What do you think the chances are LSH ends up in the show at some point? Maybe a teaser in 10?
Also, from the brief fan description of GRRM's appearance this weekend, he is less than thrilled about the Sansa rape, and he teased that R+L=J might not be true, in relation to Jon being at the TOJ anyway. IDK, I guess we will have to wait for more accounts from fans that were there.
I wrote off LSH long ago when Michelle Fairley herself said it wasnt happening, but it is never 100% until D&D say so
I think the swerve is going to be whatever happens to Shireen....whatever scene it is where Selyse is falling down crying in the trailer
I dont think we will see any other swerves. This is whats left in my opinion based on pace and foreshadowing:
-wildlings vs white walkers at Hardhome
- Cersei penance walk
-robert strong introduction
-daznaks pit
-dany meeting khalasaar
-jon stabbed
-varys killing pycele/kevan
-shireen potential death
-arya kills trant
-theon rescues sansa
-brienne either meets stannis or helps with sansa
-balon killed
Thats a pretty packed 3 episodes