Ser Arthur is a 5 Star General of #rhaegarset![]()
Didn't he abandon Rhaegar in his time of need in favor of protecting a Stark?

"Woe to the Usurper" had they been at the Trident

Seems like they contributed to his death

Ser Arthur is a 5 Star General of #rhaegarset![]()
I'm like half way through a clash kings audio book. shyt just made me hate Sansa more, along with stannis and cat.Its crazy how deep these books are.
I have re-read AFFC/ADWD before, but I never re-read the first 3 books. So I'm about done with my re-read of A Game of Thrones, and I'm likeat all this little shyt here and there.
All the Wyman Manderly shyt from ADWD was set up way back in AGOT. I'm likethis dude GRRM is crazy. And Bran's entire upcoming storyline from book 6 is all heavily foreshadowed in AGOT. Plus reading Sansa in her early stages and knowing what she is becoming now is
Didn't he abandon Rhaegar in his time of need in favor of protecting a Stark?
"Woe to the Usurper" had they been at the Trident
Seems like they contributed to his death![]()
this weak troll shyt. like rhaegar didn't send them there to protect his WIFE and PRINCE
woe to the usurper indeed, baratheon dynasty was a grand total of one king![]()
Just finished a Feast re-listen, that book gets so much unnecessary hate. Pops is like a quarter through Dance and had me in a an hour long convo today trying to explain to him why the show do what they do (I don't have a good answer).I'm like half way through a clash kings audio book. shyt just made me hate Sansa more, along with stannis and cat.
and low key renly just moved up a bunch on my list of favorites, the way he was sonning stannis. why they do the people's champion like that?
this weak troll shyt. like rhaegar didn't send them there to protect his WIFE and PRINCE
woe to the usurper indeed, baratheon dynasty was a grand total of one king![]()
#lyannaset and #rhaegarset are but mirroring factions of #isleoffacesset, you'll find no resistance from meWell then you better get some gifs prepped for a Stan-off next season because I'm gonna be claiming the GOAT into #LyannaSet![]()
You think Rhaegar wants to remix the below jam?
LOL, he set his kids up for glory at the hands of Armory Lorch and the Mountain. And he knighted the Mountainboth took L's but one burned his kid at the stake and the other set his up for glory
one of these cats didn't play it right, i'll let you tell it![](), he set his kids up for glory at the hands of Armory Lorch and the Mountain. And he knighted the MountainGreat judge of character Rhaegar
So The Great Other Hodor likes dikk and ball sacrifices
Never caught that part but with this leaked audition tape for next season, 2 + 2 have been put together
Herald: “You stand in the presence of Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flametruth, the light of wisdom, the first servant of the Lord of the Light.”
Tyrion: “Welcome to Meereen. That’s about the extent of my Valyrian. Do you mind if we continue in Common?”
Kinvara nods
Tyrion: “Thank you for traveling all this way. I know from personal experience how uncomfortable the journey can be. The truth is, we need your help. Our hope is that we can persuade you to …”
Kinvara: “You want my priests to convince the Meereenese that the city’s conqueror is the people’s savior.”
Tyrion/Varys: “We prefer liberator to conqueror.”
Kinvara: “You don’t have to persuade me of anything. I came to help. Daenerys Stormborn is the One Who Was Promised. From the fire, she was reborn … to remake the world.”
Tyrion: “Yes.”
Kinvara: “She freed the slaves from their chains and crucified the Masters for their sins.”
Tyrion/Varys: “She did indeed.”
Kinvara: “Her dragons are fire made flesh. A gift from the Lord of Light. But you’ve heard all of this before, haven’t you? On the Long Bridge of Volantis? The dragons purify nonbelievers by the thousands, burning their sins and flesh away.”
Tyrion/Varys: “Ideally, we’d avoid purifying many non-believers. The Mother of the Dragon has followers from many different faiths.”
Kinvara:“You want your queen to be worshiped and obeyed. And while she’s gone, you want her advisors to be worshiped and obeyed.”
Tyrion: “I’d settle for obeyed.”
Kinvara: “I will summon mummers and appoint priests. They will spread the word. Daenerys has been sent to lead the people against the darkness … for this war, and the Great War yet to come.”
Varys: “That sounds excellent. A man named Stannis Baratheon was appointed as the Chosen One by one of your priestesses. He too had a glorious destiny. He attacked King’s Landing, and was soundly defeated by the man standing beside me. Last I heard, he’d been defeated again. This time at Winterfell … and this time for good.”
Kinvara turns her head as if responding to a new speaker, implying that Tyrion is the one who speaks the next line
Tyrion: “We are grateful for any support you can provide during this trying time.”
Kinvara turns her head back – Varys speaking again?
Varys: “I suppose it is hard for a fanatic to admit a mistake. Isn’t that the whole point of being a fanatic? You’re always right. Everything is the Lord’s will.”
Kinvara: “Everything is the Lord’s will. Men and women make mistakes … even honest servants of the Lord.”
Varys: “And you? An honest servant of the Lord? Why should I trust you any more than the priestess who counseled Stannis?”
Tyrion: “My friend has a healthy skepticism of religion, but we’re all loyal supporters of the Queen.”
Kinvara: “Everyone is what they are and where they are for a reason. Terrible things happen for a reason. Take what happened to you, Lord Varys**, when you were a child. If not for the mutilation by the second rate sorcerer, you would not be here, helping the Lord’s Chosen bring light into this world. Knowledge has made you very powerful … but there is still so much you don’t know. Do you remember what you heard, the night the sorcerer tossed your parts into the flames? Should I tell you what the voice said? Should I tell you the name of the one who spoke or where it lives?”
Kinvara laughs. Clearly, she has successfully unsettled Varys
Kinvara: “We serve the same queen. If you are a true friend, you have nothing to fear from me.”
Kinvara turns and departs
I aint got no beef Mr. Hodor