Enough white hoes to last me thru ATL
With all these character cuts I doubt Aegon getting introduced
With all these character cuts I doubt Aegon getting introduced
I like the theory that trystane will actually be "aegon" in the show
It just dawned on me today how fukked up Jeyne Poole's life is brehs
After her father's death in King's Landing, Littlefinger tells Cersei that he will take care of her. Knowing him, that means that she spent a few years in his brothel and Littlefinger doesn't seem like the type of guy to offer free room and board. She was an eleven year old sex slave. And then she has to pretend to be Arya and marries Ramsay Bolton of all people. When Ramsay asks her if she knows how to please a man she says that she has been taught and we see that she has scars on her back from being whipped. The only thing she's ever done bad was tease the real Arya when they were back in Winterfell. She didn't deserve all that
life aint shyt for the small folks in the 7 kingdomsYeah, an emotion I often felt reading these books is pity. Theon and Brienne especially. Arya until she turned killa as well. Their lives are so harsh yer just like,"Damn . . ."
Reading the part where Stannis and his men are on their way to Winterfell and motherfukkers are dying left and right from the cold was crazy. Soldiers just sittin' their asses down in the snow cause they couldn't go on anymore, horses dying and being ate. shyt would seem hopeless if I was in that situation.I used to love reading chapters where people were trekking through the woods in the cold. George is so good at describing those feelings of being cold and hungry and tired that those chapters would always put me to sleep. Not in a bored way but I would feel the characters weariness and go to bed like "damn poor Arya"
Reading the part where Stannis and his men are on their way to Winterfell and motherfukkers are dying left and right from the cold was crazy. Soldiers just sittin' their asses down in the snow cause they couldn't go on anymore, horses dying and being ate. shyt would seem hopeless if I was in that situation.
I'm from Winnipeg, Canada and I've seen -40 celsius winters. I've gotten frostbit on my hands when I was young. Its no joke.Whenever it's snowing and I'm walking through it i always think of stannis and his army or of the nights watch and their range up north in the 2nd book. I can't picture being strong enough to last long in that world, at least not in the north when it's cold. I can't stand it when it's just in the 20s imagine being at hardhome your whole life lol.