A Song of Ice & Fire by George R.R. Martin: Book Discussion Thread


Mar 18, 2013
His screenwriting professors that most likely never had anything reach the screen. Yeah, i had a professor in my coding class that would complain endlessly about how sloppy retail programs were coded, yet if you looked up his credentials it was with software nobody ever heard of and if you could find it, it was reviewed to be shyt.

I like that they actually let Sam make a decision for once, everything doesn't have to be about Jon Snow and his decisions. In the book all Sam does is whine and cry, its very annoying and makes it hard to like him as a character. The show portrays him as an actual functioning human being for once which is great.

idk im no screenwriter either but a lot of shyt been feeling stiff and forced as hell this past season. :yeshrug:


May 10, 2012
The Swamp
His screenwriting professors that most likely never had anything reach the screen. Yeah, i had a professor in my coding class that would complain endlessly about how sloppy retail programs were coded, yet if you looked up his credentials it was with software nobody ever heard of and if you could find it, it was reviewed to be shyt.

I like that they actually let Sam make a decision for once, everything doesn't have to be about Jon Snow and his decisions. In the book all Sam does is whine and cry, its very annoying and makes it hard to like him as a character. The show portrays him as an actual functioning human being for once which is great.

I can't stand Sam in the book. Real talk, he's the most self-loathing character I've ever seen, and it's super annoying. I don't need to read about him being a fat POS in every chapter.

"I'm such a craven :sadbron:"

He's basically a lateral character in the books while the show has actually showed him building confidence as the story goes on. You would think killing a White Walker would add some pep to your step, but not to GRRM :beli:


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
idk im no screenwriter either but a lot of shyt been feeling stiff and forced as hell this past season. :yeshrug:

IMO this was the problem. Books 4 and 5 are filled with long stretches of awful filler, so all of that had to be removed. They also introduce a lot of new side characters, which after the excitement of book 3 really slow the pace of the story down to a crawl. So you have 2 books filled with characters nobody has heard of with plots that have no climax or ending, thats a disaster for a tv show. I also picked up a vibe that the writers didnt want to pass the books this season, maybe they were doing this as a favor to book readers, GRRM, or just wanted to keep things true to the source. I dont know, but its clear if they wanted to provide a conclusion to any of these cliffhangers they could but chose not to. And these are the type of cliffhangers that you cant have happen in episode 5 or 6 and just leave them alone for the rest of the year. They had to take place in the last episode. Now you end up with a situation where you dont want to pass the book and actually advance the plot but you dont really have enough good material to put on the air. So you make shyt up, stretch out some storylines, and create artificial villains so you will have something that can keep an audiences attention until next year.

The Watcher

Judging you from afar
Dec 2, 2014
I can't stand Sam in the book. Real talk, he's the most self-loathing character I've ever seen, and it's super annoying. I don't need to read about him being a fat POS in every chapter.

"I'm such a craven :sadbron:"

He's basically a lateral character in the books while the show has actually showed him building confidence as the story goes on. You would think killing a White Walker would add some pep to your step, but not to GRRM :beli:

Book Sam is the worst. Even his sex scene was depressing and lame.

Although I laughed hard when he ran up on that Night's Watch singer that deserted in the whore house and started swinging. The descriptions of the fight that the whores were giving to Arya after the fact were too funny :russ:


Mar 18, 2013
IMO this was the problem. Books 4 and 5 are filled with long stretches of awful filler, so all of that had to be removed. They also introduce a lot of new side characters, which after the excitement of book 3 really slow the pace of the story down to a crawl. So you have 2 books filled with characters nobody has heard of with plots that have no climax or ending, thats a disaster for a tv show. I also picked up a vibe that the writers didnt want to pass the books this season, maybe they were doing this as a favor to book readers, GRRM, or just wanted to keep things true to the source. I dont know, but its clear if they wanted to provide a conclusion to any of these cliffhangers they could but chose not to. And these are the type of cliffhangers that you cant have happen in episode 5 or 6 and just leave them alone for the rest of the year. They had to take place in the last episode. Now you end up with a situation where you dont want to pass the book and actually advance the plot but you dont really have enough good material to put on the air. So you make shyt up, stretch out some storylines, and create artificial villains so you will have something that can keep an audiences attention until next year.

