dennis roadman
nuclear war in my bag
I'll tell you why! Because he was a true hero. He didn't care about family legacy, his legacy, revenge, personal gain, honoring his marriage, pleasing anyone in the seven kingdoms. He did what he felt he had to do to save the world at great sacrifice.
The only solace we take is his family's enemies met fukked up ends. One killed on a toilet, one got two daughters killed and a son imprisoned, one killed by what amounts to a wild pig, one poisoned and killed by his wife, another beheaded by his bff's "son" with his own son killed in a failed rebellion and his ancestral home taken over by his family's historic rivals. All we have is the misfortune of others.
True, true. Its like Young Money to Cash Money. I think. Maybe?

and this is acceptable i guess, being a rhaegar stan is the westerosi equivalent of being a jazz vinyl collector who dresses like this