TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AND A PLETHORA OF SOCIETIES.


Like I told the Coli before, feminists have never ruled anything. Nature is patriarchy and the greatest patriarchs rule. Your stupidity in thinking black men and black women are equal in things is why you are a fukking slave still.

Most people, including many feminist know and understand that men and women are not equal. It's not even about that in that sense. It's about getting paid equally for the same ish/job and being respected. Most women want a man to lead - especially those raised with a Father. But, not lead by someone who doesn't know how to, even try to or deserve to lead anyone -- and just want to be on some controlling ish. No.

I don't think any black man disagrees with the notion black women should be paid equally. We disagree that black women have the same powers to act as black men do in every way. Black women cannot and when they have tried, they have destroyed black men, women and children in the process. Black women are not equal to balck men in all ways, like black women will never be as great physical warriors or fighters as black men, no matter what black women ever think.
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