i agree with that :leon:

but that doesnt excuse a lot of the stupid little details that they fukk up like making stannis a completely inept battle commander.

so dudes creep up on winterfell and do not see an entire army of cavalry riding towards them until they are too close to make battle formation? :comeon: if they had ramsey and his goons hiding in the trees or if they had a trap like a pit full of spikes buried under the snow then i could buy it but tf

and daario supposed to be the captain of a 2000 man sellsword company that has completely disappeared from the show. all they need is like 5 extras to surround daario to show they still around.

little shyt like that annoys me more than anything because it isnt money related like CGI issues(ghost not being around for example) its just shyt they seem to not notice.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Dudes still cant seperate the show from the books. How many times does GRRM have to tell you? Its been the same mantra for years.

The reddit echo chamber does not allow for equal footing on rebuttals. @The Watcher broke down a nice rebuttal so Im not gonna bother to expand since Im on my phone

There is no question that some of these changes and pacing are like :dwillhuh:.....but most of the changes outside of Stannis are so insignificant in the big picture

Its people going into episodes with personal expectations, and those expectations not being met.

Last time I checked, didn't GRRM have some major pacing issues with his own story? Now try and rearrange 7 episodes of plot spread out over 30 episodes of book text into 10 episodes of television with the final result leaving you in a place that you can wrap up 30 more episodes worth of text into 20 episodes

Confusing? Imagine the writers struggles


Mar 18, 2013
Dudes still cant seperate the show from the books. How many times does GRRM have to tell you? Its been the same mantra for years.

The reddit echo chamber does not allow for equal footing on rebuttals. @The Watcher broke down a nice rebuttal so Im not gonna bother to expand since Im on my phone

There is no question that some of these changes and pacing are like :dwillhuh:.....but most of the changes outside of Stannis are so insignificant in the big picture

Its people going into episodes with personal expectations, and those expectations not being met.

Last time I checked, didn't GRRM have some major pacing issues with his own story? Now try and rearrange 7 episodes of plot spread out over 30 episodes of book text into 10 episodes of television with the final result leaving you in a place that you can wrap up 30 more episodes worth of text into 20 episodes

Confusing? Imagine the writers struggles
Lets not get it twisted though....i personally would have loved a word for word adaptation that lasted 12 seasons. I would have happily watched Brienne roam the Riverlands chatting with the small folk. I would have happily watch it take 3-4 seasons for Doran to reveal his plan to Arianne.

But lets be realistic here

i try but i can only separate the 2 but so far without feeling disappointment in things that are supposed to be epic. yea its my expectations that could use some tempering but damn some things are just unnecessarily made shytty.

im not asking for a 12 season word for word adaptation, but theres no reason to fully waste dorne the way they did. some of it is bad writing more than adaptation problems.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
i try but i can only separate the 2 but so far without feeling disappointment in things that are supposed to be epic. yea its my expectations that could use some tempering but damn some things are just unnecessarily made shytty.

im not asking for a 12 season word for word adaptation, but theres no reason to fully waste dorne the way they did. some of it is bad writing more than adaptation problems.

Dorne was horrible. No question. But how is it a waste? Didnt they just murder a Lannister princess? Seems pretty monumental to me.

Stannis death was a problem for me too, but we dont even know if he's dead or how this effects the truly important character in that arc (Mel)

I get ya man, not saying there is no room for disappointment. But 6/10?

This is how my disappointment goes:

"The Children" should have been the GOAT episode of TV ever. It wasnt.

"Mothers Mercy" should have been a 10/10 episode. It wasn't.

