Listen, you inbred campesino cousin-fukker, if you're gonna accuse me of "lying" try to be specific and point out exactly where I have done so. If you have any actual evidence that condradicts what I'm telling you here then go ahead and post it. I have proven your dumbass to be wrong every single time.
What makes you think I'm from a "sheltered town"? I grew up in the centre of Moca. You don't recognize the city I posted above? It actually has a higher crime rate than Santiago, so a p*ssy like you who's terrified of "joloperos" wouldn't make it in this town. There is definitely more violence and roberries in DR than in the US overall, I never claimed otherwise, but someone who lives in the Bronx shouldn't be talking about crime. I guess you must be afraid of leaving your filthy roach infested apartment since the Bronx is full of "joloperos" as well.
Also you should be more afraid of the Zika virus if you live in NYC, there are over 300 cases in this city. And why do you bring up the "tourism board", do you think people in the central Cibao region care about what tourists think? We don't cater to gringo tourists and we don't allow any hotel complexes to built here; also here's another fact, there are no beaches in the central Cibao region, you dummy. Our economy has absolutely no reliance on the tourism industry, so why should we lie about not having any zika cases here?
You keep proving over and over again that you don't know shyt about this country. It's like all your information is based on silly stereotypes. You're a fukking embarassement dude, honestly. You should learn something from the African posters in this forum; notice how when they speak of their homeland they're full of knowledge and they represent their country in a dignified and factual manner. Whereas your dumbass only knows how to reinforce dumb false perceptions about our country.
Being "sheltered" is not traveling to DR because of some irrational fear of "joloperos" and the Zika I have nothing against Dominican-Americans in general, but I despise dumb motherfukkers in NYC like you who are completely ignorant about this country, yet want to "represent" abroad.
It's funny how you try to appease people in this forum by putting down your country, yet they constantly shyt on you. You're such a loser, man. I bet this is exactly the same way you behave in real life. Like a submissive beta p* You think your "family friends and colleagues" respect you but they're probably laugh at you and look down on you, but you're too socially retarded to notice.