Damn...Glad GRRM went in all types of different directions with this ish. That original outline is crazy.
In the Hedge Knight, Dunk and Egg go to a tourney held at Ashford to celebrate Lord Ashford's daughter's 13th name-day. Lady Ashford has 5 champions fighting on her behalf and anyone who defeats a champion ends up replacing their opponent as a champion for Lady Ashford. In the end, the 5 champions who end up defending Lady Ashford are:
When you look at the names of the champions' families and the fact they fight for a 13 year old maid, especially with the family Hardyng, we find out that they correspond strongly with Sansa's suitors in A Song of Ice and Fire.
- Lyonel Baratheon
- Leo Tyrell
- Tybolt Lannister
- Humfrey Hardyng
- Prince Valarr Targaryen
The fact that GRRM put Hardyng in that mix is what really makes me think this is a sly foreshadowing of Sansa's future husband/suitors in TWOW and beyond. But, there's one suitor that we have yet to see, the Targaryen suitor (foreshadowed by Valarr Targaryen).
- Sansa's first betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon
- Sansa's then planned to be wed to Willas Tyrell
- Sansa's married to Tyrion Lannister
- Sansa's now being betrothed to Harry Hardyng
I feel like Jon/Sansa wedding pact is going to be a 'thing' at some point in the books now.
After R+L=J is revealed, Sansa will be matched with him for marraige. Either as an end game, or at some other point in the book ending tragically.
Why do I think this? Well first off, Jon/Sansa was something that had been speculated in the past just for its narrative value. There are parralels in their story and personal development, plus the issue of inheriting Winterfell and/or the Seven Kingdoms, that allow it to make sense thematically.
But beyond the narrative value, I now think there is enough evidence to at least make this a legit theory. This GRRM outline very clearly makes it seem like Jon/Arya/Tyrion love triangle was a noteworthy part of the story. We know that isn't the case now that Arya has taken a differnent path. But perhaps GRRM replaced it with Jon/Sansa/Tyrion? Sansa and Tyrion are already married, so 2/3rds of the love triangle is already in place.
The second piece of information that lends to to the theory is the "Fifth Suitor Theory" which is based off of the events at the tournament at Ashford in Dunk & Egg. I always found this to be an interesting theory, but its original intent was to provide evidence of a Sansa/Aegon connection. But it can just as easily be used to provide evidence of a Jon/Sansa connection.
Read the theory below:
Team Jansa in full effect
Link to this outline?
I read it but i didn't click the links
Did you even bother to read just a couple posts back bruh
This Game of Thrones fandom is surreal. I remember exchanging emails with GRRM like 12-13 years ago, and people ignoring me when I pushed them to read ASOIAF.![]()
According to GRRM we will be getting deaths this season for characters still alive in the books
I know that for years he has made a big deal about minor shyt like that Dothraki rider being killed and Marillion getting his tongue cut out, so on one hand his comments could be for fairly insignificant characters like Pyp and Grenn last year.
Or, he could be referring to middle of the road characters like we got when Jojen died last year. This could include people like Grey Worm, a Sand Snake, more Nights Watch, Tormund, etc
He could also be referring to major characters who aren't endgame important.....someone like Bronn or LORDGAWDHAVEMERCYANDFORBID Queen Shireen
The question is, where on the end-game-importance scale do people like Barristan, Jaime, Stannis, etc lie?? Can they be killed already? Only GRRM and D&D can answer that
According to GRRM we will be getting deaths this season for characters still alive in the books
I know that for years he has made a big deal about minor shyt like that Dothraki rider being killed and Marillion getting his tongue cut out, so on one hand his comments could be for fairly insignificant characters like Pyp and Grenn last year.
Or, he could be referring to middle of the road characters like we got when Jojen died last year. This could include people like Grey Worm, a Sand Snake, more Nights Watch, Tormund, etc
He could also be referring to major characters who aren't endgame important.....someone like Bronn or LORDGAWDHAVEMERCYANDFORBID Queen Shireen
The question is, where on the end-game-importance scale do people like Barristan, Jaime, Stannis, etc lie?? Can they be killed already? Only GRRM and D&D can answer that
I doubt they'll kill off a POV character that isn't already dead in the books.