Too many people go past that and wanna act like the sky is falling.

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
I go into every screen adaptation expecting disappointment and I'm rarely off

Makes it all more enjoyable since there's no pressure on it to outperform the books that made me love the story to begin with


Mar 18, 2013
Dorne was horrible. No question. But how is it a waste? Didnt they just murder a Lannister princess? Seems pretty monumental to me.

Stannis death was a problem for me too, but we dont even know if he's dead or how this effects the truly important character in that arc (Mel)

I get ya man, not saying there is no room for disappointment. But 6/10?

This is how my disappointment goes:

"The Children" should have been the GOAT episode of TV ever. It wasnt.

"Mothers Mercy" should have been a 10/10 episode. It wasn't.

Too many people go past that and wanna act like the sky is falling.

they killed the princess, but dorne's purpose is bigger than that. doran had a bigger plan and he comes off as nothing more than a crippled lord who gets undermined by his brother's b*stard wife and b*stard daughters and kisses lannister ass. maybe next season we get the big fire and blood reveal but who will this plan be executed with? he gonna forgive the sand snakes and ellaria again and send them to initiate his revenge plot? this is where arianne could have been useful.

if i rewatch it again, i may up my scoring to a 7/10, but when the episode was over i felt disappointed :manny:

the only thing that bothered me about the children was the jason and the argonauts vs super mario scene.

this season left a lot to be desired to me, but it was still must see tv. im starting to wish i never read the goddamn books til after the show was over.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
they killed the princess, but dorne's purpose is bigger than that. doran had a bigger plan and he comes off as nothing more than a crippled lord who gets undermined by his brother's b*stard wife and b*stard daughters and kisses lannister ass. maybe next season we get the big fire and blood reveal but who will this plan be executed with? he gonna forgive the sand snakes and ellaria again and send them to initiate his revenge plot? this is where arianne could have been useful.

if i rewatch it again, i may up by scoring to a 7/10, but when the episode was over i felt disappointed :manny:

the only thing that bothered me about the children was the jason and the argonauts vs super mario fiasco.

this season left a lot to be desired to me, but it was still must see tv. im starting to wish i never read the goddamn books til after the show was over.

Show Doran vs. Book Doran

Different characters, different motivations

Quentyn doesnt exist. The Fire and Blood plot may or may not exist.

Book, show, book, show, book, show

You are expecting him to be something that he is not.

He may also still have the Fire and Blood plot next season anyway. He could reveal a big plan to get Trystane into the capital that went awry with Oberyns death and Ellaria's betrayal


May 17, 2012
Show Doran vs. Book Doran

Different characters, different motivations

Quentyn doesnt exist. The Fire and Blood plot may or may not exist.

Book, show, book, show, book, show

You are expecting him to be something that he is not.

He may also still have the Fire and Blood plot next season anyway. He could reveal a big plan to get Trystane into the capital that went awry with Oberyns death and Ellaria's betrayal

Expectations aside, he's just a weak ass character to this point.:yeshrug:
Everybody from Dorne outside of Oberyn was.:ld:


Mar 18, 2013
Show Doran vs. Book Doran

Different characters, different motivations

Quentyn doesnt exist. The Fire and Blood plot may or may not exist.

Book, show, book, show, book, show

You are expecting him to be something that he is not.

He may also still have the Fire and Blood plot next season anyway. He could reveal a big plan to get Trystane into the capital that went awry with Oberyns death and Ellaria's betrayal

ok but why do a book adaptation if you gonna completely change a character and his motivations? u gotta expect people will have problems with it. everybody realizes things need to be changed to fit logistically which is why there werent as many complaints from season 1 thru 3 as there have been these last 2.

i got no problem with the ironborn being cut out even tho i liked their story, but skipping over balon's death?

no problem with combining all the sellsword companies that dany aquires into 1, but making the second sons disappear?

etc etc

cant expect people to not voice their gripes at this point