There was a post a couple of months back that had a letter written by GRRM himself to his editor. This was years ago, as he was starting to write AGOT, and was sending in the first couple of chapters to his editor along with his letter outlining his plan for the series at that point.
Let it be said that a lot has changed since that time. Originally it was going to be a trilogy: A Game of Thrones, A Dance with Dragons, The Winds of Winter.
A Game of Thrones was meant to cover the material covered up to the end of ASOS. Then there was going to be a five year gap in the story, where it picks up with Dany's invasion of Westeros in ADWD. Finally, when the country was pretty well ruined, the Others would invade in TWOW.
The truth is, after five books (FIVE!), we're still only up to the beginning of the second book in his original plan. Not a comforting thought for those who doubt the series will ever be finished.