I feel like you'll have trouble avoiding news about the show. I mean you go to say the LA Times website a day after the show and BAM there's a headline about what happened. Its pretty much everywhere. Even if you try to avoid spoiling yourself it can still happen accidentally.
She's eeeeaaaaaasily my least favorite major character in the book. But this makes me ask a question. I read GRRM say maybe he should have made Robb a POV character. Does anyone think the story would have been better served with Robb as a POV rather than Cat?
Nah, it made Robb's rise to power more heroic. The fact that we don't know his internal feelings and thoughts. It also made his downfall all the more sudden and tragic...he just come's back with some random thot from the west talking about he LUUUUH her....the collective wtf was more potent that way.
I do think that epi 9 will but the Fighting pits episode and Dany's flight off drogon. If they skip Aegon entirely i could see that. But I do wish to see Barristan and Missandei running Mereen for an epi or two. Barristan said watching her think was like seeing Varys and Littlefinger trapped in a little girls body....