This shyt straying further and further from the books this season
They got no other choice. Martin slow as hell getting the next books out, and the show has caught up with him.
This shyt straying further and further from the books this season
Show could've drawn it out. At this point they gonna end up telling the story so far by seasons end. That's TWO BOOKS done in a seasonThey got no other choice. Martin slow as hell getting the next books out, and the show has caught up with him.
I may be wrong, but if you chop off the affected parts, it stops the spread of the disease right? i have no clue why Joncon is walking around endangering the lives of his whole army and the love of his life's son. chop that shyt off.I think so. Read an interesting theory a few weeks back with the show emphasizing grey scale, this may mean that Jon Connington brings the plague to Westeros & that brings the downfall of Aegon.
Episode 8: Jon get stabbed at Hardhome
Episode 9: His body gets returned to Castle Black
Episode 10: Stannis gets killed at Winterfell (probably by Brienne after beating the Boltons). Melisandre will burn Shireen and ask the Lord of Light to revive Azor Ahai (thinking its Stannis). Back at Castle Black Jon rises instead, revealing him as the real AA.
That's my theory anyways. They're definitely foreshadowing something with Shireen/Melisandre and Melisandre/Jon and made it a point to bring Shireen along with them. There is also a scene in the Season 5 trailer with Selyse losing her shyt which I think is her reaction to Shireen being burned. Actually now that I think about it, they've been playing up the Davos/Shireen relationship, maybe he kills Melisandre after she burns Shireen?
Episode 8: Jon get stabbed at Hardhome
Episode 9: His body gets returned to Castle Black
Episode 10: Stannis gets killed at Winterfell (probably by Brienne after beating the Boltons). Melisandre will burn Shireen and ask the Lord of Light to revive Azor Ahai (thinking its Stannis). Back at Castle Black Jon rises instead, revealing him as the real AA.
That's my theory anyways. They're definitely foreshadowing something with Shireen/Melisandre and Melisandre/Jon and made it a point to bring Shireen along with them. There is also a scene in the Season 5 trailer with Selyse losing her shyt which I think is her reaction to Shireen being burned. Actually now that I think about it, they've been playing up the Davos/Shireen relationship, maybe he kills Melisandre after she burns Shireen?
link breh
and they went and wasted Valyria for nothing huh
what was the point of even saying they were there, why not just say "oh yeah, this is volantis/the rhoyne/some other place that doesn't even play into the show"? why make the most mysterious place (besides skagos?) in the whole environs look like an old colonial city in the caribbean? no fire, no demons, no smoke, nothing
unless they just told us what the book will eventually get to, that what we know of The Doom is 100% false![]()
...fukk Jorah being Connington....and wtf say that's Valyria!!!!????...when it aint
...get to Pyke and Oldtown already![]()
Episode 8: Jon get stabbed at Hardhome
Episode 9: His body gets returned to Castle Black
Episode 10: Stannis gets killed at Winterfell (probably by Brienne after beating the Boltons). Melisandre will burn Shireen and ask the Lord of Light to revive Azor Ahai (thinking its Stannis). Back at Castle Black Jon rises instead, revealing him as the real AA.
That's my theory anyways. They're definitely foreshadowing something with Shireen/Melisandre and Melisandre/Jon and made it a point to bring Shireen along with them. There is also a scene in the Season 5 trailer with Selyse losing her shyt which I think is her reaction to Shireen being burned. Actually now that I think about it, they've been playing up the Davos/Shireen relationship, maybe he kills Melisandre after she burns Shireen?
Show could've drawn it out. At this point they gonna end up telling the story so far by seasons end. That's TWO BOOKS done in a season
Episode 8: Jon get stabbed at Hardhome
Episode 9: His body gets returned to Castle Black
Episode 10: Stannis gets killed at Winterfell (probably by Brienne after beating the Boltons). Melisandre will burn Shireen and ask the Lord of Light to revive Azor Ahai (thinking its Stannis). Back at Castle Black Jon rises instead, revealing him as the real AA.
That's my theory anyways. They're definitely foreshadowing something with Shireen/Melisandre and Melisandre/Jon and made it a point to bring Shireen along with them. There is also a scene in the Season 5 trailer with Selyse losing her shyt which I think is her reaction to Shireen being burned. Actually now that I think about it, they've been playing up the Davos/Shireen relationship, maybe he kills Melisandre after she burns Shireen?
why would brienne kill stannis though?
why would brienne kill stannis though?
yeah i get it. the only way i like that small change is if it's an allusion to book readers discovering that Valyria is not what we've been told it is post-Doom
In the show the Stone Men live in Valaryia. Stannis said that last week when he was talking to Shireen
“Everyone advised me to send you to the ruins of Valyria to live out your short life with the Stone Men before the sickness spread through the castle . . . You did not belong across the world with the bloody Stone Men.”